How it all Started...

With Words I thought I'd Never Speak

>Sarah’s POV<
There was a boy kissing me. Mikey was kissing me. Why? What the hell was he thinking?! When he pulled away, we were both red in the face. He I could see, but I knew mine was red because I could feel the intense heat. “I…don’t know what to say, Mikey…” I stuttered.

“What is there to say? I don’t want to go out alone and my brother misses me.”

He sounded so sure…it would be a new school, and no one would know me… “Mikey… I guess I could try it…” I said before I knew what I was saying.

He smiled. “When?”

“What?” I asked, caught off guard.

“When?” he repeated.

“I…when?” I asked him instead.

“Soon. We could start this year you know.”

“We won’t go to school together, I’ve missed last year.”

“We can take placement tests. I failed last year too.”

I stared at him, unsure of what to say. I was feeling someone panicky and scared, but his eyes were pleading with me, they were begging me to agree. I couldn’t stand up to it…I said yes. I was going to try life again. God help us all.


I waited until Sarah was asleep, because I knew her grandmother wouldn’t care. This whole time I had been keeping a secret from her, and it may come out soon; I kind of hope not because I don’t want her to be mad at me. When her mother came here and freaked her out, her grandmother had come out to see her. Dr. Nelson had asked her to meet me however, and afterwards she asked me if I would try and get Sarah to come home. At first I said no, she should come home when she’s ready, but her grandmother pulled that ‘I’m-going-to-give-you -that-sad-grandmother-look’ and I couldn’t refuse. I wouldn’t have refused my own grandmother if she were giving me that look. In a way it gave me an excuse. Since I’d kissed her I’d realized that I wanted her to come home with me. I headed down the hall and picked up the phone while closing the door to the booth. She picked up on the second ring and said; “Sarah?”

“No, Mrs. Flannery, it’s Mikey.”

“Is she coming home?”

“She said yes. We take the placement tests this Friday. You made me a promise, Mrs. Flannery,” I replied.

“Yes, I did. As soon as the results are in, I will enroll her at your school.”
“Good. I’ll give my mom your number tomorrow.” She still didn’t know I was coming home at all. She’d better be happy. But at least I didn’t have to face those jock assholes on my own.

“Okay. And Mikey…”


“Thank You.”

>Sarah’s POV<

I was up shit creek without a fucking paddle. What the fuck was I thinking? I am not good at making friends, talking to people…oh God help me. We leave at three o’clock. And somehow our parents know each other. I’m calling Nana my mom now screw it. I walked one last time around the room that used to be mine and fidgeted with my hands like crazy. I looked at the clock for what was probably the tenth time in three minutes. In five minutes, it would be three. And the start of my demise…

>Writing as the narrator, I guess. To bring you up to speed. I had written this story already and I’m getting bored with the beginning, no matter how much I like the new one over the old one. Anyway, Mikey and Sarah live about three blocks from each other, and are enrolled in the same Private (but not Catholic) school. They have not discussed the kiss, nor them being anything other than friends. Gerard has been home from school a few times, but he has only been somewhat cordial to Sarah. I’m jumping in on their first day of school and meeting some new and important people. =)<

>Sarah’s POV<

I walked into my assigned homeroom with my head down and my long red hair somewhat in my face. This was horrifying, I felt like everyone was staring at me, even though they probably weren’t. I chose a seat in the back next to a short girl with almost shoulder length brown hair and green eyes. She was looking bored out of her skull and I noticed that she looked at her classmates with something between irritation and dismay. I set my bag down by my feet and took a deep breath. Mikey was not in my homeroom, but we had four out of seven classes together. Right before the bell rang a short boy with black hair darted in and landed in the seat in front of mine as it started ringing. The teacher gave him a look. Not even five minutes later, after roll call, the door opened and someone called the teacher outside. The class immediately started talking and a tall boy with spikey brown hair sat on my other side. He looked at the boy in front of me and said; “I see the queer made it back to school. I figured after last year they would’ve kicked you out.”

“I’m amazed you haven’t flunked out,” he replied coolly, not turning around.

“Do you think you’re smart, loser? Want to find out again why you’re not?” the kid asked, narrowing his eyes.

The boy in front of me turned around to face him and I saw that not only was his nose pierced but also had a tattoo on his arm that was visible under his shirtsleeve. I thought he was cool.

“Actually, I was hoping I’d get my ass kicked before first period so I could go home. You want to help me?” he asked calmly.

The other boy stood up and for some insane, retarded reason, I opened my mouth. “Don’t you have anything better to do? There’s a cheerleader here somewhere whose gone ten minutes without being hit on…” I said.

He looked at me, and at once the look changed. He looked-interested? “Are you a cheerleader?” he asked.

I laughed. “Come on, seriously, do I look like I could be a cheerleader? Honestly, go find something else to do.”

“What are you doing after school?” he asked seriously.

“Probably going home with my loser friend and doing jack shit,” I replied, thinking fast. The only thing I could think of was shit Kelsey used to say.

“You’re friends with this fucking fag?” the boy blurted out in shock.

“Well not necessarily him, but I’m sure you’d find something wrong with my friends since I’m not a cheerleader,” I said with a careless shrug. He was actually kind of making me nervous standing over me like he was. But I tried to stay cool. Kelsey would have kicked his ass already. ‘Why are you basing your strategy on your enemies?’ I asked myself. I had no idea. But at least she wasn’t getting bullied.

“Well why the fuck would you hang out with him when you could hang out with me?” he asked. I gave him a look that said only too plainly that this was a very stupid question. I guess fighting Alex had given me plenty of practice.

I looked up at him slowly with a raised eyebrow. “And why would I want to hang out with you?” I asked.

“I think the real question is why wouldn’t you?”

By now the whole damn class was watching. Where the hell was the teacher? “Well, you see…I don’t much care for arrogant assholes, so I think that leaves you out of the equation.”

The boy in front of me and the girl on my other side snickered, and the boy in front said; “Well, at least someone in here’s got a brain.”

“Hey, Frank, fuck off,” said the girl.

“Sorry Faith, two people have brains. Girls to boot. I never thought that would happen.”

“Shut the fuck up, asshole.”

“Ooo, we’re expanding our vocabulary…” I muttered.

He gave me a dirty look. He looked like he was going to reply when the bell rang. About damn time. I forced myself to stand up slowly and grab my backpack while ignoring him. Frank fell in step with me as I headed out. “Hey, you really should leave Jared alone… he will make your life here hell,” he said quietly.

“He’s got nothin’ on where I come from,” I said seriously.

“Really?” The girl asked, coming to my other side after we got out the door of the class.

“I’m from Cleveland, Ohio,” I said.

“Oo, Just as bad,” the girl agreed. “I have family there, and it sucks. I’m Faith by the way and this is Frank,” she said.

“Um…” I could feel my hands getting clammy and my chest started feeling a little tight. “My name is Sarah, and that’s Mikey,” I said as he walked up, looking a little nervous.

“Oh God, it is the fucking Loser Patrol,” said Jared from behind us. We turned slowly. A tall girl with blonde hair stood next to him wearing a cheerleader uniform.

“My brother doesn’t appreciate your lip, so next time, keep your opinions to yourself,” she said crossing her arms across her chest.

“And what about us? We gotta just deal with it? He can give his to someone else next time,” I replied, irritated. Behind me, Mikey grabbed my blazer (the school had uniforms).

“Just remember what I said, okay?” She did not sound friendly.

“Yeah, right, whatever, we gotta go, some of us are going to learn something today,” Faith said, rolling her eyes and pulling me in the opposite direction. The boys followed. And that was it. After that Faith and frank were rarely seen out of our company. And we liked it that way.