Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

Maybe This Won't Be So Bad After All

I put my skateboard down and started to skateboard to where the people met up with the people coming off the plane oh what is it called? Oh yea the terminal. I passed by a security guard and they told me to get off my skateboard I just flipped him off. He got all red in the face and started to chase after me so I picked up speed.

I dodged the 'Caution Wet' signs and the orange cones placed around the wet spot. My wheels slipped across the wet floor. I regained my composure as the floor began to dry. The guard still running after me. He slipped on the wet floor and still didn't give up. I turned around and flipped him off again. His face turned another shade of red as I grinded a hand rail as I entered the terminal.

I was greeted by the familiar worn out face of my father.

"Hi! Bye!" I said as I skated by him the guard, not giving up, still on my tail.

I dropped my bags by his feet.

"Hey!" he called after me.

I just turned and smiled. My fun was slowing dying out as I was coming closer to a dead end. I frowned and stopped my board and picked it up. I did a quick U turn and ran passed the guard back to my father.

I stopped barely out of breath in front of my father.

"Hello, dad." I smiled big.

"Still getting into trouble Hayd?" he asked smiling at the guard out of breath at the end of the hall.

"Yep you know me all too well!" I laughed.

I guess I did like my dad better then my mom. I guess this isn't going to be so bad especially since I have met an awesome mate named Jimmy.

"Hey dad you mind going before fatty over there," I pointed to the out of breath somewhat round security guard "Catches his breath and comes over and lectures me?" I asked.

"Sure, Hayd," he said.

We quickly exited the air port before the guard could come after us.

"Hey so what does your car look like?" I examined the parking lot.

"It’s a black Mercedes," he stated plainly.

"Oooh somebody’s loaded!" I laughed.

"You better believe it," he replied.

Okay I just learned something my fathers loaded! Yes!! Does happy dance in mind. I can finally get a new board!! I smiled widely.

"What are you smiling at?" he asked.

"Oh nothing," I said.

"Hmmm okay," he said.

I skipped with skateboard in hand and with my father behind me holding both of my arm issue bags and my orange duffel bag. We got to the car and he threw my bags in the trunk and we both go into the front two seats.

The ride home was long and silent. We didn't have that much to talk about. My father asked a few questions and informed me that he enrolled me into the public high school after thinking over sending me to a Catholic high school but then realizing that I wouldn't last a day with strict nuns. I thanked him for signing me up for the public school.

My dad pulled through the gates of his house then driving up the long driveway. At the end of the driveway stood a giant Victorian house. It took my breath away.

"Wow dad!" I smiled.

"I knew you would like it." He laughed.

"Totally!" I laughed.

The same thought passed through my head again; maybe this won't be so bad.
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