Tired n' Lonely


I sat nervously wringing my hands as the plane took off from Boston Logan airport. I hated flying at the best of times but now... Now I had nothing to do but think of what Joey must have been going through and I was powerless to help him.
The air hostess was rather brusque with me when I asked her for a drink of whiskey, and I decided not to bother with anyone for the rest of the journey. The smartly dressed man next to me tried to talk to me once or twice, but I was able to pretend I couldn't hear him with my headphones in, and my eyes fixed firmly on the book in front of me.
Of course, I wasn't listening to the mediocre childrens film we were subjugated to but it was better to have that as background noise than risk having to engage in forced, uncomfortable conversation with a stranger.
Arriving at the airport was no reprise - I hat to nervously stand by the conveyor alone, waiting for my bad to arrive.
I managed to pull the bag down by myself and drag it to the arrivals gate.
I couldn't see Joey, and I started to panic a little, but then there he was, right in front of me.
It was weird seeing him here, in his home state. I felt a little vulnerable, and realised that this was the first time we hadn't been on my ground when we were together.
I threw my arms around him, and he held me tight. Without so much as a word we walked to the car and he drove us to his home.
I didn't quite know what to do. We sat in the relative darkness of the living room for a little while, before he broke the silence by offering me a drink.
I asked for a jack daniels and coke, and he obliged, pouring me a rather strong mix of the two.
I sipped on it- it gave me an excuse not to talk.
He sat beside me, slowly edging closer to me, before he was finally bumped up against me the way a cat sits on a cold night.
I put my hand on his knee, and he placed his hand gently on top of mine, as though it were me who needed comforting - in a way, I did. I started to cry, as though it was me who had lost a friend.
He gently wiped a tear away and pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes, kissing him back and getting utterly lost in the moment.
"Thank you for coming Nicky."
"It's nothing" I said quickly, embarrassed now the moment was gone.
"Well it means a lot to me."
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Very sorry this is short. More on the way.