I'm the One in Control

All that's left by Thrice

The end of school couldn’t have come sooner, exhaling I walked out of the main entrance and started my walk home not bothering to wait for Hikaru; anyway I needed to get home.

“ABBY… ABBY WAIT UP” I heard Hikaru shout, stopping I waited for him to catch up, I wanted and needed to get home earlier then Light. Looking down at my watch I huffed annoyed.

“Sorry I was late out… why didn’t you wait for me?” he asked confused and slightly hurt.

“I’m sorry but I need to get home as soon as possible” I said starting to walk again with Hikaru next to me.

“How come?” times like this I really didn’t like Hikaru, he was just a little too nosey and they do say curiosity killed the cat.

“Would you believe me if I said to study?” I asked in an innocent voice making him burst out laughing.

“If I didn’t know you then yes” he manages to get out and snorted making him laughter louder. Rolling my eyes I smirked at how easily distracted he can be. Reaching my house I gave him a brief hug as we said our goodbyes.

“I’M HOME” I shouted into the house only to gain no response I smirked and walked into my room to see Saki sitting down on my bed. Nodding my head at her in a greeting I walked over to my draws and pulled out two High-Tec small recorders, after making sure they worked and installed them both into my laptop and iPod, I made my way over to Lights room. After all I didn’t want to always be having my ear to his wall or door. Looking down the door I saw something in the side of the door.

“Hmm mum would never see it, so it would snap but if I removed it and place it back after and he found out someone had been in his room I would be rumbled” I muttered to myself and entered his room. Looking around I walked over to his desk and planted one recorder under his desk in the far corner out of sight even if you were lying on the floor. Looking around again I hummed to myself as my eyes scanned over the room.

“The curtains” I smirked pulling his chair over and stood on it, placing the other recorder on the end of the curtain rail, out of sight I pushed the chair to exactly where I had found it and walked out of the room closing the door silently behind me. Entering my room I heard the front door close and Light shout out.

“Your timing was perfect” Saki said laughing.

“I try” I smirked back at her.

‘How did it go?’ I thought, hearing Light walk up the stairs.

“Well, he said he wants in and will abide by what you have asked of him. On the account that you will give him apples” Saki said making my smirk turn into a smile, walking over to my TV I turned it on and sat back down on my bed.

‘Hmm but I only guessed he would abide by them… what is the reason he is will to do this?’ I thought to her, I had met Ryuk once before and I knew he was a selfish shinigami.

“For one he wants out of the shinigami realm, too boring for him and he owes me a big favour” she said with an insane smile and glint in her eyes, if I wasn’t so use to it I would have been scared. I nodded my head not pushing her for the answer and the look on her face already told me that I really didn’t need or want to know.

‘When will he drop it?’ I thought not wanting anyone to hear me.

“Light, Abby, We’re home” I faced the door hearing my mum yell from the bottom of the stairs, rolling my eyes I turned my head back to Saki waiting for an answer.

“He will drop it tomorrow morning, ready to be picked up on time” she replied making my smile return. Shifting my weight around on my bed I sat cross legged not taking my eyes off of the TV. I watched with a frown just how rotten the world has become. Opening my death note I looked down at the entire names I had already wrote down and scoffed, they had only obtained in petty crimes. I just couldn’t wait until the real party started and I was going to drag my brother down, he really didn’t know just what he was going to get his self-involved in.

“DINNERS READY” mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs. With a sigh I got up from my bed and made my way to the table, sitting down I rolled my eyes once the conversation of the day as on yet again Light tuning everything out I ate my food silently.

“I got a phone call today from school Abby, care to explain?” dad asked looking angry; I looked at him calmly from being snapped back to reality. I had to play the calm, normal everyday teenager or everything would be ruined and I couldn’t let that happen.

“What’s the point in telling you when the teacher would have said what I had done over the phone” I said finishing my meal, standing up I thanked my mother and walked up to my room. Smiling I walked over to my TV and yawned, picking up my bag I dumped my bags content over my bed. Looking through the worksheets and books scattered all over my purple bed cover, I smirked and pushed everything to the floor. Getting up from my bed I walked over to my book case, running my fingers across the spines of the books I had read umpteen times I finally picked my new book about phycology. Sitting back down on my bed I lost myself in the thick book.

“Time for bed Abby” Saki said lightly taking to book from my hands, sighing I watched her mark my place and put my book back. Looking over to my clock on my nightstand I didn’t realise just how much time I had spent reading, standing up I stretched my arms over my head and stiffened a yawn that desperately wanted to escape. A grin slowly crept onto my face as thoughts of Lights downfall would start tomorrow, plagued my mind. I stripped my clothes off, throwing them to the floor and covered myself with my invader zim, GIR pyjamas and crawled into bed.

“Night” Saki whispered turning the light off for me.

“Night” I whispered back falling into another dreamless sleep.