‹ Prequel: Living in the Shadows
Status: Active

Running from a Vengeance

Unwanted Phone Calls: Chapter Two

I sat at the bar, staring at the three empty glasses sitting before me. It was only noon time and I was already feeling pretty good. Johnny had been watching me drink all day. I think he knew something was wrong and it had to do with those guys.

“Come with me Fran.” Johnny beckoned me to his office.

I stumbled on my way off the barstool. I walked into his office and sat in the plushy chair next to his. He looked me up and down. He was scrutinizing the way I looked today. His office was small. Having books and papers stacked everywhere didn’t make it any better.

“I used to know those guys.” He said, referring to the men who kidnapped me.

I perked up. “You knew them? How did you know those monsters?”

“They all lived right in this city. They were regulars here actually. I always knew that they were bad guys, but I had no idea that they were that bad. Honestly.” He seemed genuine in his words. “You must be Belle Lafleur. “

I gasped. No one had said my name in four years. “Johnny you can’t tell anyone. If they ever find out where I am or anything like that I’m going to be killed Johnny. I know they’ll kill me.”

“Don’t worry. You know I’m not going to say anything.”

He was right. Of all the people I’d ever met, Johnny was the most trust worthy. With it all off my chest, I went back out to the bar. After one more drink I was ready to head home.

“Let me walk you home kiddo. I don’t want something to happen to you in your drunkenness.” He took my arm and linked it with his. We both walked together, arm in arm, back to my apartment. He helped me inside and sat down on the couch with me.

“Are you going to be okay alone?” He asked me.

“Yeah of course I am.” I murmured, turning on the television.

He stood up and started toward the door. “If you need anything you just let me know.”

“Sure thing Johnny thanks man.” I said, waving to him while keeping my eye contact on the television.

For the rest of the night I sat in my sorrow watching the guys’ faces appear, disappear, and reappear throughout the night in my mind, and on the television. I was drunk again though, and that made it much more bearable than if I were sober. That was for sure.

The next morning I was lying on the kitchen floor. This was a daily occurrence for me to wake up in the morning in the most random places. I sat up and after my sight adjusted I peered at the clock. The time was eleven.

“Fuck!” I yelled, jumping up.

In doing this, many cracks and pops sounded throughout my body. I was supposed to be at work by nine again this morning. This would be the first time I was ever late to work. I was hoping that Johnny would be understanding. I didn’t even take the time to brush my teeth or shower. I just tossed on my disguise and headed out the door in a solid run. Luckily for me, Johnny’s really wasn’t too far away. I barged in through the door, slightly out of breath. Johnny looked up from the customer he was with.

“Oh Fran you’re late.” He said, pouring a drink.

“Yes I know Johnny. I’m so sorry.” I ran over to the bar and started to take over.

Before long, Johnny was out of the way and I was working there at my full potential. I was going to kiss his ass as much as I could right now. Before the day was over, everyone was happy and so was Johnny.

“Go home. I know it’s only five, but I think it would be best for you.” I thanked him and began to walk out of the bar. “Oh and kiddo.” He said before I left. I spun around. “Stay away from the liquor cabinet tonight kay?”

I sighed and smiled at him. “Yeah sure thing.”

I walked home slowly. I appreciated Johnny’s care for my well being, but I wasn’t about to just stop drinking. I needed it. I wouldn’t sleep if I didn’t drink. When I arrived at the apartment, I tossed my keys. They didn’t land on the couch this time. They hit the floor instead. I shrugged and walked to the kitchen. Off came the wig and the glasses. My answering machine was blinking, indicating I had a message. I hit play. It was probably just dad, freaking about something.

“You have one unheard message. First unheard message sent today at eleven fifty nine AM.” The robot said. Then came the sweetest voice known to man.

“Um, hi Belle.” The breathing on the other line indicated fear. Why was he scared? “I don’t know if you saw the news recently, but they’ve escaped from prison, and I can only guess that they’re going to be coming after one of us.” He paused, like he didn’t know what to say next. “Please call me. I want to try to keep you safe. Bye.”

My mind was completely blank. Four years had passed and not once had I heard his voice. I didn’t know how to react. Matt had just called me. I picked up my phone and found the caller ID. His number showed up. All I had to do was press the green phone and I could talk to him. But I didn’t want to.

All this time I’d worked on trying to forget him would be ruined. I pressed the red phone and put the phone back on the receiver. I couldn’t call him. How had he received my number anyway?

“Johnny!” I said aloud to myself. “Mother fucker!”

It only made sense that he was the one who had said anything. He said he knew them. Why would Matt have been any exception? That also meant that he was here. Matt was here.

Without thinking about my actions, I ran back to the bar. No way was Johnny going to get away with giving my phone number out to these people.

“Johnny!” I yelled as I stormed into the bar.

“Huh?” He looked right at me. “Who the hell are you?”

My heart dropped to the floor. In my anger I’d forgotten my wig and glasses. I was completely exposed. Everyone was looking at me intently, waiting to hear what I had to say. Thank God no one recognized me. That would have just been awful.

“Um, can I talk to you?” I asked walking toward the back of the bar where his office was.

“Sure.” He murmured, walking behind me.

“It’s me, Belle.” I explained in a whisper.

“Oh! It is you. Wow, you’re really pretty without all that stuff on.” He said, smiling at me.

“Cut the shit Johnny, this isn’t the time.” I looked at him angrily. “You gave him my number.” I frowned.

“Who?” He asked, looking at me.

“Matt! You gave Matt my number! Why would you do that?” I asked, my tone was still very loud.

“Oh, because, he was looking for you. I knew it was you so I figured I’d give him your number. He was always the only good one out of the group. He said he wanted to protect you.” He explained to me.

I don’t know if it was the alcohol or real, but I was ready to punch Johnny. My fists were clenched into balls of rage. My lips were billed back into a thin line. My eyes were burning.

“Johnny. You keep my business to yourself. I don’t care if my fucking father walks in here. You keep my shit to yourself and myself do you understand?” I could have knocked him out.

“Yes ma’am. I’m sorry I thought you would have wanted some help.”

“I’m perfectly fine.”

With that, I turned on my heel and headed for the door. I slammed it hard behind me and then left the bar completely. He had no right to be giving my information away to anyone. I didn’t care who it was. It was my information. He gave it to Matt! The blood pumped through me furiously. I needed to get drunk. I needed to drink away Matt, and my anger, and that’s just what I did.
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