‹ Prequel: Living in the Shadows
Status: Active

Running from a Vengeance

Mr. Gary Shadows: Chapter Thirteen

We arrived at a large building with arches and roman pillars. It sat up on a hill in the middle of nowhere overlooking the city. Matt’s father was isolated, but he could see everything from his house. Matt sighed and looked over at me. He gave me a look of sympathy and held his hand out. I took it and he smiled. He leaned forward and kissed me. His hand reached up and gripped my face.

“It’s going to be alright Belle. I know it’s going to be awkward being in there, but it’s better than being back with Vengeance and the others.” He pointed out.

I rubbed the leather seat nervously and looked up at him. He had no idea how nerve wracking this was for me. What if the only way his father allowed me to be in here was if I decided to be one of the girls of the harem. I wouldn’t do it. He could beg me and there was no way. I would take my chances on the streets rather than being a harem girl for Matt’s father.

“Let’s go.” Matt opened the van door and jumped out.

I did the same and started walking toward the huge building with him. I put my hand out for him to hold, but he looked at me with a warning against that. I sighed angrily and ripped my hand away from his. Apparently I wasn’t allowed to love him in here. That was going to be a problem.

We walked toward the colossal doors in which held a building of women spending their lives making one man happy. Matt looked at me and attempted to give me a reassuring grin. It didn’t help to make me feel any better. If anything, I felt even worse. He opened the doors slowly. The creaked loudly under their own weight. This mansion had a red carpet that started at the doorway and went all the way up the large staircase against the back wall. There was a moment of silence before five skimpy dressed girls ran over to us both.

“Matt!” They all yelled, gripping their arms around him and caressing his chest.

A knot formed in my chest. I had all I could to hold back the bitch inside me begging to beat the piss out of all these girls. That was my body to be rubbing up against. They needed to back off. Of course I couldn’t make a scene if we wanted everything to work out here.

“Easy ladies easy.” He said, laughing as they continued to bounce around him.

“Come on, let’s get you out of those clothes and into something more comfortable.” One of them said, her brown locks bouncing as she began to lead him away from me. “Yeah, and you must be starving!” A different brunette said.

Apparently I was chopped liver. I was left standing in the doorway while Matt was being whisked off to man heaven. I tapped my foot in frustration. “Fine.” I said to myself. “I’ll just go sit in his father’s chair in my dirty clothes.” I headed over to the chair.

“Don’t sit in that dressed like that.” Came a deep husky voice from the top of the stairs. I looked up and saw a well dressed good looking man standing there.

“Oh.” I backed away from the furniture. “Sorry.”

He flashed me a bright, devilish smile as he continued down the rest of the stairs. He made it to the bottom and beckoned me over. I walked toward him and stood a few feet before him.

“You must be Belle. Matt told me about you. No doubt your name suits you.” He touched a strand of my brown hair.

“Well, my full name is Isabelle.” I explained, not wanting this to get awkward as it already had. I took a moment to look over Matt’s father as he chuckled. His hair was longer than Matt’s and tousled, but it was styled that way. His eyes weren’t hazel like Matt’s but blue, but there was no way he wasn’t Matt’s father. He looked just like him, but more aged. He was surprisingly, sexy.

“It’s a beautiful name regardless. It suits you.” My stomach came alive with butterflies. “I actually bought you some clothes when anticipating your arrival, so if you feel like going to change, you can sit in the foyer.” I chuckled and blushed. “Or you can come join me in my office.”

“I’ll go change.” I explained, grinning.

“I’ll take you to your room.” He said, walking ahead of me up the right set of stairs. “So, you and Matt are avoiding Zack huh?”

“Yeah. He’s something else.” I murmured, not wanting to think about him as I stared at Matt’s father’s ass move carelessly in his jeans. Man wasn’t it nice. I wondered to myself if he was more attractive than Matt was. At least he seemed to care more about how I felt.

“He sure is. Here’s the room you’ll be staying in.” He pointed to an elegant bedroom filled with rich colors and a large window overlooking the city.

“Wow.” I murmured, walking in slowly. “This is beautiful.”

I turned and faced him. He grinned at me with his gorgeous smile. Okay, so maybe I was going to be crushing on Matt’s father while I was here, big time. I couldn’t help it though. He was like an aged version of Matt, and to me that was sexy.

“So you like the room?”

As I looked around at the bookcases filled with novels and noticed the chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. This was way too amazing to be a bedroom.

“Yes I do.” I said dreamily.

“You’re clothes are in the dresser over there.” He pointed next to the window.

“Send Matt in when you get the chance?” I asked. “Or when he’s done gallivanting around with the girls.” I groaned.

“Sounds like you’re having some troubles. My son can be a real ass.” He stated, seeming to know full well what I was talking about. “The whole time he was here he was sleeping with those girls. I bet he told you he didn’t touch a single person.”

He had said that to me. “Yeah.”

He laughed out loud. “Yeah, in a house full of beautiful women fawning over you, he’s not going to be getting some.”

I knew it sounded farfetched when he said that to me. I just didn’t want to believe otherwise. “Yeah I figured.”

“Well Belle, it was nice to meet you, I’ll be seeing you around I’m sure.” He shook my hand gently.

“It was nice to meet you too...”

“Gary.” He explained.

“Well Gary, I hope to see you around.” He left the room and I was left alone in there. Being alone in the large room made it seem even bigger. I walked to the dresser to find something to wear. Strangely enough, there weren’t any skimpy clothes in the dresser. He picked out some cute matching bras and panties and some nice shirts, pants, and shorts. Already he wasn’t thinking like Matt. I changed into something comfortable and then lay down on the bed. I could only imagine what Matt was doing. He had been whisked off before I even had a chance to figure anything out. He hadn’t introduced me to his father or anything. At least his father was nice.

Gary was something else. His peppered hair made me wild. Just when I thought Matt couldn’t get any sexier, I met his father. Matt walked into the room laughing.

“Okay go away Mina.” He said pushing her away from the door before shutting it. “Hey.” He said in a cheery mood walking over and sitting on the bed.

“Hello.” I mumbled, not sitting up at all. I didn’t even want to look at him right now.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, seeming to be completely oblivious to anything he had done wrong.

I stood up then and my hands were on my hips. Matt looked at me incredulously. “What do you mean what Matthew? I’ve never been here in my life and you just run off with a bunch of girls! And then, I got to meet your father, which thank God he was a nice guy! And you’ll never guess what he told me!”

Matt was rubbing his temples. “I can only imagine.”

“You weren’t faithful to me like you said you were! You fucked all those girls during the four years we were apart. You told me you didn’t!” I yelled, proceeding to smack him in the face.

Matt looked at me angrily. “Maybe if you hadn’t ignored me for that four years!” He stood up and walked toward the door.

“Where are you going?” I asked, not wanting to be left alone in the too big room.

“I’m going to sleep somewhere else. Enjoy my bed.” He said opening the door.

“I’m sure you’ve enjoyed it more than I will!” I shouted as he slammed the door loudly.

I could already tell it was going to be a long, difficult stay here.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you all liked it! I'm super excited about where this is going! Please read my new Zacky Vengeance story if you haven't already! It's going to be super amazing!! Vengeanace Will Be Mine

Also read my 2nd place contest winner: You Had Me At Hello: Written By: For I have Syn

Comments are much appreciated and I thank all those who did comment. It's been too long for me to go back and check but next time I will name you all. Thank you all for commenting and just know that I really appreciate it!