Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

This Is Going To Be An Interesting Year

We went to lunch and I met Jimmys and Zekes "posse". "Okay guys meet Hayden. Hayden meet the guys." I waved at them then jumped up. I spotted a boy with black hair with navy streaks in his hair. "Oh my god! You have plugs!" I jumped up and went to examin his ear. "Yes I do." He looked at me strangly. "What guage is it?" I asked him. "Its 5 guage." He said. "No way! So I could like almost stick my finger in it." I was excited. "Yea I guess." I drifted off. "Awesome!!" I shouted. "Okay well I see you have met Aiden," Jimmy said. "Yeppers!" I shouted.

"Well then that bleach blonde kid of there is Seth." He pointed to him. "That brown hair kid is Sean." He pointed to him. "That one with the short hair is Alec." Again he pointed. "That very pale kid is Vlad." "Oooh I love that name!" I shouted and went over to sit next to him. "Hello." I said to him. "Hey!" He said back. "I like you already!" I shouted. "I like you too!" He shouted back. "Yes! More friends!!" I cryed. "Wait who are they?" I asked pointing to the two boys at the end of the table. "Thats Zacky and Matt," Jimmy said. "Hi!" I shouted "Hi!" Zacky shouted back. "Hey," said Matt in a quiet voice.

"Oh my god!" "What is it?" Vlad asked. "I"m hungry!" I began to whine and rub my tummy. "Us too!" The guys shouted. "Okay then lets go!!" I ran to the lunch line. "This food smells like crap!" I whispered loudly into Vlads ear. "Yea it taste like crap too!" He whispered back. "I have decided that I hate school food!" I cryed in the lunch line. My new friends whooped and laughed at me.

"I don't see whats so funny!" I began to pout. "Aaahhh!" I started to wriggle around. "What is it?" Zeke asked. "Jimmy!" I cryed as he tickled my waist. "Stop it!" I cryed. "Stop what?" Jimmy questoned inoccently. "You know exactly what to stop!" I cryed trying to bat away his tickling fingers. "Wait I need to get food!" I laughed as I grabbed a tray. "Okay but after we get our food, you're in for it!" "Fine be that way!" I grabbed the food from the line.


The school day was fun but now it is time for detention. I happened to get three more detentions by the end of the day. Yea I know but I couldn't help it! The teachers were so rude and stupid! I couldn't stop myself from telling them off. It was fun too. All day all I got was rude looks from preps. I did get into a fight with one of them too. Not a fist fight so much but a battle of words. I have found that preps hate when you call them sluts, whores, skanks and things along those lines. Everything is true about them too.

Turns out in last period Zeke ended up getting a detention as well as me and Jimmy so all three of us headed to the detention room after last period. We opened the door and we found a bunch of jocks who think they are all freakin that cause they got a detention. Hah it was just routine for me. We spotted Zacky and Matt at the back of the class room holding hands. I guess they're a couple awesomeness! "Hey Zacky, Matt," I called from the front of the room. "Hey Hayden, Jimmy, Zeke." They called back. "Sup guys?" Jimmy asked. "Oh nothing much." They turned back to eachother.

There were no teachers in the class room. I headed towards a row of three empty seats and sat down in the middle of the three. Zeke and Jimmy sat down besides me. Just as we sat down three stupid looking jocks came in. "Hey those are our seats." the biggest one I'm guessing the leader said. "Oh yea well I don't see your name on them." I leaned back in my seat. "You wanna start a fight?" The boy asked. "Yes in fact I do, its about time I started on my rep here." I started to stand up.

"Oh aren't you the brave one?" He gave me the once over. "You better believe it mother fucker." I said. He threw his hand and it missed me narrowly. "Didn't anyone teach you proper fighting attictic. You're not supposed to hit a girl till she throws the first punch." I said smirking. I threw the first punch and it made contact with his jaw. I laughed, "Still think I'm weak?" He held his jaw and threw another punch. It made contact with my stomach and gasped then doubled over.

I began coughing and Jimmy and Zeke got ready to stand up. "No," My voice was hoarse but firm. "What do you mean no? You are almost coughing up blood and you don't want our help?" Jimmy asked. "I can handle this." My voice grew stronger. I stood up straight. "Oooh, the girls got guts." the boys said. "Yeah." I threw another punch and it hit his gut. "Ack." The boy cryed. "Mr. Saulino! Miss.Brenhuber!" The middle aged woman with graying hair and a full gray attire came through the door.

"I will not stand such things! Both of you ISS!" She cryed wagging her finger at us. "Now I suggest your find your seats before I change it to something worse!" She went to got sit at the desk in the front of the room. I began to mummble under my breath and sit down. "Damn her!" I mummbled. "Yeah shes a real bitch." Jimmy whispered into my ear. "So what do we do now?" I asked him "Oh and Zeke" "Yea?" "Told you I was going to be in a fight by the end of the day." I smirked.

"Oh lord, This'll be a very interesting school year," Jimmy muttered under his breath. "Love you too, Jimmy," I grinned.
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I don't know if anybodys actually read this far but it'd be nice... If anybody read this please comment!