I'm the One in Control

Dance with the devil by Breaking Benjamin


Sitting down in my seat staring out of the window at nothing yet everything I started to think over the small holes in my plan, I had heard of that detective… L and I was going to get him involved, it would be more interesting to see who was more intelligent and who in the end, won. Was it going to be the famous detective L or the turning power hungry student Light?

“Abby, that girl is sitting down next to you” Saki said looking down at the human in front of her with distaste.

‘So’ I thought bored not understanding what Saki’s sudden fascination with this girl was.

“I shouldn’t be telling you this but I have been told by Kiyoshi that a shinigami of the name jealous is watching over her sister… she might be of interest to you… later on” Saki said smirking cruelly down at the young female in front of her. Slumping down in my seat I felt Shinju do the same, resting her arm next to mine, glaring down at the intruders arm in my personal space, I looked at Saki as a smirk formed on my lips.

‘Maybe’ I thought after praising Saki for her information. Looking down at the girl next to me, I analysed her. From what I gathered she would be up to my chin stood up, she had brown eyes with specks of amber. Black straight hair… straightened not natural. Her hair was not well looked after, spilt ends, flyways and light fuzzing at the bottom of her hair. Taking everything about her in and sighed, I know it sounds bad but I really couldn’t be bothered with her… and what would I do when I didn’t need her anymore?

“Hi I’m Abby” I said looking at the front of the class room. Not getting an answer from the girl I looked over to her to see her gaping at me like a fish, smirking evilly on the inside I gave her a soft smile.

‘But from the looks of things she is single… duh. Lives alone by the way she presents herself but wants to feel loved by curtain people… her sister and me? Her family is dead; she seems slightly needy and clingy by the way she kept trying to keep our arms together… great just what I need!’ I thought and glanced at Saki to see her smirking at me.

“And I’m guessing you’re Shinju” I said softly seeing the blood rush to her face, smirking I looked her over.

“Hmm h-how d-d-did y-y-you know m-my n-name?” she finally stuttered out making me mentally roll my eyes. Thinking over what she said I kicked myself for not being careful when I saw her name on her books.

“It’s on your books” I said smiling, forcing myself not to sound smug. I heard a small “oh” but my attention was ripped away from the girl as the teacher walked into the room greeting everyone.

“Ah I see your on time today Abby” the teacher said sitting down at her desk, pulling out the register.

“You know I would never do anything naughty for you miss Lund” I replied giving the teacher my famous smirk. Discreetly glaring heatedly at the girl next to me I sighed quietly ripping a piece of paper out of my school note book and jotted down the words I knew I was going to regret… hell I was regretting it now. But this was going to help me and when I’m done with her…

Sliding the note over to the girl, I watched her from the corner of my eye. Smirking as I watched the girl read the note again and again in what I saw to be disbelief. Feeling her hand hesitantly slide into mine, I tilted my head down slightly making my hair covered my face as a dark smirk stretched my lips while I entwined my fingers with hers.

As the class was packing away I pulled my hand away from hers only for my ears to be greeted by a whimper, rolling my eyes I packed my thing. Standing up I looked down at Shinju, talking her bag from her shoulders I held my hand out for her to take. Pulling her up I let go of her hand to wrap my arm around her waist.

“Hey Abby err…” Hikaru greeted seeing me and Shinju walking out of the class room.

“Shinju” I said sounding happy, while I was bored with where the conversation was going to go.

“Shinju. Nice name. So when did get together?” Hikaru asked looking down at Shinju knowing that I wasn’t going to answer him.

“Well, in class… Abby handed me a note asking me to be hers” she said with a dreamy voice and look in her eyes making me groan in annoyance inside. Turning my head I glared heatedly at the cackling shinigami.

“Sweetheart?” Shinju asked stopping us in the middle of the hallway, looking around I saw people stop to see what was going on.

“What?” I asked flicking my head to the side to remove my bangs from my eyes making Shinju and a proportion of girls sigh.

“w-w-well my sister is coming home today and I was wondering if you would come over for dinner” Shinju said standing in front of me, looking at her from my once again fallen bangs I nodded my head leaning forward to place a light kiss on her forehead. Hearing her sigh and lean against me I ignored the awe’s coming from some of the other girls.

“Come on, we have to get our next class” I whispered into her ear, feeling her head moved slightly up and down I rewrapped my arm around her waist.

Lunch couldn’t have come sooner, walking out of my art class I walked over to the math room. Leaning against the wall next to the door, I waited for Shinju to walk out; after all I had to be the perfect girlfriend.

“How are you hun-hun” Saki sniggered mimicking Shinju’s voice. Glaring at the shinigami not in the mood for her bullshit I turned around.

“Don’t be like that” Saki said with a straight face then burst out laughing.

‘I know I will be able to get rid of her soon so I will just have to put up with it for now’ I thought back to her with a sigh.

“How long are you going to be with her?” Saki asked.

‘For a few weeks hopefully less’ I thought back looking down at the floor, inspecting my black converse.

“Why are you with her in the first place? Was it something I said before” Saki asked with a smirk.

‘You did say that a shinigami was watching over her, right?’ I thought, seeing her nod I smirked adding more to my plan.

‘I thought so’

“Abby what are you planning?” the curious shinigami asked looking down at me waiting for answers.

‘Come on now Saki, you should have figured it out by now’ I thought back.