You've Got Something in You: A Percy Weasley Love Story

Yoiu've Got Something in You: A Percy Weasley Love Story

First Years

“Oh calm down Anna! There’s nothing to worry about.” Katrina could be such a pain. I crossed my arms and glared at her. “What if Percy and I aren’t in the same house? What if I’m in Slytherin and he’s in Gryffindor?” She closed her eyes and sighed. “You won’t be in Slytherin. The whole family’s been in Ravenclaw since the beginning.” I smiled and then relaxed. “Let’s hope you’re right. I could be the one who isn’t in Ravenclaw.” She rolled her eyes. “Oh go sit with your boyfriend Katrina! Make out or something!” She glared at me and walked away. I stared out the window but then heard the door open. “Percy!” I smiled and threw my arms around him. “I missed you so much!” I let go and stepped back. He had a grin on his face. “Percy…If I’m in Slytherin…Can we still be friends?” He laughed like it was the stupidest question in the world. “You won’t be in Slytherin, Anna. Calm down. Even if you were we’d still be friends.

The train came to a stop and we loaded onto the boats. Anna had always told me there was supposedly a giant squid in the lake. I never believed it, but never wanted to find out. I stared at Hogwarts and swallowed hard. I wasn’t going to think about it. Not at all.

“Anna Haslam!” I walked up and sat on the stool. The hat hardly even touched my head and called out, “Slytherin!!!!!!!!!!” I was so surprised but walked to the table. I turned around and caught Katrina’s eyes. She frowned at me and I thought I saw tears in her eyes. I caught Percy stared at me and I immediately looked down. His expression was a mix of anger and sorrow. Tears gathered behind my eyes, but I wouldn’t let them through, I just sat and stared. Finally, after Chloe Zimmerman got sorted into Hufflepuff, the feast stared. I poked at my chicken with a knife. “You okay Anna?” I looked up and stared at Marcus Flint, a second year. “Yeah…I’m fine…I guess.” He raised an eyebrow. “Okay then.” He said and continued talking to his friends. I sighed and stared across at the Gryffindor table. "He looks happy…Why did I end up in Slytherin? Is it even possible?" I immediately oushed the thoughts out of my head and ignored every one else.

Fifth Years

“I remember my sorting. I was so nervous.” I said to Marcus, wondering if he remembered. “You acted so weird. You still haven’t told me what was wrong.” I sighed. He remembered the worst part of it all. “I still don’t want to talk about it...” He smiled and had a look in his eye that said ‘You like someone in a different house don’t you?’ I ignored it and rolled my eyes. “Don’t give me that look. If you do I slap you.” He leaned back away from me, like he was scared. “I’m just kidding!” He sighed and rolled his eyes. “I thought you were kidding…” I laughed and dug into my mashed potatoes.

“First years this way!” I looked up and saw Percy, herding all of the stupid first years. We looked at each other for a while but then broke eye contact. I didn’t know why we’d stopped talking, and I was about to find out. I didn’t know how, but Marcus could always think of something. “Anna! Who are you looking at?” I jumped and turned towards Draco Malfoy, a first year. “No one you need to know about.” I growled. “Sheesh. I was just wondering.” I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

“What was up with McGonagall today? She was obviously mad at us.” I shrugged and sighed. “Maybe because she caught me calling someone a mudblood.” I laughed, remembering the look on her face when I called her one. “I got to go…” I pushed passed Marcus and ran through the hall. I peered around the corner and saw Percy and Penelope Clearwater, just sitting there. Anger bubbled up inside of me. I grabbed my wand and pointed it at her. “Constracise specuarate.” Slime seemed to drop from the air and fall. I heard a scream and walked over. “Nice job mudblood. Look at yourself.” I smirked. This would get her to walk away. “You! You did this!” She narrowed her eyes. “Stupid mudblood. Like I regret it.” Her eyes watered and she stormed away.

“Anna Haslam! What was that about?” I swallowed. “No reason.” He stared at me and raised his eyebrows. “There is a reason. Tell me now, Anna.” I stared at the ground. “I miss you okay? I didn’t know what happened, you know why we stopped talking to each other. And…Everything just changed.” Percy sighed. “I know why…My mum didn’t want me to be friends with you anymore, since you ended up in Slytherin.” I closed my eyes. “Rubbish. Just rubbish.” I opened my eyes again and almost started crying. “Kiss me Anna!” I moved closer to him and closed my eyes. We started kissing slowly, then getting rougher by the second.

Someone screamed, and we broke apart. “First you cover me in slime and then you start making out with my boy friend! You’re in Slytherin! Why would you?” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Some things should remain unknown Clearwater.”