Who Are You To Tell Me I Would Smuggle A Bomb On The Plane?

Be At The Tubs At 10

"Hey dad," I smiled sweetly at him. "Hello Hayden, where have you been?" he rubbed at his temples. "I was actually at Jimmy's house." I pointed my thumb at Jimmy. "Hayden!" My dad exaclaimed. "What, what? Wheres the fire!" I asked frantically looking around. "Ack, Ouch!" I yelped feeling the pain from my frantic movements. "The bruises! Oh lord! What did you do?" He cryed. He came over and examinded me. "Oh dad its nothing." I said turning away.

"Hayden your all brusied up!" "Its really nothing," I said turning away. "Umm dad I'm going up to my room and umm bringing Jimmy up with me." I smiled and ran up the steps dragging Jimmy along behind. "Urgh! Hes so nosy." "Hayden he is your father," he said. "But still!" "Hayden your all bruised up if I was him I'd be worried too." he said. "Yea I guess." "So what do you wanna do?" I asked stretching out on my bed.

"Oh I don't care, whatever," he said. "Ooh I got an idea!" "What is it?" "Lets go watch a movie!!!" I yelled jumping up and running down the steps. "Ummm, okay, I guess," Jimmy mumbled chasing after me.


We sat for a few good hours just watching movies, comedys, horrors, then comedys again. Soo much fun. "Hey Jimmy, tomorrow saturday, we'll go and do something fun!" "Alright text me with what you want to do." Jimmy waved and hopped onto his bike and sped away. I went to my computer and logged into msn. I clicked on Ashies screen name and started to type.

PunksNotDead: Yo homz!
BunnyzRock: Aye bay bay
PunksNotDead: Howz Yorks treatin ya?
BunnyzRock: Oh just lovely!
BunnyzRock: Do you remeber your ex, Alec?
PunksNotDead: Yea how could I forget?
BunnyzRock: He's dating the slut of the skool Dominque.
PunksNotDead: You've got to be kidding me! When I get back i swear!
BunnyzRock: I was going to beat him up but i'm tooooo small.
PunksNotDead: Thankz for trying!
BunnyzRock: Remember I'm here for ya!
PunksNotDead: Aww thanks!
PunksNotDead: Look gtg I think I'm gonna be making a trip to Yorkz soon, Alec is so in for it!
PunksNotDead: Latr gatr,lylas
BunnyzRock: byezzz ly!

-PunksNotDead signed off at 12:38pm-

I pushed my chair away from the mohagany desk. I sighed and slumped to my bed. I plopped myself down and let the darkness over come me. I woke up to a vibrating in my pocket. "Hmm what?" I struggled to clear away the grogginess. I started to pat myself down, "Oh yea." I grabbed my cell phone from my right pocket. I flipped the screen and read the text.

Meet me at the tubs at 10

I looked to my alarm clock and it read 9:00. I struggled to my feet and walked to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel from the closet and threw it on the floor of the bathroom. I turned the water to hot and stepped in. I let the water run over my body, wetting my hair, and waking me up. I scrubbed the shampoo through my hair, then washed it out. I left the conditioner in my hair as I washed my body. I washed it out soon after. I turned the water off and steped out. I towel tryed myself and put my clothes.

I threw on a pair of ripped jeans, with more than just in the knees, I put on a tattered Anti Flag t-shirt. I grabbed my jacket off of the stair post and jumped the steps two at a time. I checked my pockets; iPod: Check, Cellphone: check, Credit card: check. I walked out the steps and went to go catch a bus. Yeah, I know I have a car, but I don't feel like driving. I waited the 15 minutes until a bus came. I hopped on a payed the fee, grabbing a seat in the back, I turned my iPod up to full blast, looking outside so I'd know when my stop came.

It took about 5 minutes but then I finally got off, heading towards the entrance to the tubs. I walked down and waited on the steps for an always late Jimmy. I leaned up againest the wall, stretching my legs out infront of me. I closed my eyes and got lost in the world of my iPod. I felt my left ear bud being pulled out of my ear. "HEY HAYD!!!!" Jimmy screamed into my ear. "Ahhh! Jimmy!" I cryed jumping slightly. I chorus of laughter rang out. I looked out behind Jimmy and there stood his posse. Seth, Aiden, Zeke, Sean, Alec, Vlad, and in the back Zacky and Matt. "Hey guys!" I smiled.

A chorus of "Hi"s ran out. I giggled silently and waved back. "So what are we doing today?' I brushed my bum off. "Welllllllll" Seth stretched out the well. "Wellllll what?" I repeated. "Well, Lets go to the park!!" "Uuuuuuh okay." I shrugged.