Status: New Story, please be patient.

Running Around Leaving Scars

One of These Crazy Nights

Alex paused and glanced between Jack and Rian. "It can't be that hard to deal with one. Its worse when they're in groups."

Jack nodded before getting slightly nervous and glancing around. "What if there are more hiding. Remember in Las Vegas?"

Alex immediately stiffened up and Kaiya groaned. "Relax, i'm only in here to warm up and figure out how to get home. I'm not even a fan of yours, I came here for Hey Monday and Cobra Starship. Please don't call security," she was surprised by how quiet her voice came out. Then she realized it was probably due to her feeling defeated. "My friend has my money and I have no way home. Its her fault I'm dressed like this and she has my phone."

Alex and Jack glanced back at Rian and Zach. "How do we know you aren't lying?" Jack finally asked. Kaiya shrugged. "What's my name?" Kaiya tilted her head to the side.

"It was something with a J right? I did listen to your set but I wasn't paying much attention," Kaiya answered honestly. "I probably couldn't even tell you the names of any of your songs."

Alex pulled the other three into a group huddle and began to whisper. "Well what do you think? Should we believe her?" Rian and Zach shrugged not caring either way and Jack nodded slightly having heard the distress in her voice.

"How much damage could one girl do?" Rian reasoned. The other three nodded before facing the girl. "So what's your name?"

"I'm Kaiya, and you are?" The guys each gave her a name. "Its nice to meet you," she smiled and ended up shivering when someone walked in the door and let in a cold wind.

"We don't usually do this, but do you want to come back to the hotel with us and hang out?" Alex asked with a slight shrug. Kaiya weighed her options in her head. She'd get kicked out of the lobby eventually and she would be able to make a call from the hotel. She bit her lip, the last thing she wanted to do was come off as a groupie but she didn't seem to have any other option.

"Yeah, that sounds fun actually," she blushed at the sound of her own voice and slowly followed the four to the waiting limo. She ended up in between Alex and Jack for the short ride and was amazed at the random things that came up in conversation with them. By the end of the five minute car ride, she was laughing along with them.

Alex stepped out first, and offered his hand to Kaiya. She felt her cheeks heat up as she stepped out and whispered a 'thank you' to him. The five made their way to a nice suite that broke off into two bedrooms with two beds in each. The lobby area had a large couch, a chair and a large flat screen TV. There was a small kitchen area and what appeared to be a mini bar.

Jack made his way to the fridge and glanced around. "You guys want a beer?" He looked around the room to his three friends nodding. "How about you Kaiya, want one?" She started shaking her head no and blushed when Rian spoke up.

"Relax Kaiya, we don't see you as a groupie and we're not going to judge you based on whether or not you drink," Kaiya nodded shyly and took the offered Stella Artois beer from his hand. "So do you go by anything other than Kaiya?"

She opened the beer and nodded. "I go by Kay, Kai, and variants of Jade," she laughed at the confused looks. "My middle name," she shook her head at the chorus of 'ohs' around the room. She took a small sip of the beer and was shocked to find she liked it.

"So what kind of friend leaves someone behind in the middle of New York?" Alex asked after draining a quarter of his beer. Kaiya shrugged. "Is she usually this mean?"

"She's not mean," Kaiya paused to think of a good description of Annika. "She's just different. She's a good friend most of the time... she wont make me pay her back for the concert tickets, which will be nice," Kaiya brought the beer back to her lips so she didn't have to try and find more ways to describe Annika.

"So what do you do for a living?" Jack asked trying to change the awkward silence that had fallen upon the room. Kaiya laughed at his expression before speaking.

"Im a nurse," she took another sip of the alcoholic beverage in her hand.

"Like a slutty nurse or?" Kaiya nearly choked on her drink. She coughed and sputtered for a minute before answering Zach's question.

"No, a medical nurse," the band nodded and all downed the rest of their beer. Kaiya watched as the boys all grabbed another beer. "So how old are all of you?" Alex spoke first.

"I'm 23," He smiled a dorky smile. She quickly learned that Rian was 23 and that Jack and Zack were 22. "What about you, you look like eighteen."

Kaiya chuckled softly. "I'm twenty two," She laughed at their shocked looks. "If I were eighteen, I couldn't be a nurse... I'd be a candy striper," She blushed when she noticed them all look away with naughty looks on their faces. "I think I'm going to have another beer," She mumbled and quickly finished the rest of her beer. She left the last Stella for one of them and reached past it to the other bottles in there. She grabbed a Miller Light and brought three more bottles out along with the last Stella. She set the Stella and three of the Millers on the coffee table before opening her bottle.

The four each grabbed one and laughed at her being quiet. "For someone who's not a fan, you sure are quiet," Zach pointed out with a quiet laugh. Kaiya shrugged lightheartedly.

"I don't know you guys that well. Am I supposed to be telling you all of my life's secrets?" She sipped the beer slowly. After a few moments of silence Alex stood quickly and pulled a video game system out of his bag. "You have a...Wii?"

Alex nodded and pulled out random games. He plugged it in quickly and Rian left the room almost immediately. "I guess that decides on who's playing!" He smiled and handed the Wii remotes to everyone left in the room. "Now what do we play?" Jack spoke up almost immediately. He smiled like a little kid and held up Mario Party 8. Alex put the game in and soon things were off. The four spent the rest of the night, and a good part of the morning drinking and playing the game. Zach had gone to bed at about one, and the other three passed out on the couch at four AM.

Kaiya woke up to the flash of a camera. She went to move her right hand to rub at her eyes, just to realize that she couldn't. Changing her mind, she moved her left hand instead. After wiping the sleep from her eyes she saw Rian smirking from behind a digital camera. She turned to the right to see Alex sleeping on her right arm and using it as a pillow. She turned and glanced toward the left to see Jack sleeping with his head rested on her legs. She looked back at Rian with a pout on her face. "Help. Me," He laughed evilly and shook his head no and walked out of the room. "Uggh, my head," She'd been too preoccupied trying to figure out where she was to realize her head was throbbing. "I guess that's what I get for drinking so much," She glanced at the table and her eyes widened at all of the beer bottles. There was also a half empty wine bottle that screamed 'Kaiya.'

She gently pulled her legs to her chest and let Jack lay on his half of the couch. Kaiya then turned to the harder task at hand, freeing her right arm. She attempted pulling her arm, while pushing Alex back and all that did was make him hold her arm tighter. She tried shoving him harder and he groaned in his sleep. She made the mistake of glancing away, and before she knew it his arms were around her waist. "Alex," She whined quietly. Kaiya felt her cheeks grow warm when she realized she hadn't been in this position with a boy in awhile. The last time she had a guy's arms around her, that didn't belong to her friend John, was when she was dating Annika's friend Ryan. She nervously shoved Alex off of her. Kaiya's eyes grew wide as she cringed when Alex hit the floor. "I am so sorry," She whispered as her right hand moved to cover her mouth in embarrassment.

"It's okay. I've been woken up in worse ways," Alex mumbled as he rubbed his head. "Holy hell how much did I drink last night?" He sat up and glanced around the room. "Oh shit... You have to get home don't you?" The boys had been meaning to get her home last night after talking for a little while. Kaiya shrugged. If it was up to her, she'd let Annika freak out a little more. "That's a yes. I had fun hanging out with you though...Do you mind if I give you my number?" Kaiya shook her head 'no' and laughed as he jumped up to go find a pen and some paper.

Jack slowly came too as Rian and Zach walked into the room. "You guys wanna order breakfast? We're starved," Rian stated as Alex walked back in with a notebook and a pen. Kaiya blushed when she heard her stomach growl. "See, we starved our new friend too. Now she's never going to want to hang out with us again," Rian feigned a depressed look.

Zach walked over to the coffee table and somehow found the menu for room service under all the beer bottles. He picked up the phone and ordered one of everything and hung up after the guy said it would be half an hour. "Well that takes care of that," He took the pen from Alex and jotted down his number and name. Alex pouted at him and then at Rian when he grabbed the pen and added his number.

"No fair, that was my idea!" Alex whined before stealing the pen back and adding his and Jack's numbers. Kaiya laughed at the four as she knelt on the floor to keep her skirt from riding up. "Well you should be happy your friend dragged you to our concert, you made four new friends," He smiled cheerily. Kaiya nodded with a small smile of her own. There was a knock on the door and breakfast was served. The five ate in silence and got a hotel employee to say he would drive Kaiya home. "Text me when you get home. Okay?" Alex asked. When Kaiya gave him a questioning look he added to his question. "So we know you got home alright," She nodded with another smile.

"I'll talk to you guys later," She waved and followed the hotel employee to his car and headed home. She made her way up to her apartment and let herself in. She wasn't too surprised to see Annika on the couch with Ryan and Jesse.

"KAIYA," She jumped up and pulled Kaiya into a tight embrace. "I was so freaked out. Where have you been? I tried calling you," She had tears in her eyes and they were slowly falling down her face.

"My phone was in your car. I found a hotel for the night," Kaiya told her calmly, deciding that she wouldn't mention her new friends to her best friend. "An employee was nice enough to take me home. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go take a shower and then take a nap. And please don't get too loud, my head is throbbing," With that said, Kaiya pulled herself free and went to grab her phone out of Annika's car. She sent Alex a quick text and walked into the bathroom to take a long hot shower. She felt a smile creep onto her face as she watched the notebook paper fall to the floor with her skirt and top.
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Thanks for reading, can't wait to hear your thoughts.