I'm the One in Control

The darkest lie by Poisonblack

Warning this chapter and others after this contain slight girl and girl romance
Waking up the next morning I just couldn’t keep the smile off of my face, knowing what was going to come. Getting out of bed while trying my best to ignore the coldness of my floor I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out my uniform… nothing can kill my mood today, nothing. Walking down the stairs, all dressed with my bag over my shoulders, I sat down at the table finally just managing to hide my smile, especially when I saw Light walked over and sit down across from me.

“What are you so happy about?” Light asked glaring lightly at me, ignoring him I just ate my breath fast and walked over to the front door, slipping my shoes on I walked out onto the street.

“He’ll drop it at lunch time” Saki said floating next to me.

“Excellent” I said lightly hearing Lights footsteps gaining on me when I felt him grab my arm tightly.

“What do you want Light?” I asked annoyed, from the corner of my eye I saw Saki looking pissed.

“Why are you so happy?” he sneered looking me over with disgust.

“Well it could have something to do with the fact… Hmm nope not telling you” I said grabbing his arm and twisted around, spinning I pinned his arm against his back making him cry out in pain. Smirking I lifted his arm up further when I shoved him away from me and walked away.

“I would have done a lot more then that” Saki said glaring daggers in Lights direction.

‘I could have but then my plan would go down the drain, you know that’ I thought not taking my eyes off of the pavement. Picking out my iPod I scanned through the artists I had and settled on Linkin Park, feeling a pair of eyes on me I looked around to see some girl staring at me with a weird look in her eyes, shrugging it off I walked into my classroom.

“That was Shinju Amane and from her thoughts she has a thing for you” Saki said.

“Really?” I asked bored, she was ok… I guess. But what I didn’t know was that she would play a slightly important part in Lights down fall.


I sighed as once again I was eating breakfast on my own. It’s been so hard for both me and my sister having to deal with losing our only family but I thought we would always have each other… well it seem until she got all famous. The only thing that kept me sane was the visits and phone calls I got from her and well… seeing Abby Yagami at school… I have always liked her but she will never notice me. Putting my dirty bowl in the sink I hear my phone start to ring.

“Hello?” I asked answering my phone.

“Hey sis, I’m coming over for a few days” I heard my sisters voice flow into my ears make a smile spread across my face; I couldn’t wait for her to arrive.

“When are you getting here?” I asked excited, I wanted to introduce Abby to her as hopefully my girlfriend.

“Later today, my plane lands at noon” she said back and I could just see her smiling into the phone like I was. Glancing down at my watch I swore seeing the time, if I didn’t hurry up I was going to be late.

“Am sorry sis but I have to go” I said

“Ok, see you later” she said before we both hung up.

I sighed, running back upstairs for my bag and walked out of the door locking up. The walk to school was boring the only two things on my mind were how I was going to ask Abby to be with me and Misa visiting.

Walking to my locker I saw her, feeling a blush cover my face when she looked at me I quickly turned around and scurried off to my locker. Entering my first class I saw her sitting next to the window, making my way over to the seat next to her I sat down and set my stuff out. Turning my head slightly I looked at her with a smile on my face, she was everything I wanted.

“Hi I’m Abby” my long time crush said, I couldn’t believe she was talking to me. I opened my mouth and then closed it making a perfect impersonation of a fish, not being able to remove my eyes from her or get my vocal cords to work I watched as amusement played onto her delicate features.

“And I’m guessing you’re Shinju” her voice stated making all the blood in my blood rush to my face, looking down at the desk I nodded my head and mentally kicked myself for not being able to tell her my name.

“Hmm h-how d-d-did y-y-you know m-my n-name?” I stuttered out, great another thing for me to kick myself for. Clearing my throat I looked nervously up at the girl sitting next to me, to see her looking at me softly. Melting inside I felt my ears, face and neck burn.

“It’s on your books” she said smiling her infamous smile making me melt even more. I let out a small “oh” and finally managed to peel my eyes away from her when the teacher walked into the room greeting us a good morning.

“Ah I see you’re on time today Abby” the teacher said sitting down at her desk, pulling out the register.

“You know I would never do anything naughty for you miss Lund” Abby replied giving the teacher her famous smirk. As she slumped down in her seat I felt her arm brush again mine, smiling I did the same and gently rested my arm next to her, both our arms slightly touching. Looking down at our arms I wondered what it would look like to have my hand in hers, to feel her fingers thread through mine. Feeling my mind wonder off, a few questions sprouted out in my head… ones I wouldn’t dare ask or tell anyone. Too lost in my thoughts I almost didn’t notice Abby mover her arm and place a piece of paper on my desk. Looking down my hand moved faster than I thought I could, grabbing hold of the note I pulled it under the desk and opened it up. Once my eyes had scanned over the note I couldn’t believe it, I looked sideways to see her smirking at me, I just had to read the note again just to make sure it said what I think it says.

Want to be mine, beautiful?

I just couldn’t believe my eyes; looking over the blunt words again I smiled to myself. Turning my head to look at her my smiled widened as I hesitantly slipped my hand in hers at feeling her fingers entwine with mine I felt my face get hot. Not being able to concentrate anymore I decided to doodle on a blank page in my note book.