Vampires, Foxes and Fae. Oh My!

Tower of London

            Was that a yes to my first question, or second? He returned her smile "I’m, just call me Phantom."

            She nodded, blushed a little, and then scurried off into the small maze of old bookshelves.

            He looked around the tiny shop, stopping at a small reading table in the far corner "Now you little monsters, what are you looking for at that old place..." His mind wondered off into his thoughts.

            "Umm, I found all that I could. Will this be enough?" Sara mumbled over the giant pile of books in her arms.

            Phantom got to his feet quickly "Let me help you with those. And yes this should do nicely. Thank you very much Sara." he smiled a dashing smile as he set the books on the table.

            Blushing, she giggled, "I'll go and see if I can find anything else for you," then hurried off into the sea of books once again.

            Phantom only sighed at the typical small town girl. She no doubt was going to get a better job after university, get married, have children, then die happy. How envious Phantom was that she could die.

            "Well, may as well get down to work then, hmm." Flipping through the first book posed no reasons for the twins going to the Tower. The first book wasn't very big, it seemed to even be a children's history book. All about the seven ravens, and how if they ever left, the Towers would fall. Well, no way they would go see wing clipped birds, you could see those in the wild.

            Three hours later, almost closing time, and after finishing the history of the Tower, Phantom almost ripped the books apart. Though the crown jewels were interesting, especially how they were still used in coronations for the Queen today, Phantom gave up, regardless. There was absolutely no reason in or out of the Tower to make either twin go. 

            Neither struck him as a history buff, so why? Probably to spit over the edge of the tallest tower at anyone not looking up. Pfft, “How immature,” he thought “Wearing suits of armour and running around after the tourists, now that was a good prank.”


            “Nothing to do now but go and try to stop them I guess.” Picking up the stack of books, Phantom put back as many as he could, while trying to put them back properly. Waving goodbye to Sara, he glided out the door, into the warm night air. He stopped in front of the Roman Baths and just sighed. Oh how he missed bathing in the outdoor bath all those years ago. Well no envying of the past now that he was in the present wouldn't help anyone.
            Hitchhiking on a few tour buses, and taking the Underground, Phantom stood at the tourist gates of the Tower of London. “May the odds be in my favour.”

            Christoffer sighed as he sat on the White Tower with his brother, who was leaning over the side. Staking out whom would be the best target for spitting practice. How disgusting and revolting.

            “You're seriously not joining in, Christoffer?” He turned and smiled at him, clearly he had hit his mark as shrieks rang up toward their ear radius.

            “I'm so beyond childish pranks, brother. I just want to set the seven ravens free, watch the panic when the guards realize, quickly lock them back up, and leave.” Huffing, Christoffer turned away from his brother, scanning the River Thames for any excitement. How amazing was it that they were on one of the most historical building in the world!

            Christopher grabbed his younger brother's arm, jerking him from his thoughts and bringing him to present time. “Look brother! Oh doesn't he look much more fun then Phantom!” He thrust his finger towards a teenager, in his late teens, dyed blonde hair, tipped with orange. Totally smoking hot.

            “Bro, there is no way that guy will be any better then the Sally Lunn's guy. I mean he's here on the tour, he's a history buff, or at least interested in the English culture, unlike you.” Hoping to derail his brother's plans toward the man.

            “Well, I for one am going down there and going to relieve his boredom.” Not caring who saw, Christopher jumped straight from the top of the White Tower, and down to the ground, as graceful as a kitten.

            “Stupid asshole.” The younger replied, “He's going to get us both caught, either by the Bobbies or the Power council. Guess I got to do something about that, I am elated.” Unlike his brother, Christoffer scaled down the Tower, unnoticed. Passing by another tour group, hearing the whispers that would surely make their way toward the police in no time.
            “Was that part of the re-enactment?”

            “Oh my! Was that one of the Tower's ghosts?!”

            “Oh, I heard..........”

            “Wow, people would believe anything they saw with their own eyes. I liked it when people used science to explain everything, what happened to that?!” his thoughts complained.

            Christopher turned on the charm he used to pick up older woman in clubs, and sided up toward the interesting man. He never gave Christopher a glance, if anything, a scowl grew on his handsome face, distorting his features as his nose crinkled.

            “Hey, beautiful, come here often?” Oh yeah, he was so good at this.

            “How could I come here often, you insignificant twit? I am not the Queen, nor am I a high noble of any status. And if I was, I would not be taking a tour, I would have special access, now wouldn't I?”

            “Ok, fine, he had a point, but jeez, give me something to work with? I'm trying, and even learning stuff from the tour guide for your sake.” He said in his thoughts. He smiled “Well, you know, you could pass-”

            “As the Queen? Ahaha! I think, anyway you should go back to picking people off from the White Tower, and leave me to my learning. I am doing this for a writing project, and unlike you, I take pride in getting the facts from the source, so scam.”

            “What's your name, orange tips?” he pressed on.

            A glare, a death glare that could kill, for all Christopher knew it could kill. This guy had Power, maybe he would die tomorrow, guess he would find out.

            “Trey, but not like I care if you know my name, there are records in the Achieves full of Trey's. And no, I don't care to know your name.”

            “I'm Christopher, so you really here for a writing project, or just too secretive to admit your interest in history?” Christopher didn't care what Trey said, he was getting answers form this guy who seemed determined to ignore him. Well, let's see how long it takes to break him then.

            Christoffer finally weaved his way through, and was disgusted by the last little bit of what his brother said, how stupid was he? He clearly had a death wish.

            Grabbing his arm, the younger sibling dragged his elder away, smiling apologetically at the guy as he did so.

            “What do you think you’re doing brother dearest? I was trying to be a good person, and help him with his writing.” He looked at him sincerely “Writing help my ass.” He thought and smirked.

            “Mhm, yeah well, anyway, despite every place we have moved to, I have always wanted to see the crown jewels, so let's go, please?” Christoffer turned on the fae charm.

            No response, all Christopher did was jog up to the tour guide, and asked where the crown jewels were.

            Neither twin made it in time for closing hours, but that didn't bother Christopher, he wanted to break all the rules here. Brits were such sticklers for the rules anyway.

            Christoffer didn't mind either, but he didn't plan to get caught, he just wanted to watch the sun go down through the Chapel Royal of St. Peter ad Vincula's windows. The younger vampire wished he had been around before it had been rebuilt twice, guess he would have to deal with Henry VIII’s version, and just imagine what Edward l's looked like. Or find a really good and detailed postcard to keep.

            Phantom sighed as he looked around the crown jewels room. Neither twin was in sight, not a positive thing, the Tower grounds were huge. And they were probably causing trouble somewhere else, if they hadn't gotten here already. It was after hours, but Phantom couldn't bring himself to leave the grounds until he knew the twins wouldn't rat him out to the Bobbies or the Council.

            Then he heard a crash, it sounded quite expensive whatever it had been. It had to be the twins, no one else would be that careless with antique items.  Running around the corner into the vast corridor, Phantom found a bleach blonde head, bending over a fallen table, trying to find something on the floor. But nothing was there for him to reach for.

            "What do you think you're doing?" Plain and simple, Phantom needed to know if he were tacking on this guy as a problem with the twins or not.

            "Looking for my keys, you probably heard something from the parking lot earlier, that was me kicking my car, I dropped them somewhere here...If I can just find them..."

            Come to think of it, Phantom had indeed heard the cursing coming from the parking lot, he just figured it was a sudden burst of rain, and someone was caught in it without an umbrella, nothing more. What was even more interesting was this guy could tell Phantom had Power without even looking at him, impressive. “Well, I don't know what you are, but your lacking severely in night vision, nothing is in front of your hand, nothing is even without one hundred feet of your person. You sure they are not in your pock-"



            Caw. Caw, Caw!!

            Both men looked at each other in confusion. Clearly neither was expecting to hear the ravens this late. Then it dawned on Phantom, they were probably being disturbed by something. Or two someones.

            "Forget my keys, if the ravens all flee, or even one of them does, the rumour for centuries are the Towers will fall!" The bleach blonde wasted no time, and ran through the corridor, clearly hoping instinct would help find his way out. Phantom even knew, despite not being here long, that the way he took only led into the depths of the Tower, not out. Ah well, he on his own to face the twins, big deal.

            Phantom was so wrong when he walked out into the misty rain to find the twins rolling on the hard cobble stone ground, clawing, biting and punching each other. “What morons.” Phantom's throat began to burn with anger. Furious, dashed towards the sprawling twins. "Hey! Stupid morons! What do you think your doing?!" When no response returned his arguer flared. Nearing them he took in a deep breath, his hands shot out like wild fire each grabbing a twin, pulling them apart from one another. Still holding a firm hold on the backs of their collars "Hey! Knock it off! You’re both stupid retards! Making all that noise and then fighting each other?! How stupid could you get?!"

            Both kicking and squirming against his hold Christoffer spoke first "That idiot released the crows! Anything he ever does is so stupid! He's always doing something to get us both in trouble!"

            "What?! Hey I make life more fun! If you were in charge we'd never get to do anything fun! And it was initially your idea to set them free," his brother spat back.

            Christoffer grabbed Phantom's arm, quickly clawing it until the hold broke and he fell free. He pulled his brother free then quickly pined him to the hard earth's soil.

            Phantom sighed "You’re both stupid, agree on that? You’re lucky enough to have each other and yet this is how you act? Grow up!"

            "I'd be better off without him! At least then I could live in the same town for more then a few days!" Christoffer span at his older brother, still stuck in his hold

            "Good! Then go! I don't need you!"

            "Stop it both of you!" Phantom roared "Your brothers, as much as I hate to say this but, brothers are there for each other. They keep each other in balance. You two either get along or I'll just end all the headaches for you and simply kill both of you right here and now!"

            Christoffer glared but sighed and let his brother out of the pinned hold.

            Rubbing his throat, Christopher pulled himself back to his feet "Now what?"

            Christoffer sighed, "Fine. Sometimes bro, I hate you. But, you also are my brother, as long as you promise to ease up on the little jokes, I guess I can put up with you."

            "Aww! Thanks little brother!" Christopher laughed and threw his arm over his brother's shoulders "I love you too!"

            "Well ain't that sweet. I love a happy ending but right now we have a bigger problem. The crows. The whole town will be in an uproar if they find out that the crows are gone." Trey said as he leaned against the side of the large stone door way, he clearly found his way back outside, "How do you intend to get them back?"

            Christopher smiled "I don't. If I wanted them in their cages then I wouldn't have let them out. So hot stuff," he appeared at Trey's side. “How 'bout we ditch the no bodies and go somewhere where we can be alone."

            Trey laughed a harsh forced laugh "Ha! Yeah right!" He started towards the area where the crows' cage was kept.

            "Hey! Wait up! I was only kidding! Kidding! Ha-ha! See? It was just a joke! Of course I'll put all the crows back! Hey! Aww come on wait up please!"

            Phantom shook his head, he turned to the younger twin "You should go with him," then turned back to the doors.

            Christoffer nodded and started for the crows’ cage "But wait, where are you going?"
            He smiled "That's my business," and disappeared into the shadows.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yeah. I kinda love the Tower scene, since I have been there myself. So sorry if anything's off, but my friend hasn't been, so it was hard for her to write the accuracy. xD