Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

Well I Don't Kiss My Ass?

I drove the guys home and then finally got myself home at about 9 o'clock after the food we went to go see a scary movie. I was enjoying the movie whenever a scary part came I rotated whose lap I would jump into. It was fun and Zeke and Jimmy found my jumping amusing. I don't see what there problem was. The movie was good from what I saw. I was fully entergized and speeded a bit on the way home. I skipped into the house after killing the engine of the car.

"Hey dad." I waved as I entered the living room. He was on the couch watching football. I ran quickly up to my room. I had school tomorrow and was not too excited. I finally got the courage to put my clothes away. I just threw everything on hangers and decided that was good enough. I stripped down to just my underwear and bra and climbed into bed. I made sure to set the alarm clock that appeared on my bed side table.

I set it for 5:45 so I could get up in enough time to take a shower. I welcomed the sleep as it over took me. My sweet sleep was interuppted by the obnixous beeping of the alarm clock. I got up groggily and tripped over the bags strewn across my floor. I finally grasped the door handle and forced it opened. I walked no stumbled passed the light switch and went straight to the shower to well you know shower.


I arrived at school, make up a bit smeared, and Jimmy and Zeke climbing out of the car after me. Turns out I am now their chauffer. I have found out that Jimmys birthday is in March and Zekes it turns out is on Halloween. The school was big and every body looked like they had a stick shoved up their ass.

Zeke and Jimmy both showed me to the main office. Where I got my schedule. I had every class with either Jimmy or Zeke and two classes with them both. I was grinning madly that I had such luck. Zeke and I walked to our first class which turned out to be caculus, my worse subject, but I had failing marks in about everyother class.

We grabbed our seats in the back of the class I avoided the teacher at all cost that was a middle aged woman with graying hair and a plain gray etire. She was a very boring teacher and I found it hard to concentrate. I was bored out of my mind when the teacher decided that it was time to call on me. "I see we have our new student." She pointed her bony finger at me. I gave a quarter hearted wave. "What is your name again?" She asked me. "The names Hayden, Brenhuber." I said blankly glaring at her and all the preppys.

"Okay well Miss. Brenhuber, would you like to tell me what the area of a circle with a 24 inch diameter?" she questioned looking at me. "Well I don't know kiss my ass?" I said giving her a side ways glance. "Miss. Brenhuber I will not tolerate such language in my class!" she shouted. "Fine then don't," I responded. "You know what Miss.-" "Yea I know Miss. Brenhuber you have a detention." She hmphed and turned back to teach the class. Zeke laughed, "its your first day and you're already got a detention." "Yea yea well its nothing new." I smiled.

"I'm sure I'll be in a fight by the end of the day." I whispered to him. We continued passing notes and the teacher didn't bother us for the rest of the class. The preps turned to stare and Zeke and I and we just flipped them off. They had a look of pure disgust when they looked at us. We just laughed and walked on. Next was history and all three of us had it together. I was completly and utterly happy, I was practically bouncing out of my ripped jeans. We all walked into history together and before I could go sit down with the guys the teacher stopped me. He was a young teacher in maybe is early thritys or late twentys.

"Hello, Hayden Brenhuber is it?" He asked. "Yes and you are?" I gave him a sideways glance. "I am Mr.Swetkoski but I think of that as my father so you can call me Mr. Swet." He said. "Okay Mr.Swet it is," I said. I went to go sit down and he let going out into the hallway to greet his other students. Jimmy luckly save me a seat inbetween him and Zeke and I took it gladly. I took at my notebook and started to doodle little pictures. I glanced up every once in awhile. Nothing was going on so I just sat there when Jimmy passed me a note. Bored? It asked. Yea. I scribbled back. Nice join the club. Anything exciting happen in first period? He wrote. Yea I sad I got a detention. I handed back the note.

Its your first day and you already have a detention? he wrote. Yes. I handed back the note. What did you do? it questioned. I told the teacher an answer to the question was 'Kiss My Ass'. I handed Jimmy the note and he started to laugh. "What is so funny Mr. Armstrong?" The teacher started to move towards us. "Passing notes? This will not be tolerated in my classroom." He picked up the note and gave it a once over. "Kiss my ass?" he questioned. "Uhh yea that was my doing." I said raising my hand half way.

"Well in that case, detention for both of you!" he practically shouted. "What do you mean detention?" Jimmy groaned. "I mean detention and say one more word and another detention for you!" the teacher said walking away. Jimmy flipped him the bird and Mr. Swet must have caught it from the corner of his eye because he said, "I saw that Mr. Armstrong another detention for you." Jimmy and I bothed groaned and looked towards Zeke who was giggling to himself. "Oh shut the fuck up!" Jimmy and I shouted in unison. "I can't help it you guys are so funny its Haydens first day and shes got 2 detentions and its the middle of January and this is like your fifith detention. "Oh like you haven't got any Mr. Perfect."