I'm the One in Control

The antidote by Story of the year

Getting out of the shower I rubbed my hair with one of my blue towels and dried myself off with another one. After tugging on my clothes I applied some eyeliner and clear lip gloss and walked out of the bathroom to my room, walking around I pulled on my socks trying not to fall over. Sighing I dragged my feet over to my night stand to pick up my phone and iPod. Walking out of my door I grabbed my Alice nine bag along the way.

Dropping my bag at the front door I walked over to the kitchen table for breakfast, sitting down next to Sayu.

“Do us proud light” mother gushed beaming at my brat of a brother. I rolled my eyes and ignored the rest of the conversation while I planned the entire event that would happen in the next few days or so in my head. Smirking to myself I left the table without a word to anyone, picking my bag up on the way out of the front door, I managed to walked down the street when my best friend Hikaru ran over to me smiling.

“Hey Abby, you ok?” he asked reaching up to me, stopping I smiled back before giving him a brief hug.

“Hey Hikaru” I said my mind still on plotting out everything I was going to do, smirking I looked over to Hikaru.

“Light?” he asked before seeing my evil smirk starting to form. I nodded my head as we started walking again. Stuffing my hands in my pockets I mentally cursed the school for making me wear a skirt. I still wasn’t too sure if I should add Hikaru in on the action yet, from the corner of my eye I looked over to Hikaru smirking, understanding what I was thinking Saki let out a cackling laugh.

“So how has your weekend been?” Hikaru asked turning his eyes from the ground to me.

“Same old, same old… you know me. Watching TV, reading manga, sleeping” ‘killing’ I added in my head, I was only killing off the petty criminals that no one would realise were gone. I was going to start killing the big shots in time; all I had to do, was wait.

“Abby, you’re so lazy. I know you don’t have to study but couldn’t you at least prove to people your intelligent and take the rightful place as number one brainiest?” he asked not removing his calculating gaze from me, he was smart but I wasn’t worried. I would happily claim my title as most intelligent but then my plan wouldn’t work as well as I want and I know I sound all vengeful and obsessed with this but Light will pay for the way he has treated me!

Walking into the school we both said our goodbyes and made our separate ways to class, walking to English I turned my head slightly to look at Saki, whom was trying to avoid people rushing past me.

‘Why do you do that?’ I thought to my shinigami curiously, I had noticed she has done this often but I never really asked her about it.

“I hate the it feels when a human walks through me” she replied glaring down at the weak life forms in front of us, slightly nodding my head telling her I understood I walked through the doorway five minutes late.

“I’m not even going to bother” the teacher muttered as I made my way over to my seat near Light. Sitting down I ignored the numerous pairs of eyes burning into my back and got my stuff out of my bag.

“Abby do you want me to go now?” Saki asked hovering over my desk, moving my head back and slumping in my seat she took that as a yes and flew out of the window, to talk to a curtain shinigami about owing her a favour. Letting a sigh of boredom escape my lips I sat back up and place my elbows on my desk, leaning forward slightly I placed my head in my hands as my mind started to wonder off again to another memory of when I was given my death note.


Sighing angrily I threw my sixteen year old body on my bed and turned over to see Saki float over to me.

“What’s wrong child?” she asked in a motherly way which didn’t really surprise me anymore.

“Stupid Light” I growled out in frustration, rubbing my face with my hands. Saki said nothing, waiting patiently for me to continue.

“I mean it’s all ‘Light this’ ‘Light that’ or ‘Abby why aren’t you like Light’. I’m fed up of it. Anyway at dinner all I got was told off because I’m failing maths, oh but they really couldn’t care that I’m excelling in everything else… hell I’m doing better than Light in my other subjects” I ranted getting up from my bed and started to pace along my wooden floor while Saki’s eyes followed my movement.

“And then Light has the decency to treat me like I’m lower then dirt, I don’t know what to do… Saki what can I do?” I asked turning my attention to her; I was fed up with Light bullying me.

“There is something I haven’t told you about me” she said in a very serious tone, nodding my head I sat up on my bed waiting for her to continue.

“I’m guessing the thought of why I am here has nagged at you from time to time?” she asked as I nodded my head in agreement.

“I would have told you earlier but I didn’t think you were old enough to know. I’m a shinigami” she said and paused waiting for my brain to absorb the information. I nodded my head believing her, after all I had read bits and parts about them last year.

“The shinigami realm is dying out; giving us all nothing to do so four others plus myself watch the human realm. And on the day that I came to you… one of my friends had killed that man but it wasn’t time for him to die and he interrupted something…” Saki trailed off and sighed, I could tell she didn’t really know how to explain it.

“Us shinigami’s each have a death note, to live we write down a humans name and it extends our life but if we interfere like my friend Kyou did then we die by turning into dust” she said sadly handing me a black notebook. Taking it from her hands I examined the thin book, turning the cover over I saw instruction, after briefly reading through them I looked back at Saki.

“The more Kyou watched you through the mirror into your world the more he got attached to you as did myself and Kiyoshi but when he saw that man he lost it and wrote his name down…” she said spitting the word man out with disgust.

“Turning him into dust and dying?” I asked earning me a soft nod and a sorrowful look.

“Because he saved me from dying” I whispered looking down at the floor.

“After he died I took the book and flew down to you, Kiyoshi and I made a promise to each other to always watch out for you. Me here with you and Kiyoshi in the shinigami realm” she said looking down at me with a sad smile.

“In the book I have wrote down all of the rules I know although shinigami’s are not required to tell the owner anything other than the basic rules” she said as I read over all of the rules, once I had finished I looked at her with an evil glint in my eyes.

“But I warn you that once you have wrote a name down, once you die you will not go to heaven or hell” she said looking down at me seriously.

“Also I can give you a trade… you can have the shinigami sight, you will be able to see the name and date of death above someone’s head when you look at them but it comes at a price of half of our lifespan” she said and waited for my answer. Thinking it over carefully I decided not to make the deal.

“No, I don’t want them” I said much to her relief.

Laying down on my bed not really doing anything but stare to the ceiling while I let the information I was given sink in better, a brief idea came to mind for Lights down fall but I was going to need help… a lot of help. Turning to look a Saki a smirked played upon my lips.

End flashback

I was harshly snapped out of my memory by a stick of chalk bouncing off of my head, gritting my teeth together I said nothing and held my head up high trying my hardest to not narrow my eyes at the stupid teacher.

“Pay attention” he bellowed in ok-ish English, rolling my eyes once he had turned back around I sighed lightly in relive once I heard the bell ring. Standing up, I swung my bag onto my back and walked out of the class to see Hikaru waiting for me beside the door.

“How was class?” he asked already knowing the answer. I shrugged my shoulders as we both walked to our next class.