‹ Prequel: Living in the Shadows
Status: Active

Running from a Vengeance

King of all Betrayals: Chapter Fourteen

* Ayla *

I sat on the bed waiting for the rest of the guys to get back from their searching. If only they knew what I knew. Belle would be dead if I told them where she was residing. Her and Matt were supposed to be coming back for me. Even thought it’d only been a couple days I was worried they would never come back. On the other hand, ever since I caught Zack reading he’d been so nice to me, like he’d never been able to be himself around anyone.

“Lunch wench!” Brian yelled from downstairs. He was the babysitter of the day. Zack knew damn well I wasn’t going anywhere, but to make sure he was taking extra precautions. He wouldn’t even let me around the cooking utensils.

“Coming!” I hollered from Zack’s room.

I pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top. They’d finally allowed me to wear clothes since Belle and Matt ran off, it was like they were more lenient when it was only me. I ran downstairs and smiled as I sat down.

“That’s new.” Brian commented. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile.”

I shrugged. “I figure while I’m waiting for Belle and Matt I might as well just grin and bear it.”

“I hate to break it to you princess, but they’re not coming back for you. We’ve been keeping a very good eye on everything happening around this house.” He slammed down a ham and cheese sandwich with some chips.

“Thanks.” I murmured. I guess it was better than nothing.

As I took a bite of my sandwich the other guys walked through the front door. I turned and smiled without opening my mouth. Zack always put a smile on my face, he was the only one here not calling me names. At least not behind closed doors, I understood that he had to put on a show in front of his friends.

“Any leads?” Brian asked, looking at them.

“No man, but a cop saw Rev.” They were breathing heavily I wasn’t sure if out of fear of from running.

“What happened?” Brian asked, looking at them with eyes the size of saucers. Christ gave me a hesitant look.

“Come with us upstairs.” Christ explained, beckoning Gates over. The rest of them looked at me suspiciously.

“I’m not going anywhere I’m eating. Plus, I have nothing to run from, yet.” I explained, turning my back to them.

It was then that I noticed Rev was not among them. I dropped my sandwich on my plate. What had happened out there. Was Zack in danger of going to jail? Or worse, dying? I’d be lying to say I hadn’t developed serious feelings for him since my stay there. I couldn’t eat another bite; my appetite was completely gone. I waited patiently for them to come back downstairs. It was going to kill me not knowing what was going on. Before long, they emerged from one room and all walked downstairs.

“Are any of you going to tell me what’s going on?” I needed to know how concerned I should be.

“After some deliberation we decided to let you know.” Zack paused before continuing. He was sucking in hair as if it were the last breath he would take. “Well, Rev was arrested, and that means his death.” Zack couldn’t continue before covering his face. My hand gripped the table tightly. How could he mean his death? What about prison?

“Why death?” I said in almost a whisper.

“The death sentence you stupid bitch!” Gates yelled, walking over to me. He pulled his hand back to strike me. I covered my face, but the strike never came. Zack was gripping his hand.

“Just go up to my room Ayla, I’ll meet you up there.” He said, pointing to the stairs.

I ran quickly, hoping Zack wouldn’t change his mind and give me a beating himself. I made it up to his room and slammed the door. They were losing their best friend, and getting a harsh reality on what was to come for them. This was all Belle’s fault. Belle could be causing me to lose Zack. I couldn’t lose him, he was the only man who I’d ever felt even remotely close with. It wasn’t long before he made his way up the stairs and into the bedroom where I sat on the bed twirling a piece of hair. I jumped off the bed and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his hard torso. I half expected him to push me away, but he held me back.

We stood there for a few moments before something completely unexpected happened. Zack began sobbing. His shoulders heaved and his eyes became wet and he lost all control. I led him over to the bed where he sat down on the edge and held his face in his hands. I didn’t know what could possibly be done to comfort him.

“What can I do?” I was determined to know.

“There’s nothing Ayla. Unless you can help me get to the fucking bitch and that stupid asshole so I can give them what they deserve. It’s their fault that he’s going to suffer. It’s their fault!”

He was right. What if he’d been the one to get caught? He would be on his way to dying right now. It would be all Belle’s fault.

“They’re at Matt’s father’s.” I said without hesitation.

Zack looked up at me from behind teary eyes. “What? You’re just going to give away that information?”

“I can’t stand the thought of you being hurt, or killed. I don’t know what I’d do.” I began to cry a little myself.

Zack looked at me with the utmost surprise on his face. “Ayla are you telling me...”

“Yes Zack, I love you.” I whispered, unable to believe what I’d just said. I’d just guaranteed my friend’s capture and poured my heart out. “I’m sorry I know it’s against your policy but I just coul-“

He grabbed my face and his buttery smooth lips collided with mine in an instant. A surge of electricity ran through my body all the way to my toes. When his tongue joined mine in the mix it was unlike ever before. I mean sure, Zack and I had kissed before, but we’d never kissed with feeling behind it.

“You too?” I asked him breathlessly.

“Yes.” He said before taking me back onto the bed and resting his hand on my hip while he continued to work my lips with his.

That afternoon we made love. Never had I been so connected with one person. Never did I think it would be with Zachary that I would lose my emotional virginity. It wasn’t until the next day that I left the bedroom with him, and he was leaving.

“Where are you going?” I asked, knowing in my mind for sure where he was going.

He held my hand in his. “I need to scope out the area. Just bear with me, I’m sorry.”

“I want that bitch to suffer.” I scowled, being completely truthful. She messed with the man I love and she was willing to jeopardize my love life for hers. Selfish bitch.

He kissed me gently. “I love you. Goodbye.” He walked away from me. I shut the door behind myself before lying back down on the bed.

I wondered what he was going to do? Was he going to be clever and have her decide to come here on her own, or was he going to just straight up shoot up the place and force her out. Either way, I didn’t want her making it even more likely that the guys get caught or that they lose their lives. I was not going to let that happen, ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short, I've been busy. It's getting juicy!!!! Comments are great and good comments are even better!

The winner of my contest: LouellaBelle's winning story of my contest "The Nightmare" Along with her other two stories "Our Secrets" and "Truth"
Also read my 2nd place contest winner: You Had Me At Hello: Written By: For I have Syn

Also if you're looking for a contest to join, there's one here :)