‹ Prequel: Living in the Shadows
Status: Active

Running from a Vengeance

Welcome Home: Chapter Four

Vengeance pulled me up by the hair and pushed me violently toward the counter on which my phone sat. He held his gun toward me and made a facial indication to pick it up.

“Call Shadows.” Vengeance explained, not letting his gaze leave mine.

“No, I’m not going to let you hurt him.” I shook my head furiously.

Zack brought himself close to me. With one swift movement he gripped my throat. He squeezed enough to make me incapable of breathing.

“If you don’t call him...” He paused and looked into the living room. I heard a woman whimpering. I couldn’t see that far into the living room though. “Ayla will die.”

I gasped, not only from lack of oxygen, but also because I knew how truthful he was being. Vengeance loosened his grip, causing me to fall onto the floor, clenching at my throat. His boot made fierce contact with my stomach causing me to lurch over in pain.

“Please, stop for just a second.” I begged, being completely out of breath.

Vengeance laughed out loud. His grin was smug. I scowled at him. “Your life is about to become living fucking hell. If you thought you had it hard when you were living with us before, you were dead wrong. I’m going to put you in as much physical and mental pain as I possibly can without killing you.”

Even though I was beginning to lose concentration, and I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, I knew I had to make that phone call so they wouldn’t hurt Ayla. I gripped the counter and pulled myself up while still holding my pained stomach. I pulled my phone off the receiver and looked through the caller ID. I pressed the green phone when I came up to the number Matt had called me from. The phone rang, one...two...three times before anyone picked up.

“Belle?” Came the sound of Matt’s desperate voice.

“Hi.” I murmured, trying to make it sound like I was okay.

“Tell him you want to see him.” Vengeance whispered to me.

I nodded, knowing that’s what he would have wanted anyway. “Um, do you think...” I paused, not really wanting to hurt him. I couldn’t let them kill Ayla though. “Do you think you can come over?” I winced as the words came out of my mouth. They were painful to say.

“Really?” He perked up. “Y-you want me to come over? I’ll be over in just a few minutes Belle!”

“Okay Matt. Goodbye.” I hung up the phone and tossed it onto the floor. “Are you happy?” I asked as I burst into tears.

“Very.” Vengeance had an evil grin across his lips.

He gripped me by the arm and pulled me up. He dragged me into the living room and tossed me onto the couch. To my right, Gates had hold of Ayla.
“Throw her down too.” Vengeance ordered.

Obediently, Gates tossed the naked body of my best friend toward me on the couch. I grabbed her and helped her situate herself, seeing as how she was blindfolded and he hands were cuffed behind her back. “Oh Ayla.” I sighed, pulling down the blindfold. She looked at me dumbfounded.

“Belle it’s really you.” Ayla’s eyes were watering uncontrollably. “I’m so fucking scared.” She whispered to me.

“I know, but I’m going to get us out of this.” I replied quietly.

“Cuff her.” Zack motioned to The Rev. He came over to me and pulled my arms behind me roughly. He slipped the cuffs over my wrists and shut them closed tightly. They were all mad at me, and this was how they were going to get their revenge. There was a knock on the door downstairs. My heart sunk knowing exactly who it was. Vengeance held his gun to my head. “Tell him to come in.”

“Come in!” I shouted shakily.

Slowly, he entered the apartment. He was met with three men holding guns in his face. His hazel eyes met mine with fear. As much as I wanted to tell him I was sorry, I couldn’t. This wasn’t the right time. “If you so much as try to fight us Shadows, I’m going to kill her, and you know damn well I will.”

Matt turned his back and held his hands out behind himself, allowing Christ to bind his wrists with handcuffs. Everything was lost now. Matt, who was supposed to be my protector was now a captive, much like myself. Vengeance sat him down next to me. Matt’s chest was heaving rapidly. He was either afraid, angry, or both. His eyes held an emotion that for once I couldn’t depict. Oh how desperately I wanted to make everything alright. I wanted to hold him for the first time in four years and tell him how sorry I was for leaving him at the hospital and how sorry I was for never having spoken to him again. He wouldn’t even look at me while I sat there and stared at him trying to read his face.

“So, now that I have you all at attention. You may all exit into one of the vans we have parked outside.” Vengeance ordered us, pulling Ayla up by the arm and tossing her in Gates’ direction.

“Don’t hurt her.” I said desperately.

“You mind your own fucking business.” He yelled at me, striking the back of his hand across my face.

This time I’d managed to keep my balance. As far as I was concerned, this was all my business. He was stupid to think that it wasn’t. As a matter of fact, none of this would be happening right now if not for my existence. We all exited into the cool and calm night. Both Ayla and I ended up in the same van, and Matt was brought into another. These vans were different from before. The back was closed off. Which was nice. Ayla and I could at least have a private conversation. After we were both pushed into the back of the van, as if we were storage, Vengeance closed the double doors.

I couldn’t see Ayla anymore, but I imagined that she was cold. I scooted close to where I had last seen her in a desperate attempt to try and keep her warm. It was chilly out, and this cold metal wasn’t going to help that any. She was sobbing quietly under her breath. I wanted to die. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. This is why I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone my identity!

“I’m so stupid!” I shouted upwards, as if to the sky.

“It’s not your fault Belle.” Ayla tried to assure me.

Oh how wrong she was. I wish this hadn’t been my fault, but there was no denying that it definitely was. None of this would have happened if I had kept my stupid mouth shut. After finding out that Ayla was kidnapped I could have had Matt help us get her, and everything would have been fine. I totally fucked myself on this one

“Like hell it isn’t.” I murmured to her. She sighed loudly, I imagined her rolling her eyes at me.

“Just face it Belle! This is all their fault! None of this could ever have been your fault. Stop!”

Judging by her irritation, she didn’t want to speak anymore. When Ayla got like this it was best to just leave her alone, so I did. The ride was long and quiet, and we’d been in there for at least a day. We stopped very few times to use the toilet in outhouses so as not to be seen. Of course we never got fed. I wondered how Matt was doing. He must have been furious with me. He had every reason to be. Everyone had reason to be mad at me. I wanted to hold him for the first time in years. I wanted to feel his heart beating against my cheek. Both my best friends were back in my grip, but now they hated me.

It was difficult to decide what they were going to do to us. He’d pretty much assured me that it was going to be worse than before. I thought it was pretty bad before, so this was going to be the worst thing in the world. This time they had Matt, and Ayla under their control. They were going to have more power over me than anyone could ever imagine.

The double doors flew open, letting in the light. I blinked as my pupils shrunk to take out the light. Vengeance grabbed the arm I was using to cover my eyes and dragged me out into the dirt.

“Welcome to Washington Ladies.” He said as Gates pulled Ayla out of the van.

It was raining when the pulled us toward the house. These guys had so much money that it made me sick. How they managed to keep a lot of it after being arrested was beyond me, but they seemed to know what they were doing. The ground was moist all around the large house. This one was even bigger than the last two I’d been in. There were big windows in every room, allowing us to see right in.

“Don’t try breaking these ones sweetheart. After your little episode we made sure to get all the windows in ever house we owned made out of Plexiglas. If you punch that shit, you’re not going to break anything except your hand.” He was being dead serious, and that frightened me.

We’d be going into a house that was made completely of hard wood, with unbreakable windows. All of us were truly going to be trapped in there. “Come on.” Vengeance barked, pulling me along toward the house.

Ayla began whimpering again as Gates teased her. I turned when I heard a thud. She’d landed face first in the mud thanks to him.

“Man. Vengeance do we really have to hold off on this one?” Gates asked, sounding desperate to get inside Ayla.

“Yes, now keep it in your fucking pants.” Zack rolled his eyes in annoyance as he threw me in through the door.

The interior of the house was similar to the others. In terms of the design. The actual layout was different. Instead of entering in the living room, we entered in the kitchen instead. We were continuously forced through the house until we rested in the living room. Vengeance forced us all to go and sit on the couch. Matt and Ayla obliged, as did I.

“I half expected you two to have had children and a nice house by now. I must say I was shocked to find that you two hadn’t see each other in four fucking years. You must have missed each other.” Vengeance rolled his eyes from slight irritation. “It makes me sick to see that a friend of mine that was once a vicious killer, and now he’s fallen in love with this fucking broad.”

Vengeance spat in Matt’s direction. “My love for her has gone and passed. I feel nothing for her now. She helped me, and I am forever thankful, but that’s where I stand now.”

That hit me hard. My heart sunk into my stomach. Matt didn’t love me anymore? Well, I couldn’t have expected him to after four long years, but it still hurt for me to hear. Come to think of it, I wasn’t sure how I was feeling about him anymore either. The bottom line was, that we were in this together, and we were still friends. I would do anything to help him while we were here and hopefully he would do the same for me.

“Now Belle, how are you feeling about him? Come on, I know you didn’t love him, but what about now?” Vengeance walked over to me slowly. He was so big compared to me. Both in bulk and in height. “Do you still wish you could fuck me?” His lips rested on my neck, one of my most tender areas. My body quivered with fear and lust. “I knew you wanted to babe.”

The tip of his tongue graced my neck causing me to let out a small involuntary groan. My gaze shifted to Matt who was grinding his teeth and looking in the opposite direction of Zack and me. His lips suckled my neck causing a wave of pleasure to run through my body.

“No, you have it all wrong.” I shook my head and snaked myself away from his lips. “Matt is my friend now, nothing more first of all.” I began, not that he needed to know how Matt and my relationship status. I just didn’t want to piss him off anymore. “Secondly, I don’t ever want to fuck you again.” This was the stone cold truth. There may have been a point in time where I would have given a limb to have Vengeance, but that time had come and passed. Yes he had turned me on, but I didn’t want to have sex with him.

“That’s just too bad, because I’m way overdue.” He sounded seductive, like he was trying to turn me on. “Rev, take off the cuffs.”

Rev came over and pushed me over so my face was in Ayla’s nude lap. She squealed from the sudden sensation I’m sure this gave her. I tried as hard as I could not to make any noise or breathe. I didn’t want to make this any more awkward than it already was. I felt the hand cuffs loosen and then fall off my wrists. I sat up quickly as possible. “Sorry.” I mouthed to Ayla. She gave me a face indicating she didn’t want me to worry about it.

“Now.” Vengeance pulled me up by the hair. He looked me right in my blue eyes. “Are you ready?”
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Eeek! What's going to happen??? I'm sure you can all figure it out :) Yay :) PLEASE COMMENT! AND SUBSCRIBE! (If you haven't already of course :) Please, it makes me so happy when I see a bunch of comments. It gives me gooey butterflies.

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Synful Delights
Lady Lazarus

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