Status: Active

To the Edge of the Earth

"I met him when I was fourteen, he was my Dad's best friend, the only person apart from me that he trusted. They were Rangers, Dad was his boss, to a degree, they were more like partners though then anything else. But he was so much more, well, attractive than the other friends Dad bought home. He was younger then them too, so he'd talk to me, he'd ask about my life and how it was going. Soon he knew all the gossip from my high school, we were best friends.

When I was seventeen he kissed me, he was drunk, but he told me, "You're the only girl in my life who hasn't hurt me, and that includes my mother." From there on in, I knew I loved him.

We started to date when I was twenty two, married two months later. Dad was over the moon, he trusted Templeton with his life, and mine."

"Wow," The CIA Agent laughed, clapping his hands, "Truth serum really does work."

Twenty three year old Isabelle Peck is taken into custody of the CIA, they know she knows where The A-Team are while their job is to find them and arrest them. Isabelle will do anything to protect her father, her husband and the two men that have saved their lives countless times.

I do not own anyone other than the original characters and the story line. Steal and I will cry. You don't want that. Watch the A-Team movie and you might understand a little better.