Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

Where Am I?

My vision slowly cleared and I found myself in a bed. It had an off white comforter and off white sheets. I stood straight up startled by the strange room. A pain shot through my head and I fell back grabbing my head and whimpering. The pain went away as I layed still. I tryed to sit up again, slowly this time. The pain was there but not as strong. It was okay to live with and I stayed still. I pulled back the sheets and looked down. The clothes I was in were not my clothes. I had on a baggy black shirt with HIMs' logo; the heartagram and a pair of red plaid pajama pants.

"Somebody undressed me?!" I cryed looking around the room. "What was that?" I heard pounding coming up the steps then the bang of the door hitting the wall. "Oh Hayden thank god your awake!" Jimmy said. "Oh it was you." I said. "Oh." He said looking down at how he had changed my clothes. "Yea well I didn't...uh..er..you know.. look." He said sheepishly. "Okay, its all good." I smiled at him. "Can you tell me something?" "Yea sure anything." "Okay, can you tell me what happened and why everything hurts?" I asked.

"Yea, you called me from school telling me to come and pick you up, when I found you, you were blacked out at the side of the school. I'm guessing that one Saulino kid." "Ahhh!" I cryed the memories began to come flooding back. The punches, the kiss, the scraping, loosing focus. I was remembering every bit of it. "Whats wrong, Hayden?" Jimmy's expression was worried. "S-s-s-saulino!" I cryed. Jimmy came over and gave me a hug. He stroked my many colored hair. I rubbed my face in his shirt.

I inhaled his smell, taking in every bit of it. I sniffled and pulled away. He pulled me back and put his face into my hair. "That kid is so dead," he whispered into my hair. I didn't hear this but I felt his breath and lips move. I felt better knowing that he was there, I pulled back and gave him a peck on the lips in gratitude. "Listen it hurts I know, but I've got to go home. We have school tomorrow and seeing as we missed today..." I drifted off "hey by the way were are my clothes?" I asked scoping the room.

"Oh uhh here." He picked them up and handed them over. "Thanks. Now get out." I pointed to the door then closed it as he exited. I pulled my clothes on with as least amount of pain as possible. I avoided tieing my shoes and walked out the door. I didn't see Jimmy so I looked for the steps, found them then walked down. I sat down on a ratty couch that I just happened to stumble upon. "Hayden!" I heard my name being called. "In here!" I called. Jimmy came rushing in, he held an advil and glass of water. "Here, for you," he said handing over the items.

"Thanks - a - bunch!" I laughed. "No problemo!" I swallowed the pill then chased it down by the water. "Hey got to go now, bye." "Hey atleast let me drive you home." "I thought you didn't have a car." "I don't and plus you don't have a car either. I have a sports bike." "Oh okay well sure why not?" "Okay lets go. Oh you'll need this." He threw a black and red dirt bike helemet at me. I carried it under my arms as we walked outside. The bike was a real beaut. It was dark blue and shiny. Oh so shiny! "Ooooh Hayden likey!" I clapped my hands and ran over to it.

Jimmy grabbed a helement from off of the bike placing it on his head he got onto the bike. I put it on then got on aswell. Swinging my leg over the side, I situated myself trying to not fall off. "Hold on tight!" Jimmy called to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on. "Now remember when we make a turn go with it not againest. Just follow my lead, okay?" I nodded and he revved the engine. He got the enginge going and he kicked the kick stand leaving only supported by his right leg.

The bike began to adavance forward and I tighten my grip. The wind whipped at my face and it blew at my hair sending it flying backwards. I giggled as Jimmy sped up. "Wheee!" I cheered into his ear. He laughed at my childishness. I smiled as we neared my house. "But I don't wanna go there!" I whined as we neared the front gates. "Hayd you have to go home I'm sure your father is worried about you," Jimmy said. "Well will you come with me?" I questioned. "If I must," he responded. "Yay!" I cheered for my easy victory.
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It has been brought to my attention that Jimmy wouldn't be able to get a bike helement on with the kind of mohawk I was imagining he had, but you guys are gonna have to deal...