Status: right now my ideas are everywhere and real random so it might suck now but when i figure out what to do it will be AWESOME!!! just be patient humans?! the way these pic in the layout DO NOT belong to me they are pics i found on photobucket

Demons and Angels: An Un-Found Origin

Feels Like The Weight Of The World

I don’t know how far or long I ran but the next thing I know I was outside of my friend Autumn’s house.

Autumn was one of those friends that you could always count on for a party.

With her blue hair and thin lips followed by her bright personality, she was someone to love and someone to keep around. When we first met I thought she was spoiled and stuck up.
Caleb and I were living in the same house and she found him after she was turned. He was nice enough to take her in against my wishes. I thought she was some spoiled rich girl who just thought she wanted immortality but bit off more than she could chewed.

Then Caleb had to leave for some weird reason and we were stuck in the house alone. One movie night was all it took and the rest is history….

“Hey!!” she squealed as she opened the door

“Hi, Autumn.” I said giving her a hug.

She practically pulled me into the house and threw me on the couch.

Autumn was very thin and delicate looking, but that didn’t fool me because I knew how strong she was and how scary she can get when someone upsets her. I remember one time she knocked down a tree in the forest…classic moment.

Anyway, she was Asian-American but more American than Asian and she was not that much taller than I was. Her nails never went undone and her clothes were never out of style.

Today she had on all purple. She had on a purple dress with purple pumps and purple jewelry. Her nail were the exact same shade of her purple dress. I really don’t know where she gets her nail polish or how she gets it in the same shade as her clothes.

“Girl I can’t wait for your b-day! I have so much stuff planned for us!!”

I laughed, “I’m sure you do!! When don’t you have something planned for an event? Then even when you don’t you still manage to do a good job.”

She hit my arm playfully, “That’s not true!”

“It’s not?,” I folded my arms, “what about that party that was at the college that nobody planned and you just came in and took over because the people that were planning it just sucked? You almost killed one of the girls because of the color that she chose for the balloons! BALLOONS!!”

She shrugged her shoulders, “what kind of color is eggshell purple? It made me mad.”

We sat around for about an hour talking and joking around about any and everything.

Then we started plan my birthday party, looking at different clubs and picking out decorations.

Finally we settled on a club called The Thirty Second and she said that she would handle the decorations and party favors.

“Don’t worry.” She said, “You just worry about looking good that night okay?”

I leaned my head in my hands, “Remind me why I am celebrating this again? I mean I hate being a vampire and I am not even sure if this is my actual birthday.”

Suddenly I heard her refrigerator open and close. Suddenly my guard went up and I sped into the kitchen. Was there someone with Autumn too?

When I got into the kitchen I called out, “Whose there?”

Then I saw the cabinet close and that Caleb was getting a cup.

I let my guard down but not all the way.

“What are you doing here?” I asked

“My house is being worked on so I’m staying here for a while…”

I turned to leave but he pulled my arm and asked me could we talk.

“About what?”

He took a deep breath, “Last night.”

“What last night? There was no last night! I was home last night!! Have you been drinking because I don’t remember--”

“Calm down….last night at my house….after you let me off the wall? I’m talking about this…….” He came closer to me

His lip brushed mine…..I wanted to kiss him but…..

“I can’t Caleb…it’s just….it wouldn’t-wouldn’t be right.”

I looked down at my feet. That didn’t stop him; he pulled me face until I was looking up at him.

“You’ll never know until you try.” He whispered.

This time I didn’t stop or pull away. I let him full on kiss me.

It was a passionate and beautiful kiss. Our mouths were with harmony with each other.

My dead, un-beating heart dropped into my stomach as I wrapped my hands around the back of his head….locking his kisses into me.

His tongue tasted of fresh blood with a faint sugary scent.

When he began to pull away, I made a small begging sound letting him know that I wasn’t finished.

He had to pull his hands from my waist and force me away.

“Okay, we tried.” I said

“And?” he hoped smiling

“And…I think that I should go.” I said turning to leave.

“Wait!! So that’s just it, huh?” he said speeding and blocking my path, “So you’re just going to kiss me and leave me like that?”

“It…..I just think it’s time for me to go! I have things to do.”

“Wow you’re so typical. Why do you think that it’s okay to hide how you feel from someone?!”

“It…..i just think it’s time for me to go! I have things to do.”

“Wow you’re so typical. Why do you think that it’s okay to hide how you feel from someone?!”

“There are no other feelings. You are my friend! Nothing more, nothing less.”

“Oh please!! You and I both know that there is something more than friends is trying to happen.

I knew that deep down he was right. All the time we had been friends I had been feeling this….I didn’t know how to explain it. I tried to ignore it and some days it was pretty easy but most days I just needed to get away.

He could sense that I was thinking about this and leaned forward to kiss me again.

I pushed him away.

“Look.” He said, “Just admit. I feel it too I know you feel something for me.”

I pulled him aside and pushed him into the wall, “Just….let…….go.”

I knew what I did had officially made him angry, “Why? So you can run away from how you know you feel about me?!”

“I don’t have any feelings for you!!!” I yelled, “I thought that I did but I don’t.”

“Oh my God! Are you seriously going to lie to yourself now?! I mean, I understand lying to me and Autumn and everyone else….but to yourself?”

He pointed a finger in my face, “That’s just pathetic!”

“Get your finger out my face.” I hissed

“Admit that you love me and I will.” He said not moving his finger

I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I punched one of my very best friends in the face.

His nose began to bleed and his lips bled too.

“Alright, alright…I think I understand now.” He said, grabbing a towel and wiping the blood from his face, “You’re just afraid.”

“I’m not afraid of anything.” I said as I walked out of the kitchen

“Bye Autumn. Sorry to leave so soon but I can’t be here right now.” I said pulling her into a tight hug.

“You’re leaving? Why?” her smile drooped just a little.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

She nodded and waved me out of the door.

When the door was closed I sped off into the sunny afternoon.

My mind was racing with anger!! How could he say that? I just kissed him. I mean it wasn’t a huge deal, a kiss is nothing!! Nothing. And for him to call me pathetic, how could he?! My best friend called me pathetic after he kissed me! I didn’t even want to kiss him. Kissing him means that I let him in and I promised myself that I wouldn’t ever do something like that.

Letting someone in leads to pain and I already have enough of that.

Also he should be smart enough to know that something like this could hurt our friendship…..badly.
♠ ♠ ♠
edited some more........finally figured out what is supposed to be going on in the story......


title credits: Evanescence's Weight Of The World