Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

The Plane to New York

5 months later

Nothing drastically has changed. Hayden is one year older and is now dating James. Suprise, suprise. Its past the end of the school year and its the first day of summer. James, Jimmy, Zeke, and of course Hayden are on a plane to New York. They plan to spend the summer there and the next school year.

(Authors note: i'm changing the pov on this one. its gonna be in third person. I think thats what person it is)


Hayden groaned and turned to face the window. James had his arm wrapped around her shoulders. She glanced out the window careful not to disturb the sleeping James. She watched as the clouds were torn through by the plan. Hayden had the urged to reach out and touch the fairy floss looking clouds. The pilot came onto the PA system. "Its a beautiful 60 degrees in the wonderful city of New York City." the pilot said.

"We will be arriving in about an hours time." the pilot continued. Hayden glanced over to the other side of James. Jimmy slept with his mouth opened wide. There was a small stream of drool exiting the corner of his mouth. Hayden giggled a little bit from the site of the sleeping boy. She then looked past Jimmy to Zeke. He had his ear buds in from his iPod. He was sitting next the a beautiful scene boy.

His hair neatly pushed to the side covering his right eye, despite the long plane ride. 'How do they do that?' Hayden thought to herself. She could never fully comprehend how the scene guys and girls for that matter could keep their hair in the same postion. It was an amazing accomplishment. Hayden herself could never accomplish such a task. Her rainbow hair was straight and smooth yet unruly at the same time. She could never get it to fall just the right way.

She heard a yawn beside her and saw the sleepy James slowly opening his eyes. "Hello, love." James yawned. "Hey, baby. How was your sleep?" Hayden asked him. "Not as good as being awake, love." he smiled. "Oh why is that?" Hayden questioned confused. "Because I don't see you." his smile was small but there all the same. "You're such a dork, but you're my dork, and I love you." Hayden smiled tapping his nose.

"Aww, I love you too, love." He gave her a small peck on the cheek. A tall stewardess came down the asile with a cart with snacks and drinks as well. Jimmys elbow was out over the side of the arm and as the stewardess came down the aisile she bumped into Jimmy. He was startled awake and the stewardess got a look on her face of slight embarresment.

James and I bursted into laughter as Jimmy was still trying to grasp what had happend. "Hey, Jimmy, mate, its all good." Zeke smiled. Jimmy ignored the comment and fell back asleep almost instantly. The stewardess moved on to the next row of people.

Hayden leaned againest James and her eyes fluttered shut. James watched in amusement as his girlfriend drooled a bit out of the corner of her mouth. He took his thumb and wait away the small drizzle and wiped it on his shirt. Hayden was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He loved everything about her and he hoped she felt the same way. James was almost certain she did.

James was drifting back to sleep when he heard his name being said softly. He looked around then down at Hayden. He thought she had woken up but instead she nustled deeper into his side. He smiled at the thought that she must be dreaming of him. The smile couldn't help but appear in his face. He fell alseep with a smile. The hour past by quickly and the pilot came back onto the PA system.

"We are now arriving at New Yorks national air port. Please fasten your seat belts." James reclicked Haydens seat belt and then he did his own. He woke up Jimmy to tell him and then Jimmy told Zeke. The plane landed and James went to wake Hayden up. "Wake up, love, we're here." James whispered to her. She groaned and woke up. She rubbed her head and undid her seat belt.

She gave James a small peck on the lips and got up pulling him up with her. "Lets got, love," Hayden said to him. "Lets," he smiled. He guided her forward and she went ahead. Hayden grabbed her and James bags from the cabinet above their heads. She handed Jimmy his aswell. "Well guys here we are," Hayden smiled. This is were she thrived. This was New York. Her home, her dwelling, her place.

Costums was horrid. It reminded Hayden of when she first came to London. It took about an hour and a half to finally get to collect their luggage. They each had atleast four suit cases for each of them. They were staying for the whole summer and then some. Hayden almost lost each of her suit cases. Luckily, the guys were on their toes.

They each got their own plus Haydens. She was suffering from a slight case of jet lag. "Carry me Jimmy!" Hayden yelled to Jimmy. "Hayden, darling, I can't. I have to carry four suit cases." James felt a pang of jelousy go through him when Jimmy called Hayden darling and also when Hayden asked Jimmy to carry her. He let it go because he didn't like being the jelous type. "Hey baby, I'll carry you." A random guy said. Hayden was in that guys face in a flash. "Excuse me?" She snarled.

"I'm sure you heard me." the guy said. "You wanna say that again?" Hayden asked through gritted teeth. Her hands were slowly balling into fist. "I said-" Hayden cut the guy off with her fist. "Now, would you like to say that again?" The guy shook his head rapidly and backed off. Hayden cracked her knuckles and turned back to the guys. "I'm glad your my lover and not my enemy, love." James said wrapping his arm around her. "I'm sure you are." she said lightly touching his nose with her index finger.

Hayden wobbled a bit as she walked, dizzied by the jet lag. She was held up by her ever so helpful boyfriend and best friends. "Guys we gotta catch a cab!" Hayden whined. "Yeah, I know." Zeke said. "So whos gonna catch it?" Hayden asked. "Not it!" The boys shouted. "Fine! I'll do it." Hayden began to lift up her shirt. "No, no, no!" James yelled. He put his hand over Haydens. "What? I was just gonna itch my tummy!" Hayden cryed innocently. "Oh lord! You'll be the death of me, Hayden!" James sighed.
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Fairy Floss-Cotton Candy
And that last line kinda like that line from Twilight that Edward always says.... (you'll only get it if you've read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer).