‹ Prequel: Living in the Shadows
Status: Active

Running from a Vengeance

Don't Blame Me For This: Chapter Five

Vengeance bent me over, causing me to lose my balance slightly. He pulled a bandana around my eyes. At least I wouldn’t have to look at anyone’s face while this was happening. I felt Vengeance’s rough hands run their way up to my covered breasts and make their way slowly to my button on my pants. He pulled them open and slithered my pants down my slender thighs and they rested at my ankles. I heard a belt buckle clanking. I assumed this was vengeance pulling down his pants now.

“Hold her arms Rev.” Vengeance ordered.

As I stood there, bent over, I began to cry softly. I knew it wouldn’t make a difference to fight them. They would win no matter what I did. I felt my hands be pulled onto bare skin. If I was feeling correctly, it was Rev’s bare thighs. So Vengeance wasn’t the only one I was going to be pleasuring today. I felt Vengeance as he spread me wide, and made his insertion. I gasped, and as my mouth opened, Rev inserted himself as well. I was choked, and gagged, as well as shamed in front of my friends.

When they were finished, I wasn’t allowed to put my clothes back on. The made me remove my shirt and everything. I was stuck just like Ayla. Both she and Matt had kept their eyes closed. I didn’t blame them. I wouldn’t have been able to watch something like that either. Vengeance and Rev both held smug grins as they looked at the three of us. I wasn’t crying anymore, I felt exhausted and what little pride I had left was gone.

“Let’s go.” Vengeance said, grabbing me.

Rev grabbed Ayla. Gates and Christ got Matt. They took us to the top of the basement stairs. “Push her.” Vengeance ordered me to do to Ayla.

“What?” I looked at him dumbfounded. “That could kill her!”

“Yep, and so could this.” He pulled his gun out of his back pocket and pointed it at her.

Ayla yelped and looked at me with frightened blue eyes. “Push me Belle.”

She braced herself and I pulled my hands up to her back. She stood over the stairs and looked at them with utter fear. Her eyes were clenched and she pulled into herself. I wanted to push Vengeance down the stairs, but I couldn’t. There was no way.

“Brace yourself.” I warned, touching the top of her back with my palms.

Before I even had a chance to put any pressure on her, two hands were pressed upon my back and I was shoved violently down the stairs with Ayla. When we both hit the bottom, we’d managed not to hurt ourselves too bad. Ayla could move her head, and she didn’t appear to have any broken bones. I didn’t either. One thing I knew for sure though was that I was going to have a lot of bumps and bruises.

I looked up at the top of the stairs. Vengeance was looking down on both of us laughing. I stood slowly, cringing from the pain in my knees. He gripped Matt by the collar of his shirt. He pulled him up to the top of the stairs and threw him down as well. Ayla scurried to get out of the way. I backed up, and held my arms up so I could at least keep his head safe.

“Sleep good assholes.” Vengeance said before closing the basement door.

Ayla was scurrying around, running into things in the pitch black basement.. Matt was trying to stand, I was doing my best to help him. I had forgotten what his body felt like, and what it was like to feel his skin against mine. The hair on my arms stood on end when my skin made contact with his, and all my body senses came alive. This moment where we first touched in four years, was spiritual.

“Are you okay?” I asked him quietly.

“I’m fine.” He murmured as he ripped his body away from me.

I was blinded when Ayla found the light switch and flicked it on. My eyes adjusted. Matt was pacing around, his hands still bound behind his back. I took in my surroundings. The basement was fairly small, and there was a couch in the right corner. We were all going to have to take turns sleeping on it. There was a tool rack, on which I noticed a saw.

“I’ll get your cuffs off you guys.” I said, walking over and picking it up.

Ayla looked nervous as I walked over to her. “Belle, do you think that’s such a good idea? All it’s going to do is piss them off.”

“I don’t care. We can’t do anything if your hands are bound.” I pointed out.

“She’s right.” Matt murmured. “We don’t want to piss them off.”

“Okay then, what do you suggest we do?” I was getting really sick of Matt’s pissy attitude toward me.

“I don’t know right now. We’ll ask them to take our cuffs off when they come back down.” His suggestion would work. It would be safer than mine. It still didn’t give him the right to be a jerk to me.

“Why Matt? Why are you so angry with me?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

“You had to tell Johnny who you were! Then you didn’t even answer your goddamn phone so I could help you! You have to be so fucking stubborn!” He walked over and kicked the dryer putting a small dent in it. “You’ve put us back in this situation and dragged your friend into it too. How do you feel?”

“There’s no way I could have brought Ayla into this! They would have kidnapped her anyway. Just so I would come to them!” This was true. That would have worked just as well.

Matt was breathing heavily from anger. I knew his face when he was angry and I didn’t like it at all. There wasn’t much I could do to make him feel better now. This was not the type of situation he wanted to be in. I’m sure he would have much rather been on the other side like he was when I was kidnapped the first time.

“Matt, this whole thing is fucked up, and I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do about it now.” I mumbled, feeling ashamed of myself.

“If we ever get out of here, and you go back in witness protection, I don’t ever want to hear from either of you, and I don’t want you to trust anyone.” He was towering over me now.

He was more angry than I ever imagined he could get. “Alright guys.” Ayla butted in. “Fighting isn’t going to get us fucking anywhere. Can we just try to get along.”

“Fine.” Matt and I said in unison.

“I guess you can cut them, they’re starting to really make my wrists hurt.” Matt grumbled.

He turned around so I could get his wrists free. I sawed back and forth, listening to the metal grinding made me cringe, but it was over before I knew it. “I’ll give you this to get off the individual cuffs when I’m done with Ayla.” I explained to him.

After freeing Ayla, I returned the saw to Matt. “Thank you.” He said, still not managing to bring a grin onto his face.

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I know it's short :( But I'll update soon enough! I hope you enjoyed. PLEASE COMMENT! I love comments and subscriptions.

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Lady Lazarus
Synful Delights

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