How it all Started...

They Bond

>Mikey’s POV<

I could not explain, even to myself, why I was doing any of this. If I had asked Gee, he probably would have said I was following my instinct rather than analyzing everything as I usually did. The only this I knew, was that for the first time since I’d been there, I actually wanted to talk to someone. It wasn’t the doctor, because what did he know? But it was something. Although I heard about what Alex had said later, I soon realized it was mostly true. No one ever came to see her, although she did take regular phone calls from her grandmother. Neither of us started opening up to each other until after her mother called for the first time. And then her mother came up there and it all went to shit.

We were walking down one of the many halls, talking about Gee’s college when a ringing, piercing voice echoed down the hall and Sarah froze up like a rodent being hunted.

“Sarah Leigh-“

“Shit. Fuck. AND NO.” She blurted out, turning tale and fleeing in the opposite direction.

She must have misjudged where the voice was coming from. She hit a short, angry looking woman dead on, and they both hit the floor hard. She really had a thing for taking people out. “Sarah, let’s go for a walk,” the woman said in what I thought was a voice of forced calm. Sarah turned a flashed me a look of terror before allowing herself to be dragged outside.
>Sarah’s POV<
I was horrified, I felt like I was going to throw up and all I wanted to do was run to my room and lock the door. We weren’t supposed on have locks on our doors, but Dr. Nelson had never removed mine. Good behavior, I guess. But this was it; I was never getting out now. Once they saw my mom and I together, they would probably admit her and keep me forever. “Funny seeing you here, mom, I thought-“

“Oh shut the hell up,” my mom snapped. “I’m taking your ass home, now,” she added.

My eyes popped open and I jerked my arm out of hers. “Are you fucking kidding?” I said without thinking, “I’m not going anywhere with you!”

She turned to face me, her face red. It was obvious she was pissed already. “You are my fucking daughter and you’ll go where I say,” she said in a voice of forced calm.

“I stopped being your daughter the day after I was born. You birthed me, but that doesn’t make you my mom.” Cold, heartless words for a fifteen year old to be using. I didn’t care. I stopped caring when I was ten and she kicked me in the gut as hard as she could because apparently I brought her the wrong thing. I stopped caring when she let her brother move in and I found out that he got into trouble for molesting children. Want to know how I found out?

“You smart mouthed little shit,” she snapped, backhanding me as hard as she could.

“You careless big shit,” I replied, kicking her in the shin. I turned to bolt to the building and I saw Mikey standing there, well within hearing range of us. She must have missed him, or maybe she didn’t care because she grabbed my hair and jerked me back to her. She went to swing on me again and I saw a white-sleeved hand grab her wrist.

“Dr. Nelson wants to speak with Sarah straight away,” I heard Mikey say. She dropped me and I fell to the ground. I spent too much time looking up at him, I though to myself as he helped me stand up. I pulled him back into the building as quickly as I could while trying to look natural. “Are you okay? What the fuck was that about?” he asked as the door shut behind us.

Before I could reply, Dr. Nelson came into view. “Sarah, I just heard, I’m sorry, they didn’t know. We never expected her to come here-“

But it was too late, really, I was good and angry now, crying and sweating from nerves; “Are you fucking retarded! Everyone was supposed to know, my Grandmother gave you specific directions to keep her out of here!” I spat, holding my head with one hand. God did that shit hurt!


“Forget it! Just get her the hell out of here and leave me alone!” I cried, shoving past him and running to my room. By the time I reached it I was having a full on panic attack and crying so hard I could barely see. Why the hell did Mikey have to follow us and how did my mom find me? I flung the door shut behind me and threw myself face down on the bed. What a mess…
>Mikey’s POV<

I stopped around the corner from where Dr. Nelson left me to chase Sarah and leaned against the wall. I was shaking like a leaf and feeling sick to my stomach. No wonder she was in here. Kessler House was a place for abused, disturbed teens to either go or be taken to that dealt primarily with teens who suffered mental diseases due to physical, mental or sexual abuse in their life. I didn’t exactly fall into any of those categories, but according to my Primary Doctor, I was ‘mentally bothered.’ My ass I was. I already knew what was wrong and I didn’t need some shrink to tell me. So what if I want to be anti-social?

I took a deep breath as I heard Dr. Nelson walk past my corner with the Nurse, Megan. “We were making excellent progress, now I’ll be practically starting over,” he said angrily. Mikey had never heard the doctor sound upset, even when the two of them locked Alex in a broom closet after covering him in banana cream pie.

Still shaking, I snuck behind them and went to Sarah’s room. I could hear her crying, but decided to try the door anyway. “Sarah?” I asked quietly.

She sprung up in obvious surprise. “Mikey! What are you doing here?” she asked in a watery voice.

“I came to calm you down. I know they won’t give you medicine for it, so I wanted to help.”


“Why not? We’re in this together you know,” I said seriously as I sat at the end of her bed.

“We…we are.” She said it definitively, as if she were really agreeing. “I-just wish you hadn’t seen that,” she added nervously.

“Sarah, you go through embarrassing things, people hurt you, but you go on. And now that everyone knows she can’t come here, the threat is gone. I don’t judge you for what happened.”

She studied me. “Mikey, why are you here?”

“I closed up after my brother left and kids picked on me even worse because he wasn’t there. I just got quiet and never talked to anyone, even the bullies. Then one day this kid Jared called me a fag, and threw me around a bit. I sort of defended myself, but I didn’t really care. But then he started calling Gerard names, started talking shit about him and I just kind of snapped. I beat his ass. I didn’t even think it possible, but I did. Then they called my parents and suggested I come here.”

“And you want to go back to that?”

“Not in particular, but I think if I had someone I knew, someone by me, I could ignore them completely. I don’t care about them, but it’s harder when you’re alone. Don’t you ever want to try life again?” I asked curiously. It was like a release opening up to her, confiding in her after all the embarrassing things I’d seen her go through. I felt like if I let out a little of myself, she might tell me why she was here, which was more interesting than anything else to me right now. And I was right, but boy after it was over, I wished I had just shut the hell up. It seemed that the fights with her mom were common practice, and that she’d been molested and all sorts of other shit. She was here because she also flipped out on a kid at school and the state found out about her home life. They contacted her grandmother for guardianship and she had asked Sarah to come here for help. Apparently she was much improved as to when she first got here. And then Gerard came to visit again…