Status: Short Story - Enjoy!



After the talent show, the guys and I just sat in the game hall and fooled around a lot. The girls aren't really like me.... like c'mon? Who would hang out with the guys by themselves but me? The girls had left immediately to their cabins without me, so I figured, 'what the heck? I'll just stay". We keep fooling around and playing games to just pass the time.

Unfortunately, our friend Dave had to point out the time (as he did every 2 hours) and said, "Jesus ... it's fuckin 4 am in the morning!" So apparently, we all had to leave. It was too dark to let anyone walk by themselves, so we just split up. Apparently, the girls cabin is on the other side of campus, so Ben and Chris had to walk me there.

The sound of shoes were dead silent against the incessant noise of crickets and moving leaves on the ground. Dark clouds were moving around and I figured it was about to rain. And, of course, I was right. We had to run towards the girls cabin for shelter... like the rain would practically just melt us if we didn't go under something fast. Right when we got to the girls cabin, Chris just shouted out something in the rain and ran back to the boys cabin.

Ben had stayed with me. We both ran under the cover above the door and just stood there, trying to catch our breaths. He looks at the rain and said, "I don't think Chris is coming back. Did you hear what he said?". I shook my head. My head felt heavy and my hair was completely damp. I must've looked like a wreck. Ben started laughing and I knew he was laughing at me.

He grab something out of my hair and pulled it out. "You had...something...". I almost blushed...

"Yea soo umm.... How long you think this rain is gonna last?" I looked at the ground and saw a small puddle forming. Staring at it, I said, "I don't know, but probably a long time."

He steps forward. " it enough time to give you something?" I looked up at him.

His face had no expression on it. His hoodie was all soaked and his hands were just stuffed inside his pockets. I couldn't tell what he meant.

"Sure....I guess."

He leaned down a little bit. I leaned forward.

I'm thinking, "This CANNOT be happening! Someone can see us... but then again, its like 4 in the morning and no one else should be out in the rain like us...right?"

He leaned in so slowly, the tension was just unbearable. I kept creeping forward.

Finally, his face was inches from mine... centimeters... millimeters... and our lips touched. He pressed down against me and I put my arms around his neck. He puts his hands around me if he cared for me... and I realized: Maybe he does care. After all this time, I realized, he likes me back.

We stayed like that for a good 30 seconds...
and he finally moved back.

"I'll...umm...see you in the morning... I MEAN...uhh, breakfast?" He was looking down now. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Was I bad? Was I great? Does he want another one? What? ....I rubbed my hands together nervously...

"Yea. sure."

He looked up and flashed a smile at me.
And then, without another word, just ran off into the dark.

I walked inside, my chest light and my heart practically up in my throat.

I just had my first kiss....