Status: Short Story - Enjoy!

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel

I feel a presence among me. It follows me everywhere. I know it’s around me when I’m in school. I know it’s there when I’m asleep. I know it just watches me and waits until I really figure out who or what it is. It seems impossible to find it, but in the end I did. I need you to hear what I have to say. I came across it in a dream of mine and the dream goes like this.

I was walking in a field and the field was dry. There was nothing. It was completely barren and bore no trees, no flowers, no grass; nothing. It seemed to stretch on forever. I just stood there. I was alone. I kept wondering, what place would be so empty like this? Almost suddenly, just after that thought had left my mind, the earth shook opened.

I could see the world underneath me. Hot air hit my face and forced me to step back. There was dirt, dark as a crow, and it went deep down; deep down until you couldn’t see anything. No light was there and the earth kept continuing to open. The rumbling noise and the movement made me nauseous. I didn’t fear it. Instead, I challenged it. I continued to step back and was wary of everything else around me. I felt something tightening around my foot. It singed my ankle and kept grabbing and pulling me in. I yanked my foot back and another one just grabbed at me. I kept tugging at them, the snake-hands, pulling me in. I didn’t scream and I still didn’t fear them. I kept fighting back, trying my hardest to break free. At one point, I caught myself saying that I didn’t need to struggle.

Maybe I was meant to go under. It didn’t feel right, though. The snake-hands kept pulling and tugging at me. They yanked harder and harder, tempting me to go with them. Tempting me, pleading with me, begging me, struggling with me. I couldn’t hold on any longer. I kept losing control and then I felt myself fear them. What will happen? Can I ever win against this war? What is this thing, going against me? Another hand grabbed at my chest and knocked me down, sliding my body against the ground. I kept struggling like a fish in a net, trying to break free.

I felt myself fall.

Darkness enveloped me and I didn’t know where I was going. I didn’t know whether I was going to survive or if I will end up dying. The fear became mind-blowing and I kept wishing to somehow get out of the dark. I felt the heat all around me and the only thing cold were my tears. There was an insuperable amount of wind in my ears and it was pressing against my body. As my tears fell, I noticed they dropped slower than I did. My eyes were only the two things I could count on, but in the dark, I felt hopeless. My heart had wished and desired so many things at that moment, it would’ve burst.

Then, after seconds passed by like hours, the presence was there. It came as white light, surrounding me and suddenly stopped me from my doom. I had closed my eyes and just listened to it’s voice. Whispering something, I could barely make it out. It had taken me up out of the ground and dropped me in the barren land.

I laid still for the longest time and listened to the slight rumbling from underground. I sat up and realized what it was. It stopped in front of me; not breathing, not moving. It stood tall and shone bright like a star. You could tell it had a human shape by looking quickly. Staring at it for too long would have burned your eyes. Staring at it for too long would have made you wonder if it was real. Staring at it made me realize that the presence was no ordinary being.

It was just a great a sight to see it standing, but when it opened its wings…Its wings were something you would never see in your life. How powerful it had proven to be just by releasing its wings. An even greater amount of light had shown upon me and within the moment, it disappeared.

It had vanished. It left just like it came: silently. As I awoke, I experienced a feeling. Some feeling of security and safety. I knew that I had found solace within something.

I have a guardian angel.