Status: right now my ideas are everywhere and real random so it might suck now but when i figure out what to do it will be AWESOME!!! just be patient humans?! the way these pic in the layout DO NOT belong to me they are pics i found on photobucket

Demons and Angels: An Un-Found Origin

Across This New Divide

He knew me well enough to know that whenever I pinned you against a wall that I meant business. I have a bad habit of pinning people up against things if you haven’t noticed by now.

So because he was my best friend, I let him go.

He shook off and fixed his clothes.

“What can you tell me?” I asked with an apologetic face

“It’s cool. What I can tell you is that who was visiting was….” He trailed off

“Was what?” I asked becoming anxious again

He must’ve sensed it because he admitted, “They didn’t tell me anything but I do know that they were looking for somebody and they though that you might have been hiding them. They asked me if I knew you but I lied and said no. they didn’t even suspected me because I am--”

I laughed, “You’re the best liar ever.”

He smiled. Caleb was a great liar but the only person he couldn’t lie to was me because I knew him better than he knew himself.

“Believe me I wish that I could tell you everything but it’s too risky. I already have to find a way to get rid of your scent just in case he visits again.” He said putting his head in his hands for a second

“Well then, I guess I better leave and make this easier.”

He reached out to me, “No you don’t need to do that.”

“No, no I don’t think that I should stay…’ll just make things harder for you.” I said beginning to walk to the door.

“You know if you need anything….I’m right here for you.” Said Caleb

I nodded knowing that he meant what he said. I knew that he would do whatever it took to protect me. His best friend.

I took his hand, pulling him into a hug. When I pulled away, looking into his eyes. They were a golden brown with red on the edges.

I had never noticed how his eyes looked but suddenly they were getting closer and closer.

His top lip brushed mine, butterflies came into me and I pulled away.

“Um, that will only, um, make the scent harder to get rid of and I……. think that I should leave now.” I sped away and headed to my bike, forgetting about what had just happened so easily.

I scowled myself for leading him on again. I knew that I didn’t want a relationship and it did no good to pretend that I did.

I hopped on turning on Eminem’s Sing for the Moment. As I headed down the high way I sang along to the lyrics, wondering who would want to look for me and watch me.

These kinds of things never really happened to me since I was turned. I hadn’t really done nothing wrong, I kept my secret very well, never let a trail. What could be the issue?

That phone call was the only real clue that I really had and there was nothing else I could do but wait and hope that they call again.

I knew that Elijah was involved in this somehow and I knew it was because of what he was.

No one knew though so how was him wanting information about him possible?

So many questions, no answers.

After Lose Yourself by Eminem had gone off I was at the house and hopped off putting it in the garage.

I unlocked the door and headed into the house wanting a beer.

Of course as I had expected, Angel Boy was still there.

“I thought I told you to leave.” I said pulling a beer out of the refrigerator.

“I thought I told you why I couldn’t.” He said sounding proud of what he said

“Look….,” I said turning to him, “I don’t have the time nor the patience to deal with this crap so just tell me! What will it take to get you out of here?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I already told you, you have to change. Or you could repay your sin some way.”

“I already know that. I mean is there a loophole of some type? I know that there has to be some way out of this.”

I gulped down the beer in three seconds flat. The taste was faded as was everything else.

“Nope.” He said, “I didn’t know you drank beer. Can you even taste that?”

I shook my head.

I don’t like drinking blood all the time. After a while the taste gets boring but I still want it. It’s like a druggie wanting drugs all the time even though they are ready to quit. It’s something that makes me hate being a vampire!

I have tried everything to taste food so I can eat something besides blood.

“I think I can help you with that….if you let me stay.” I really wish he would stop reading my mind.

“I don’t need your help, I need you gone.” I said throwing the can into the garbage. I made a perfect shot as always.

“Well I’m willing to make a small wager.”

Suddenly angel boy had my attention. At this point I was ready to do anything to get this kid out of my house.

I have already killed many times so what could he possibly make me do?

Only one way to find out….

“Like what?” I said making sure to use my superhuman hearing abilities.

“Well if you can beat me in a fight, then I will leave. If not, I stay here and help you with whatever it is you’re trying to reverse.”

I stood there for a minute, “You’ll leave and never come back?”

He nodded and stuck his hand out, “Deal?”

I looked at his hand wondering if I could find a loophole in this should I lose.

“You can’t double cross an angel.” He said with his hand still out, “So do we have a deal?”
I took his hand looked at him and replied, “Deal.”

There was a small white light that lit between our hands, after that faded then I felt a force intertwining our hands as one then releasing them at one point.

My hand was still tingling when I pulled it away.

He chuckled, “that’s nothing. You should see what happens when you’re selling your soul.”

I rubbed my tingling hand, chuckled sarcastically and walked away.

“So,” he said following me, “Where are we going to do this?”

“I know the perfect place.” I sped upstairs and flew back down.

“Come with me.” I said swinging the keys in my hand

We walked out to my three car garage and I pulled the door up.

I stared, proud of my beautiful Mercedes Benz.

I remember the day I got this car….I had traded one of my bikes with a herder to get it. You don’t understand how proud I was the day that I got that car.

“Wow.” Said Elijah

“I know you wish you had this car.” I said sliding into the front seat.

Elijah carefully slid in the passenger seat beside me

I sped off into the night, happy for the chance to get this angel off my hands.

I let Elijah play DJ on my radio for a while. As it turns out he has never heard human music.

Not that I cared but I did explain to him that there were different types of music and people who make music I let him sample some of the genres. I even told him that there were genres within a genre.

We listened to two Eminem songs, one Evanescence song, two Rihanna’s, one Black Veil Brides song and a Linkin park song.

He loved Linkin park and next thing I know we’re singing New Divide together in the car, I was just sitting there mumbling the lyrics but still singing but Angel Boy was singing it like he was on stage in front of thousands of people. We sang the lyrics up until the guitar solo then we let the guitar solo go.

“How did they make this?” he asked over the music

“They used instruments and computers.” I answered pulling into the place where I wanted to go

“Wow when you lose this bet I want you to show me what this stuff is.” He said laughing

“Yeah we will see.” I said, “Let’s go.”

We got out of the car on the grass and bean to walk through the darkness of the night. The sounds of fighting became louder as we got closer.

I didn’t know if Elijah could hear it but it sounded like a soulless and a werewolf. The werewolf was losing, which came as a shock to me.

“Where are we?” he asked

“It’s a place for people like……me. There are all kinds of creatures here from werewolves to soulless’. I don’t think they allow angels here so keep a low profile and if anyone asks you’re a mutant.”

“A mutant?” he asked looking confused, “What is a mutant, exactly?”

“Honestly, do you angels know anything?,” I said rolling my eyes, “A person who has mysterious powers that work with or against nature. You need to go to the movies

“Whatever.” He continued to walk beside me

“You haven’t been to the movies yet?” I asked

“Where would I find the time to see a movie? I did have work to do at the time!” He replied

“Don’t get smart with me…I knock people’s teeth out for that.” I said making a fist in his face

We finally got to the door and the bouncer was there.
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did some more editing again!!!! i think i am on a roll here dudes!! title credits go to Linkin Park's New Divide