Status: I havent written the 2nd chapter and it might be a while since I edit the chapters as I write them to "perfection" :P

Cassidy Palmers: My Journey to Self Destruction

The Horrible News

"Oh my gosh! You won't believe what happened today in math class Hannah!" I squealed in delight while twirling my already curly milk chocolate hair that goes down to my elbows.
"What? I asked Hannah in a voice matching my own.
"Josh Bramer asked ME; Cassidy Palmers to the winter formal at the end of the month!" I practically screamed from the excitement burning inside of me.
"No way!" exclaimed Hannah.
"Way!" I replied happily. Quickly changing the subject I asked "So, have you asked out Mark yet?"
"" Hannah admitted before laughing nervously.
"Gasp! You have to ask him out tomorrow then! We can have a double date! It'll be so much fun!" I enthused.
*Cassidy's mom opens the bedroom door and says "Cass, it's time for dinner." before heading to the kitchen*
"K mom. Sorry Hannah I gotta have dinner so see you tomorrow." I sighed.
"Ok bye Cassidy." said Hannah.
"Hey!" I greeted smiling as I walked into the dinning room. Just as quickly as I had grinned, it vanished as I noticed how tense mom and dad looked. "What did someone die?" I asked while panic quickly rose in my chest.
A few seconds passed before her dad said "No Cassie Bear, no one died. We're moving."
"Moving? Like how? Like into a house closer to the school?" I asked with confusion engraved into my face.
Her dad sighed exasperated so mom piped in "Dad got transferred to Vancouver, so we're moving there."
"No, no no! This can't be happening to me!" I cried hysterically. As I started to pace back and forth, my mom tried to comfort me but I quickly pushed her back hissing "Don't touch me." Then I just ran upstairs and cried in my room.
I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, it was morning. I cringed slightly while taking in my appearance. My eyes were a little puffy and had dark circles from the lack of sleep I had received and my hair was a curly mess but I am too depressed to care about how I look. So after a few minutes of looking at my clothes, I settled on wearing my ripped black sweats, converse that were red and had a hole in the side and my baggy Marianas Trench sweater that said "I love Josh Ramsay" on the left sleeve. "This is as good as it gets..." I mumbled to myself before heading downstairs. "Bye mom. Bye dad." I called from the doorway.
"Do you want me to drive you to school?" mom asked sweetly.
"No thanks. Walking is better." I growled slightly while glaring at her from under my messy bangs.
"Oh my god! What happened to you?!?" Hannah practically screamed causing a few people to look at her strangely as I walked in the school.
I looked down at my clothes and mumbled "Oh that. I'm moving to Vancouver."
"You're joking right?" asked Hannah in shock/disbelief.
"Does it look like I am!?" I yelled before breaking down and sobbing on Hannah's now unvaccinated shoulder.
"Cassidy? Look at me" she whispered soothingly.
"Yeah?" I whispered before looking at her.
"I know this sucks. I hate it too but look on the bright side, we can still call each other and use the webcams that our parents got a few weeks ago. Plus, I can visit for the whole summer. And that will be fun right? So smile. Pweeaase? For meeee?" she asked in a baby voice.
I couldn't help but laugh and smile.
"There you go. That's not so hard is it?" asked Hannah.
I shook my head no.
*Ring, ring, ring*
"Time for Blk A so I will see you later." I said while hugging her.
"Bye Cass." Hannah giggled before leaving to her class.
Before I knew it, I had to go home and face my parents because as much as I would love to continue my pathetic attempt at giving them the silent treatment, I have questions that need answers.
"Mom, dad? I'm home." I announced as I walked inside and put my stuff away.
"Hey sweetie, what's new?" asked my mom as she kissed my forehead.
"Mom, when are we moving?" I asked timidly, afraid of the answer.
My mom looked at me sadly before reluctantly whispering out a pathetic "Sunday."
Tears started to clouds my vision before spilling down my cheeks for the second time today." That's in two days!" I cried hysterical.
"Yeah and if we could stay here we would but your dad's boss said he will fire him if he refused to transfer so he had to accept it." explained my mom as she wiped the tears from my face.
"I should probably start packing right I?" asked sighing at the end.
She nodded sadly.
As I walked into my room, I was greeted by six boxes already waiting for me. "Well it's one less thing for me to do." I muttered to myself. Luckily since I didn't have a lot of stuff that wasn't already ina storage box, I had everything I needed to pack finished in two hours. Despite my situation I smiled to myself as I always did when I accomplished something.
"Cassie Bear dinner!" called my dad.
"Not hungry." I retorted and then sighed when I heard foot steps heading towards me.
"Are you sure? I made your favourites; Caesar salad with Chicken and for dessert; Raspberry Mousse" my dad practically begged.
So I did the only thing I could think of; sigh dramatically and say a very long drawn out "Okay."
"Thanks Cassie Bear" said my dad affectionately while ruffling my hair a little bit causing me to giggle before walking downstairs to eat.
I was sitting at the table trying to eat my Caesar salad with Chicken when I suddenly remembered something "Oh shit!" I blurted out.” Josh still doesn't know that I'm moving! I gotta call him soon" I said to myself not caring about what my parents might say about me swearing.
"So, how was school today Cassidy?" asked mom trying to make conversation.
"It was alright. I told Hannah that we're moving and the rest of the day went by pretty fast. Do you think Hannah could come over for this weekend? I know it's last minute but-" I said before my mom cut me off.
"I think that's a great idea honey. You can call her after dinner to let her know she can come over okay?"
"Thanks mom!" I gushed while tackling her in a hug. And with that, I spent the rest of supper eating happily while looking forward to calling Hannah to tell her the great news.
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Thats the 1st chapter :D :D so, what do you think? Would you read the next chapter?