‹ Prequel: Living in the Shadows
Status: Active

Running from a Vengeance

Who Were We Kidding: Chapter Seven

Matt was lying on the couch, his back facing upward of course. Ayla and I just looked from each other, to the floor, and back again.

“So, you two were lovers.” She said more of a statement than a question.

“Not exactly.” I explained, walking over to the couch. I sat down and put Matt’s feet over my lap. His breathing indicated he was sleeping. It was safe to move on with the conversation. -“He loved me, and...” I paused to think about when I had fallen in love with him. “I grew to love him after these guys took me away from him.”

Ayla nodded with understanding. “He still loves you.”

I shook my head, knowing that wasn’t true. “There’s no way. We haven’t seen each other in years. There’s no way.”

Ayla rolled her eyes and scoffed at me. “Are you fucking serious Belle? Look at him.” I did. His back wounds were gaping open. I’m sure even the air alone was enough to hurt it. “You don’t do that for someone who’s just a friend.”

“Yes you do. Please don’t argue with me.” It wasn’t fair of her to point out what Matt had done for me. It wasn’t like I’d asked him for this. If I had my way he wouldn’t be here in the first place. Luckily for both of us she stopped talking. Matt moved in his sleep, and accidentally pressed his back against the rough fabric of the couch.

“Mother fucker!” He shouted, standing up. “That hurt.”

He was trying to calm himself by walking around the basement. “Do you want some more hot water on it?” Ayla asked.

Matt sighed and looked over at her. “Yeah that’d be great.” Ayla got up and walked toward the bathroom.

“You made them start to bleed again.” I scolded, referring to the open wounds. He grumbled in frustration and proceeded to sit down.

Ayla came out of the bathroom and handed me the hot washcloth. “This is your department.” She whispered just loud enough for myself to hear.

I was thankful that she was aware of that and wasn’t going to break any boundaries. Although what happened between Matt and myself was over, I still felt like he wasn’t hers to have. Not at all. Ayla went to the bathroom again. This time for her own reasons I was sure. Matt growled lowly with pain every time I moved the cloth.

“You really shouldn’t have done this.” I said, still feeling horribly for the situation he was in. I couldn’t somehow think it was my fault. That’s probably because it was. He’d told me not to cut the cuffs and I’d convinced him to somehow.

He shook his head. I wasn’t sure if it was out of frustration from me saying that, or from pure irritation. He continued on wincing as I pressed the cloth. It became red with his blood, causing me to feel a rock in the pit of my stomach. I don’t know who was in more pain. Himself, or me.

“I have a favor to ask.” Matt said quietly to me.

“Anything.” I replied, honestly meaning what I said.

“When I go to sleep, can you try to make sure that I don’t move around much?” He looked at me with his sultry eyes. How could I ever say no? Not to mention I owed him so much.

“Of course.”

I sat down on the couch beside him, and placed his shirt that lay on the floor on my lap. He grunted in pain as he struggled to lay his head on my lap. His face was on my bare stomach, while his back was exposed to the air around us. I placed my hand on his hair, looking down at him between my breasts.

“I hope you’re comfortable, because I am not.” I chuckled, referring of course to my exposed chest and his ability to see them easily.

Matt smiled into my abdomen. “I sure am comfortable.”

While he lay there content, I played with his hair. I twirled some of it in my fingers and stroked it sometimes. He began breathing evenly, letting me know he was sleeping. He deserved some good sleep, and I was determined to give it to him. Ayla finally appeared out of the bathroom, breaking my moment with Matt. She walked over and sat in the small chair across from us.

“That’s appropriate.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Oh yes.” I whispered, so as not to disturb him.

As I continued to stroke his hair, it caused me to grow weary. It was going to be extremely uncomfortable trying to sleep, but I owed this too Matt. I could give up a few nights of comfortable sleep to make his nights more feasible.

“What are we going to do?” Ayla asked, looking really irritated.

I shook my head, looking up at her. “I have no fucking clue.”

I hated to admit it, but I had a hunch that we were going to die there. Ayla laid her head back in the chair and sighed. She closed her eyes and slowly began to fall into sleep. I was the only one having a hard time with sleeping. My eyes began to water, and soon turned into full blown tears. I tried to be quiet so as not to awaken the sleeping people around me. I unfortunately failed. My stomach shaking woke Matt from his deep slumber.

“What’s wrong?” He whispered, slowly sitting.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up.” I stood up and walked to face the wall. “I suck so much. I can’t do anything right. If I had just kept my fucking mouth shut!” I smacked my palm against the damp cement wall. “If I hadn’t taken off your cuffs. And here I am, given the simple task of helping you sleep, something I owe you, and I can’t even do that. It’s no wonder you stopped loving me.”

I felt Matt’s rough hand touch my cheek tenderly. I turned and faced him. He looked back and forth between both of my eyes.

“What?” I growled, wondering why he kept staring at me.

He brought his face to mine, pressing his soft lips against me. My whole body gasped, being surprised by this sudden feeling passing through me. My mind began to do circles and I stopped breathing. Even when he tried to bring his tongue into the equation, I couldn’t figure out how to use the muscles to open my mouth. I began sobbing furiously. Matt stepped back, looking at me with a shocked expression.

“I’m sorry Belle, I’m sorry.” He started pacing like he’d done something wrong, but he couldn’t have been more incorrect.

There was too many emotions running through my body, making it difficult for it to process the happy emotion, thus turning it into tears. Without further thought, and fear that if I didn’t take it while I had it I would lose it, I rushed back over to Matt. He was still looking surprised, but I didn’t care. I grabbed his face and kissed him again. I didn’t want to lose this moment, and I wasn’t going to.

“I love you Belle, I don’t know why I tried to lie to you. I don’t want them to find out.” He told me in between our kisses.

“I love you too Matt.”

He never once tried to touch me anywhere other than the small of my back. Even though my bare breasts were pressed against his bare chest. I knew he liked that, and his other body parts told me that he wanted to act on that, but I was happy that he didn’t. The door above the stairs slammed, causing us to separate quickly. The four men charged down the stairs and looked at Matt and myself.

“Come on Belle, I need you.” Vengeance said, holding his hand out to me. “Now.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, taking a step backward.

“I mean, get the fuck up over those stairs, and into my fucking bedroom.” He ordered, pointing toward the stairs.

I looked at Matt, hoping he had a trick up his sleeve. I knew that he didn’t, but I was sure hoping for it. With four guns at my back I walked up the stairs. God only knew what they had in store.
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I know this took a while to get out, but I've been sick as hell, seriously for the past week so bear with me. Thank you for those who commented. Less than usual :( Please comment if you like the story :) It makes me smile. Also, join my contest. Avenged Sevenfold Kidnap Contest
I WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING CONTESTANTS PAST 2/27/11. Thank you!!! Okay, I'm done rambling. Enjoy the story!

Synful Delights