Vampires, Foxes and Fae. Oh My!

Sally Lunn's

            He inhaled a deep breath of the rich strawberry tea’s scent. His green eyes scanned the small tea shop. His glaze lightly passing over each person in the room. After slowly taking a sip of the strong tea he sighed “I like it here.” He said in a whispery soft voice. Again his eyes slid across the room to rest on a few girls walking in, talking and laughing as they went. 

            “Oh my god! You did not say that!” squeaked one. 

            “Oh yes I did! And then he asked!” said the other mimicking the first’s squealing voice and tone. 

            He sighed “Ah, high school girls. So fun, so delicious.” He sighed as he brought his cup to his lips for another sip. His eyes followed the girls as they bounced across the room searching for a table.

            Christopher smiled as he crept up toward the front of Sally Lunn's. His twin brother looked at him strangely as he passed him, straight inside the doorway, and waited, clearly pissed. Neither was noticed by humans because they weren't human. Both were foxes. Though still getting attention from humans, just in different ways.

            "Why must you act all stealthy? No one knows us here, how could they? We worked hard to get all of them on us, off. So stop worrying, its tea time." Christoffer sighed at his brother's stupidity.

            "Well when they drag you away and fail to notice me, then you will care." Christopher spat back. But he spoke to the small narrow street, because his brother had already walked in, up the stairs to their reserved seating. 

            "Oh yeah, because they will call the pound on us, right?"

            "Hey! Geez, at least wait for me." No one noticed either twin, they were appealing, sure, but they were only eleven, now that they were human. Not unusual, seeing as how school was over anyway, they wouldn’t be bombarded with questions on why they were skipping. Though they were getting odd looks because they had no guardian or parental figure with them. Girls may come to tea shops after school to unwind and gossip. But guys just trash the place, and annoy the regular customers. Plus give the shop a bad reputation.

            Regardless, Christoffer was far beyond the stares, and so was his brother, but he did squirm on the occasional whisper his pointed ears picked up on. No embarrassment, no shame, just awkward. And that's how the rumours spread, not like either boy was a saint but, the news media and gossip definitely hyped it up more, blaming them for everything that happened to their towns and cities. 

            Well, then again, they probably would have done a lot of the stuff they accused them of in time. After all, they were the Christoffer twins. Never good enough to be given separate names when, now that they were human, they had a master, but neither of them willing to change their name. So we went by age, or well minute born, seeing as how they were twins. 

            Somewhere along the lines, while working for the all powerful master, they found links to their past, only so much to describe who was born first, and what they were. Half fae and half vampire. A deadly combination, yet tragically ignored, since neither vampire nor fae wanted anything do with them, they were tainted. “Ah well,” they always said “May as well have some fun and mess with people's heads.”

            His cool eyes washed over the growing crowd and he sighed "Well, time to go." he dug out his wallet then froze as the loud chattering room fell into a sea of faint whispers. His eyes darted to the cafe's newest guests. Two young boys, no older then 11, with bright orange eyes and not quite shoulder length black hair. All eyes were on them, all whispers followed them.

            "...I heard they..." whispered one of the many.

            "No, no that's not what I heard. I heard they..." replied another.

            Whispers filled the quiet room, all were following the two boys as they slipped to a table with a young couple staring at them.

            "Umm excuse us, but this is our table. We called ahead and had it reserved for my brother and I." Christoffer said calmly.

            The man at the table looked up at him from his chair and said "They said you were late and therefore said we could have it." he swung his arm over back of the chair "Sorry pal, but this is our table. Better luck else where."

            Christoffer glared at him "Move. This is our seat."

            The man smiled "Nice try kid but no, we're here now. If want this seat that bad be on time tomorrow. If you're set on tea today I'd suggest you find another seat.”

            But of course, there were none that didn't already have at least one person occupying the space. 

            "So not fair! And we won't find another spot, because we like the second floor the best. Perfect for street and aerial view." Christopher yelled back, creating a scene.

            A hand came down on his shoulder, his younger brother's. "Look," he said,

addressing the man at the table "We don't want any trouble. Sorry for wasting your time, we'll try harder to beat you tomorrow." And he quickly steered Christopher toward the only two empty seats together he could find.

            The only two seats together were with the weirdest man they had ever laid eyes on. Just casually sitting in the tea shop, he clearly had Power, so why was he out in the open? He should be more cautious then that. Well, normally the twins wouldn't care, but seeing as how they were in the same vicinity as him, it could cause a problem if someone noticed him. They would be taken down with him, or they would rat him out as the master mind behind the operation if need be.

            "Are these seats taken, by chance?" Christoffer asked politely.

            "Guess they aren't, I'm not staying anyway, was just on my way out. So they’re all yours, unless this table is reserved too, but I don't know about it." He smirked, clearly being an ass just to be one.

            Christopher grabbed the man’s elbow as he tried to divert around the two boys. His silent question hanging between them.

            "Like hell I'm staying, I won't risk being caught because of two inexperienced children. Later." The mysterious stranger flipped them off as he weaved through the room.

            Christopher jogged after him, dragging Christoffer with him.

            "Hey! You want to come to the Tower of London with us? You hardly seem like a guy to hang around this family Georgian town. So, what will it be? Oh yeah! My name’s Christopher and this is my younger twin brother Christoffer. What’s your name?" Christopher tried to bait the hot man, though quite unsuccessfully.

            "Phantom. And dream on, I won't be blamed for what you plan to do there, good luck."
            Both twins stood rooted to the spot outside as they watched him go.

            Christoffer shook his head "Oh forget him, come on." he grabbed his brother's arm and guided him back to their new table.

            Christopher spun towards the second floor entrance and glared "How dare he! How dare be so mean! So rude! We didn't do anything wrong! Yet..."

            He shook his head again "I know brother, but that's just how some people in this world are. Rude, selfish, and down right cruel. But that's just how life is."

            Christopher growled but sighed and flopped down in his seat "Fine. But next time he won't be so lucky!"

            "Sure, sure brother whatever makes you feel better. Come on now, let's have some tea. What kind do you want?"

            He jolted in his seat "RASPBERRY!!!"

            The sudden spike in volume caused him to jump back but he quickly recovered and smiled "Raspberry it is." he waved over one of the many waitresses, "One raspberry and one blackberry tea please."

            The girl smiled a shy smile, and then hurried off through the crowd.

            He walked calmly down the street, his mind else where. "Umm, what's at that old tower that would be of any interest to two young fools." His mind wondered from thought to thought.

            "Have a nice day!" a woman from a near be shop called out.

            His eyes flashed towards her voice, a devilish smile slid onto his face. He hastily walked towards her then his eyes caught the name of the shop "Books revisited. Cute." he slipped inside. The heavy scent of aging paper filled the still air.

            The young girl, no older then 16, hastily bounced to his side "Good day sir, is there something I could help you find today?"

            He was about to pull one his dashing smiles on and ask if she was busy tonight but then something occurred to him "Yes, do you have any books on the Tower of London? Anything that would attract small minds to it?"

            She giggled "Of course! Wait right here, I'll go see what I can dig up for you." she gave him a little wink "I'm Sara by the way."
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Definitely not mine and my friend's best. But neither of us can write well fight scenes. So the vampire ness never got anywhere really.....and plus we had to do sub plots in here.......Neither of us can do them unless we're 20,000 words in and such. Shortening that to 3,000 to 5,000 words isn't easy.