Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

Peircings With A Side Order Of Burgers

I woke up the next morning, feeling stiff. I got up a strechted, I checked the clock on the Tv and it read eight fifty. "Damn it!" I muttered. I ran up the steps towards my bathroom. I quickly got into the shower. Taking one as quick as possible. I quickly blowed dryed my hair leaving it a bit damp. The clock read nine o'clock. "Shit!" I muttered again. I grabbed whatever was in reach. I ended up grabbing a pair of almost shredded jeans and a THE CLASH t-shirt. I pulled them on and grabbed a belt.

I grabbed my hoodie off the bed and attempted to pull on my shoes as I tripped across my room. I grabbed my iPod and my cell phone and finally accomplished the goal of putting my shoes on. I tore down the steps, grabbing my keys off the kitchen counter I ran outside. I didn't leave before I scribbled a quick note telling my father that I had left and also borrowed a credit card I had found. I ran out towards my car and hopped in.

"Thank God my father put in a GPS into my car. I punched in the London Eye and it gave me simple to follow direction. I sped down the road. I was going over the speed limit, luckly I dodged the other cars and also cops as I raced to the London Eye. I arrived one whole minute early! I did a small happy dance as I waited for Jimmy.

Jimmy got there 1/2 hour late as I was getting ready to leave. I was getting back into the car when I heard, "Hey Hayden! Wait!" I turned around and there stood Jimmy in all of his multi colored mohawk glory. I laughed, "Well its about time!" "Well sor-ee!" He said. "Well what took so long?" I tapped my foot impatiently. "Well its not my fault the buses were running late!" he yelled. "Oh okay," I said shurrging my shoulders. "Well then..." he looked off. "So what do you want to do?" he walked over to me.

"I know lets go where our kind thrives!" I screeched. "You mean down town?" He stated questionably. "Yeppers!" I smiled. "Okay lets go! But wait we would need to catch a bus or something," he said sadly. "Not-uh." I shook my head. "Yes we do, we have no other way." He started to walk away. "Wait!" "What?" "You see that Mustang over there?" I pointed to my car. "Yea its a sweet ride." He nodded. "Well thats my car!" I yelled. "Seriously?!" "Yeppers, Now lets go!!" I whined running towards my car.

"Hey I got a question," Jimmy stated. "Yea?" I asked getting out my keys. "Can I drive?" "Yea sure." I threw him my keys. "Thanks!" He yelled like a five year old. He caught the keys and ran to the drivers door. He jumped in and started the enginge. "Lets go!" He yelled speeding off. "Okay!" I laughed rolling down the window and sticking my arm out. We parked in the parking lot and got out getting ready to walk. "Hey so what do you want to do?" He asked. "Ya know any good peircing parlors?" I asked. "Yeppers!" He said pointing towards his lip. I must have over looked the stud in the center of his bottom lip.

"Oh I never noticed that before!" I yelped running up to him to examin his lip ring. "Well its always been there," he stated as if it was obvious. "Right this way." He began to walk off. "Wait up!" I ran after him. We walked along the streets for awhile spotting awesome looking punks as we walked. We waved to them all. "Hey Jimmy! Long time no see!" I boy with shiny black hair that reached his shoulders and loads of piercings ran up to Jimmy. "Hey Zeke! Way too long!" He agreed.

I cleared my throat for attention and Jimmy turned to me, "Oh and this is Hayden, Hayden this is Zeke, Zeke this is Hayden." "Hey," I smiled. "Hey," He gave me a small smile. "Go we go now?" I whined. "Go where?" Zeke questioned. "To the peircing parlor," I stated. "Oh you guys goin to Johnnys?" Zeke looked at us. I gave him a confused look and Jimmy came to my rescue. "Yea you wanna come?" he asked. "Sure, I wanna get my eye brow done." He pointed to his right eyebrow.

"Alright then its settled! We're going to the peircing place! Yay!! Wheeeee!!!!" I giggled and ran off. "Shes a keeper," Zeke whispered into Jimmys ear. Jimmy just laughed and nodded his head. They both ran off after me and guided me to 'Johnnys' as they said. I put both interlocked my elbows with the two boys and started to skip. They looked at me like I had about ten heads. I just laughed at them and urged them to skip with me.

They eventually gave in after some hard core persuading. We were all in giggles when we arrived at the parlor. I was rolling around on the ground. It was pretty funny. Three punks 2 of them being hard core guys skipping down the street. "Lets go!!" I screeched running into the store. I skidded to exactly infront of the counter. "So what can I help you with?" he asked watching the guys come in behind me then greeting each of them by name.

"I would like snake bites, belly button ring, ten studs up both of my ears," I said out of breath. "Is that it?" he asked. "Yea for now, I can gurantee I'll be back here either later this week or next. "Okay, I'll keep you word. Oh and if you gonna be a regular, whats your name?" He asked getting out his peircing tools. "The names Hayden." I smiled. "Okay, well I'm Johnny." he finished rounding up his peircing tools and told me to sit down.

"Okay which first?" "I don't care, suprise me." I said getting comfortable in the green peircing chair. "Alright snake bites." He held my bottom lip in his latex gloved index and thumb of his left hand and poked the needle through. I winced a bit from the miniscule amount of pain. He then put the hoop into my lip. He repeated the process for the second ring. "Okay the snake bites are all done. Now if I remember correctly you wanted you belly button done next?" He questioned. "Yeppers!" I said as I lifted the hem of my shirt up past my belly button.

I grinned eagerly and Jimmy came down to my side. "I see your happy." he laughed. "Yeppers!" I grinned widely. Johnny stuck the needle through my belly button and I winced again, Jimmy took this as an opportunity to grab my small hand in his big one. I smiled at him. "Now we have the ears." He replaced the two needles he had recently used with one of those peircing gun thingys. He put in a stud and pierced my ears. He repeated the process twenty times before he was finished.

I got up excitedly and pulled Jimmy up with me. I pulled out my credit card and charged whatever amount it was to it. Next it was Zekes turn. "So anyone else getting anything peirced today?" Johnny adressed our small group. "Yea, me." Zeke walked over to the counter. "Okay Zeke what is it this time?" he questioned. "I would like my right eyebrow peirced." He pointed to it. "Okay you know the drill." he said. He retrived a needle and asked, "ring or bare bell?" "Uhhh lets see, hey Hayd what do you think?" he questioned. "I say barebell!" I yelled. "Okay then barebell it is!" Johnny stated. He picked up his tools and brought them over to him. He did his eyebrows quickly and proffesionaly. "Thanks." Zeke nodded. He went up to pay the 12 dollars that it cost and we all exited.

"I'm hungry!" I whined. "Yea us too!" The boys whined. "Okay then lets go get big greasy burgers!" I yelled hooking my elbows with theirs and making them run with me to a dinner I spotted from Johnnys. "Whheeee!" I cheered childishly. They laughed and giggled along with me. We ran into the diner and I dived into a booth. I giggled as the boys followed pursuit. "Hey, what can I get 'cha?" the waitress asked. "I want the biggest burger you got!" I yelled. "and an orange soda!" I added. "Okay and how bout you guys?" she looked towards Jimmy and Zeke.

"I'll have that burger that she ordered," He pointed to me. "Me too!" Zeke chimed in. "I want a coke too!" Zeke said. "Well I want a root beer!!" "Okay your orders will be out soon." she slurred some of the words. "I"m so happy!" I bounced up and down in my seat. "Why?" they asked in unison. "Cause I have two new friends!! Wheeee!!" I shouted. "OKay!" they cheered along with me.

The orders came ten minutes later and we were still messing around with eachother. I gawked when I saw my burger. It was a triple decker. I smiled greedily. I grabbed in and with many failed attempts finally I got it into my drooling mouth. "Oh my god!!" I yelled with my mouth full. "What?" the guys answered their mouths full of food as well. "This is the best burger ever!" I took another huge bite. "Hey can we have a bite?" Zeke asked. "Sure!" I handed them my burger while grabbing a bite out of each of theres. "Oh my god! I love this resurant!!!" I smiled. "Me too!" Zeke and Jimmy said in unison.
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Woah that was the longest chapter I've ever written!