Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

I like Your Skirt

Turncoat! Killer! Liar! Theif!

The musical genius of Anti-flag rang through my room, as my music alarm clock rang out. I whined and turned over. I carefully pounded my fist againest my alarm clock. Turning it off and getting up. The week before had sped through and now it was Monday of the next week. It was 6:00 in the morning and hour before I have to leave for school. I unsteadily got onto my feet. I crawled uneasily around on the floor. Reaching out for a shirt and pair of pants clean enough to wear.

I reached for something in the darkness and pulled back a pair of sweat pants. "What the hell?" I questioned. "These are not mine." I said to myself. I shrugged and through them over my shoulder looking for something else. I reached out again and pulled back a red plaid skirt. I shrugged and reached for something else. It came back as a black corset top. "Well whatever." I shrugged and went to my drawer to get a pair of fish net stockings.

I pulled the stockings on one leg at a time then pulled up the skirt and struggled with the side zipper. I again struggled with a zipper for my corset. It took a bit but I finally got it up. I applied the usual make up and grabbed a sweat shirt. I pulled on my converse leaving them a bit loose and headed towards my car.

I fumbled with the keys and started it. The engine turned over and roared to life. I sped out of the drive way heading towards Jimmy, then Zekes homes.

I sped up as I neared the parking lot. I smiled widely as I spotted a speed checker that police put up that make an obnixous beeping noise when you go over the speed limit, yeah one of those. I sped passed the speed limit and let the ringing cry ring split the air. I just moved along doing nothing and listening to the background of the guys laughing silently to themselves.


I slammed my locker shut and grabbed my binder from the floor. I threw it roughly into my messenger bag and zipped it up. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned slowly, "I like your skirt," the girl behind me said. "Uuuh well thanks?" I questioned tilting my head. "You're welcome!" she smiled despite my slight rudeness. "Oh by the way my name is, Mags," she smiled. "The names, Hayden." I sighed. I cute looking boy came up behind her.

"Hey, time to go." the boy frowned as he looked at her. "Okay. Oh and this is my brother, James." The boy gave me the once over and I flipped him off. "Hey, what was that for, love?" he asked. "Oh forget it." I groaned and headed outside. "Hey where have you been?!" Jimmy interigated. "Inside, packing up, duh!" I smacked him on the back of the head.

"Oh, I knew that." he smiled sheepishly. "Mmmhmmm," I agreed. I rolled my eyes and walked to my car. Zeke brought up the rear, being his normal quiet self. Its kind of odd actually... I don't see why he is so quiet... "I'm hungry!" I whined "And I don't wanna drive!" I whined more. "Here take the keys." I threw them in the air. "Ooh I got it!" the boys both said in unison.

"I really don't care." I said and climbed into the back seat. Jimmy climbed into the drivers seat and Zeke in the other. That kinda tipped me off that Jimmy had caught the keys. "Where to Miss?" Jimmy said repeating the similar line from the infamous movie Titanic. "To the stars, and back." I said and pulled my chin up next to his head, I repeated Roses response to Jacks from the movie.

"Hey, I'd hate to mess up your little "moment" over there but I'm hungry!" Zeke whined and put air quotes while he said the word moment. "Yea, whatever, talk to the driver not me." I hmphed. "Fine, I will!" Zeke turned to Jimmy. "To the diner we went when we first took Hayden out." Zeke commanded. "Whatever you say." Jimmy revved the engine and sped out of the parking lot.