Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

One Word; Mess

At the diner, can I say one word; a mess. We decided it'd be fun to get into a food fight at the diner. Now the manger and whoever else had to clean up our mess wasn't too happy about it. But I mean hey what can you do? I mean it is us, we enjoy getting into trouble. Lets see we ordered speghetti. Yea, it was one of the messiest things on the menu. We started off though we did get bolonga slices and mustard. Heh heh, that one was fun.

The waitress gave us the weirdest look when we ordered just bolonga slices and mustard. We spread mustard on one side of the bolonga slices then threw them up on the ceiling and at eachother. One got stuck on Zekes cheek. He looked like a doll with only one cheek. Hehe. The night one on pretty similarly. Now to start the story.

I just got home from the diner. I was still getting some of the real messy stuff off of myself. I was pulling some speghetti out of my hair when I walked into the kitchen. My father was sitting at the kitchen table mumbling into his hands. He had a bunch of beer cans surronding the kitchen chair he was sitting in. THere was also a half finished bottle placed on the table. "Dad?" I questioned. The speghetti in my hair seemed like nothing at that moment.

"Dad? Whats wrong?" I asked advancing on his slumped over body. "Oh Hayden! I'm a horrible person." he whined. "Whats wrong dad?" "Did you ever find out why your mother and I got a divorce?" I shook my head. "Well, when we first had you I had cheated on your mother. She found out."

I gasped. "Why are you drinking though?" I asked curiously. "Because Hayden I am an acholic. I've been ever since the divorce." "What?" I asked in disbelief. He nodded wearily. I sighed and walked away. I walked up the steps. I threw the pair of sweat pants that I found earlier on and a new shirt with holes and all. I climbed into bed but couldn't get to sleep.

I sighed for the second time that night. I got reluctently out of bed and went to the downstairs bathroom and searched the cabinets. I found a bottle of Nyquil and poured some into a cup. I'm not one for taking unnessicary drugs but it was somewhat nessicary right now. I drank it down with my index and thumb pinching my nose to make the taste less.

I looked into the mirror while swollowing it and I made a disgusted face. I fell back into bed and waited a few minutes for the effects of the cold medicine to kick in. I welcomed the sleep. It felt wonderful to actually get a miniscule amount of sleep for once.


I met up with Jimmy during lunch. We sat outside in the court yard, whether it was a loud or not it did not matter. We actually didn't eat that much. I had a few bites of the undetectable blob on my lunch tray. Jimmy had the pudding cup that came extra with the lunch. Jimmy lifted the spoon up and stuck it to his nose. There was a little bit of pudding on it and it stuck.

He started to do impressions of the teachers with the spoon still on his nose. We laughed ourselves into tears. I leaned back in the grass and looked up at the sky. I closed my eyes and let the soft breeze brush across my face. I'm not really sure what happened but before I could tell there was a shawdow infront of my face and it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

The shawdow infront of my eyes did not move and I turned to try and find the sun again but found no sun only more shawdow. I slowly opened my eyes with measured movements. Turns out James was standing infront of me blocking my sun. "Good afternoon, love. Nice to see you're finally awake." I grumbled and sat up and rubbed my acking back.

"What happened?" I questioned. "Well you slept through the rest of the day." I groaned now rubing my head. "No one woke me?" I questioned. "Well Jimmy was going to wake you up but I told him not too." "Huh?" I asked. "Well, Jimmy took your keys, love. He took himself and Zeke home." he said slowly. "Oh, wait, in my car?" I questioned. "Yes, love." James smiled. "So how the hell am I supposed to get home?" I questioned getting my normal self back.

"Well, I was thinking, that I would take you home." "Oh," was how I responded. "Whatever." I shrugged and carefully picked myself up. "Lets go." I said pointing ahead, "lead the way." "Alright, love." James moved ahead of me.