‹ Prequel: Living in the Shadows
Status: Active

Running from a Vengeance

We'll Come Back for You: Chapter Ten

* Belle *

Ayla and I were in the bedroom. She wanted to tell me something, I could tell by the look in her eye. She couldn’t though. We of course were being monitored all the time as well. With and aggravated sigh she got up and banged on the door while looking up at the camera.

She turned and looked down at me. “Come back for me alright?” She asked, looking deep into my eyes.

I stepped back, confused. “What do you mean?”

Before she could answer, Vengeance entered with a pleased grin on his face. Ayla didn’t hesitate to press her lips to his tightly. She looked into his eyes and pressed herself against his body. He groaned.

“Ayla what the hell?” He said, panting like an animal.

“Ever since Matt took my virginity yesterday, I’ve been wanting to fuck. Please take me and give me all you’ve got.” She gently touched his neck with her lips.

He shuddered. “Let’s go then.”

“I was also thinking though, we could have the other guys join. Since you like groups so much.” She took his hand and walked out of the room. Vengeance slammed the door behind himself.

* Ayla *

I didn’t want to have to do this with them all, but it was the only way I could think of getting the guys away from the monitor. If they weren’t watching what was happening on the cameras, then Belle would be able to escape with Matt. We would hopefully then have a chance.

“I’ll go and get the other guys. You just wait here honey.” He exited the room and I heard his footsteps as he walked away.

Everything was working according to my plan, I hoped that Belle would get the hint, or at least that Matt would. If I was going to be taking one for the team again, the least they could do is get a fucking clue. Vengeance returned with three other guys.

“You’ll have to excuse Shadows’ absence. He had other things to attend to.” Vengeance let out a deep husky chuckle.

“What are you doing to Belle? I don’t want him to hurt her!” I exclaimed, trying to go on like I truly believed Matt would hurt her.

“Oh, he’ll be nice and gentle sweetheart. Now, are you ready to take us on?” Vengeance unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper. Slowly, the others pulled theirs down as well. They all were big and throbbing as they pushed themselves in my mouth and onto my face. They didn’t care when they choked me and made me gag. They actually liked that, it made them moan louder. I used both of my hands and tried to make them as happy as possible. I even tried to make it seem like I was enjoying it.

“Come on babe, let’s move this to the bed.” Vengeance picked me up and took me over to the bed carelessly. With my back to him, he lifted me up by the legs and slowly lowered me so he was entering my body. While he continued this maneuver, Gates and Christ continued to choke and gag me. Vengeance’s tongue ran across my neck, causing a warm rush of pleasure to course through my body. Who knew being held prisoner felt so nice? Belle had told me that sex with Vengeance was good, but she didn’t tell me how good. He continued to make me come and come, all over him. The other guys finished long before he did, their juices covering my face. I glanced over at the clock. He’d been working at it for over an hour. Belle and Matt would have had plenty of time by now. Who knew, they were probably already gone.

* Matt *
* About an hour ago *

Zack came to me grinning from ear to ear. “Hey man, she’s starting to come around. She wants me.”

My mind began racing. He was either talking about Ayla or Belle. I hoped to God he was talking about Ayla. I don’t know if I could handle Belle being all over him again. It killed me the first time.

“Who?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Ayla you dumbass. She wants to do some group action. You in?” He asked, slapping my arm.

I tried to make it sound like I was truly pondering. I knew what Ayla was up to. I was going to have to take this opportunity she was setting up for us. “Someone’s got to keep an eye on Belle right? And I’ve been wanting that piece of ass since we got her man.”

He laughed loudly. “I like the way you’re thinking man. Go get her.” He stared shoving me out the door before he went to go see about the other guys wanting to get a piece of Ayla.

* Belle *

Matt barged in through the door and then shut it behind him. He looked at me like I was something to eat before he pushed me down onto the bed and climbed on top of me. He started to pull at the shirt Vengeance had provided for me. I was doing my best to stop it. As much as I’d always wanted this moment to happen, I didn’t want it to happen this way. Not under pressure anyway. I wanted it to be on our own terms.

“Not like this Matt!” I shouted, trying to get him to stop.

He gave me a warning look before he tugged at my pants and pulled them off. He quickly pulled off his as well. I didn’t dare to move. He slowly hovered over me. His penis rubbed against the inside of my thigh. He would only have to thrust quickly and it would be inside me. The tension caused me to become wet and ready for him. My body was saying yes, and my mind was telling me no. He began thrusting slowly and quietly, and never making entrance. I understood now what was happening. He was pretending. After ten minutes he stopped and jumped off me. After putting on some clothes he peered out into the hallway. He held up a finger to me, telling me to wait. He tiptoed quietly into the hallway. After a couple minutes, he returned.

“Okay Belle, no one’s monitoring right now. Ayla has them all distracted.” He explained, walking into the room. “Put your clothes on, we’re leaving.”

“What? We can’t leave her here!” I exclaimed, standing up.

“We’ll come back for her Belle, but right now, we have to leave her behind. We can’t get her out tonight, but we’ll come back I promise.” He said, throwing the shirt at me.

I began to put it on. He was rushing around, opening drawers, I assumed looking for a gun. I had my clothes on by the time he was done looking around. He grabbed my hand and started to pull me away quickly, but quietly. When we stepped outside we began to run, not worried about how much noise we made. I stopped at the van, thinking we would get away in it.

“Forget it Belle! They’ll hear it.” He said, pulling me and continuing to run.

The twigs hurt my feet as I tried to run without stopping through the woods. He was lucky that he got to wear sneakers. I’m sure it made running a hell of a lot easier. We finally reached the tar. I almost dropped and kissed the ground.

“I got a gun on the way out.” He said, holding out to hand gun for me to see.

“Okay, so what now?” I asked, panting and trying to catch my breath.

“I don’t really know right now Belle. I honestly have no fucking clue.”

* Ayla *

The guys stood around cleaning themselves up from our little session. “You are a keeper.” Vengeance said, wiping sweat off his forehead.

“Yeah, that was pretty good.” I agreed honestly.

“Alright guys, back to your jobs. Who’s running the monitor tonight?” Vengeance asked, looking around at them all.

“I was supposed to I think.” Rev said, raising his hand.

“Alright, well get back to that.” Vengeance urged, lying down on the bed. “Come here honey, I’m tired, I want you to sleep next to me tonight.”

The other guys scattered as I went to lay next to Vengeance. Everything was quiet until I heard a yell from the monitoring room.

“Vengeance!” Rev yelled over and over.

“Jesus I’m fucking coming! Wait here.” He left the room.

I waited to hear it. The ‘oh shit,’ or the ‘what the fuck,’ or just a yell, but I never heard it. I only heard angry footsteps as Vengeance stomped his way back into the room. He ripped me off of the bed and pinned me to the wall with his hand over my throat.

“We have this whole house on camera and those two are no where to be found! What the fuck were you really doing tonight? Getting your fuck on? Or were you distracting us?” He let go of me and exited the room. He would hurt me later, but right now he had more important things to tend to.

“Rev, Gates! You guys are coming with me! They couldn’t have gone far.” He left the house, slamming the door behind himself.

“We’re going back to prison now you stupid fucking bitch!” Christ yelled, storming into the room and punching me in the face. “The only reason I don’t kill you right now is because Vengeance has taken a liking to your ass, he would kill me.”

I whimpered and tried to get away. If that was true, then I was really going to be okay, that was promising.
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I hope you all liked it. I know it was a while since I've updated, but I've been so damn busy with work and everything since I went home for break last week, but now I'm back and ready for action! I hope you all enjoy!

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Vengful Syns

You all make make my world go around and around :)