Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

My Last Stand (Or So It Seems)

One detention down four more to go and to top it all off I've got an ISS tomorrow. Oh joy to the world. I walked into the house after dropping Zeke and Jimmy off. "Hey dad." I smiled setting my crap down on the floor. "Hello Hayden, I've got something for you." he passed a credit card across the table. "Thanks, dad." I took the card and began to walk away. "Oh and by the way nice peircings." "Uh oh thanks..." I walked away. "I'm gonna do my homework then go to bed, okay?" "Yeah, okay Hayd."

I did what I said I would do minus the homework. I found nothing interesting about it so I just didn't do it. I mean the worst they could do is give me another detention which is not bad at all. Its accutally kind of fun. I woke up the next moring late of course. I struggled to get myself ready. I got to getting my clothes on before I had to go. I had to back my make up to do in the car or something. I grabbed my bag, cellphone, make up bag, and my new credit card and raced down the steps.

I ran out the door but grabbed an apple on my way out and said a quick goodbye. I got into my car and headed to my first stop; Zekes house. Next was Jimmys. "Hey Zeke, ya mind driving?" I asked. "Nope, but why?" "Cause I'm runnin late and didn't do my make up this morining," I said. "Oh okay then." He took his seat and I got into the other side as he drove to Jimmy's place. I took my time and tryed attempted to put make up on with a shaky hand.


My ISS got changed to tomorrow, there was too many people today. Another detention but this time by myself. I walked in and sat down towards the back. I leaned back and put my feet up. The boys from last time walked in. They were laughing obnixously and they sat down in the seats they claimed to be theres yesterday. "Hello, girlie." The big one said comeing over to me. "I have a name thank you." I smirked. "What would that be?" He asked leaning on my desk. "Hmm, how 'bout you get your fat ass off my desk, and I'll consider telling you my name." I smirked. "Oooh fiesty." The boy laughed sliding off my desk.

I mimicked his words and he laughed in response. My fist began to ball underneath my desk. I shot him a glare and a flash of fear ran infront of his eyes. I laughed and picked myself up off of the chair. I pulled back my right arm and set it flying through the air. It made contact with his eye. "You will always have that to remember me by." I smirked then picked up my bag and walked out the door. "You bitch!" the boy called after me. I turned momentarily and waved as I walked out the door. Three more days left, one more ISS and three more detentions.

Oooh I can't wait. I smiled at the thought. I hung out around the school after my detention not waiting for anything just waiting. The door slammed and I turned to look. "Hey nice to see ya again." The boy smirked. "Aw shit," I muttered. "I knew I shouldn't have stayed here," I muttered again. "Now the true fight begins. None of your boyfriends here to protect you, no teacher to stop me." He laughed. I wish I wouldn't ran, I wish I would've get my big mouth shut. I knew one day that thing was going to get me in trouble. Unforntunetly that day was today. "Bring it on." I made a motion with my hands and the boy charged.

His fist flying through the air; left, right, left, right, right, left. Some missing, some getting skin. By now I was back againest the wall. I put up somewhat of a fight but I was weak by now and the boy was as strong as ever. He adavanced on me and I did went with my first instink back up. So, I did and backed up into the brick wall of the building. His putrid breath was on my neck. He then kneed me in the gut. I doubled over then slid down the brick wall. The back of my shirt rode up and my back scratched againest the wall. My skin ripped and I cringed.

I sat on the floor my head down and just barley propped up againest the wall. All my limbs hung loose and the boy lifted my chin up with his index finger, "Until later, my love." With that he left but not before landing a slimy kiss on my cheek. I lifted my hand up slowly and carefully, trying to avoid as much pain as possible. My hand slid down my body back to the ground. I moved as slowly as possible and reached for my phone. I scrolled through my contacts and called Jimmy, "Hello?" "Hey, Jimmy, pick me up, School" I said between breaths my voice shakey and hoarse. I hung up before he said another word.

I leaned my head againest the wall. My visison began to slip and everything began to slowly turn black. I fought the darkness, then gave up. It took too much energy. I guess I layed there until Jimmy came to pick me up, cause now all I see is darkness and I don't know.