He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 1

He’s Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

Chp 1

“Oww! What was that for?!” I screamed in pain.

I was looking at my best friend Matt while I rubbed the back of my head. Yes if you’re asking I am a girl and he is a guy but we are only friends and nothing more. Sometimes its hard being best friends because everybody assumes we are made for each other when they meet us and then we get in this whole “NO I don’t like him” discussion. The whole stereotype just annoys me and I will try to get as many points as I can out so you will see my side so if I were you I wouldn’t argue.

“Nothing I just thought I saw a mosquito on the back of your head.” He said grinning cockily.
He on the other hand agreed with everyone else and thought we were made for each other. It was in forth grade I found out he had the BIGGEST crush on me.

Flash back…
I was playing with my friends Marissa, Crystal, and Nani. It was recess time and we had decided to play truth or dare without the dare, we called it trutharooni. Yes I know it was a stupid name but hey we were only in fifth grade. Back to the future, we were in the middle of the game when it was my turn and I was picking at the grass because they were discussing what to ask me.

“Okay we have our question! You can turn around.” They all had evil grins on there faces.

“Do you like Matt? As in boyfriend material?” I couldn’t take it anymore every time we played this they asked me the same question.

“Just because 99% of the girls in this school like him doesn’t mean I do… OKAY! Get it in your peanut sized head what I’m saying!” I snapped.

“Okay okay sorry we will stop asking it’s just weird you are the only girl that doesn’t like him and you’re his best friend…” Marissa said. She was always the one that stopped our fights while Nani was the tough one and Crystal was the, I guess you can call her the perfect flawless leader. I was just the simple plain Jane only with a twist. I was a bit of everything. I had some looks and was temperamental, if you got on my bad side I feel really sorry for you.

“Yeah sorry… I was just thinking about asking Matt out… I mean I am the most popular girl in school and he is the most popular guy in school. It just seems smart that we both go out it’s like a rule or something. So what do you think?” she asked but looked lost in her own train of thought.

“I don’t care! Do what you want.” I said while picking at my nails.

Crystal started talking about how cute Matt was and how great they would look together blah blah blah. I put my world famous “I’m so bored face” and sat back thinking about if I should eat a cheesecake at lunch instead of the banana bread.

SMACK! I elbowed somebody who was trying to wrap there hands around my eyes. That was one thing I hated the most when people try to cover my eyes, it made me feel powerless and stupid. I turned around to see who I hit and started grinning when I noticed it was Matt lying on the floor holding his ding dong.

“What the hell you know I hate it when people do that!” I screamed. I turned around back to face my friends and started laughing.

“Hey Matt, do you want to play trutharooni with us?” Crystal asked.

“Sure! But I want to ask Star the next question!” he said while scrambling to sit next to me.

“Nope I already went so your next, Crystal I give you the honor of asking Matt a question.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Okay who is the girl you like from the WHOLE school?” she said with her eyes twinkling at Matt.

“Umm….well…do I have to answer? Because it makes me nervous since the person is sitting near me.” He stated fumbling with his shoelace and turning red.
Oh my gosh why didn’t he tell me he had a crush on Crystal? Hmm… maybe Crystal is right… they do make a cute couple! I looked up at Crystal who looked like she was about to die from embarrassment.

“Yea you have to answer that’s the whole point of the game smart one.” Nani said matter of factly. We all turned to look at Matt who was still fumbling with his shoelaces.

“Okay its s—“ he said in a small whisper I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

“What? I couldn’t hear you who is IT?” Crystal screamed.

“ITS STAR!” he yelled back.

It took me about 2 minutes to translate what he just said in my brain. It must have been a mistake… he didn’t like me I just imagined he said that. I looked at Crystal who looked like she was about to cry, she looked at me and all the sadness from her face left and instead her face contorted in anger and she stormed away. I looked over at Nani and Marissa who had a” he likes Star face, I knew it!” face. Finally I looked back at Matt and noticed he wasn’t fumbling with his shoelaces no more he was looking directly at me. We stared at each other for about five awkward minutes when the bell rang and I got up grabbed Nani and Marissa and ran in the school.

That night Matt came over to my house and I told him I didn’t like him like that. That I only liked him like a best friend, he on the other hand told me ever since 1st grade when we met that he had a crush on me, and that one day I will feel the same way about him and he was going to wait. Even after I told him there is no possible way I would see him as boyfriend material he still insisted on waiting for me. We hugged and promised to be friends forever.
End flash back…

“Yea there was really a mosquito on my head! It’s still to cold outside for mosquitoes to come out.” I stated in whiny voice and rolled my eyes.

“OKAY you caught me I just really wanted to smack your head. Hey lets sleep in the tree house today!” he said already climbing up the ladder. I ran inside my house and grabbed nothing but junk food and went towards the tree. Matt sent down a cardboard box with a rope so I could put the junk food in while he pulled it up. I climbed up the ladder and into the front door. Matt was already sitting on one of the bean bag chairs chomping on cheeto puffs and watching TV. I sat down in the next bean bag chair and grabbed a handful of popcorn.

“What movie are we watching?” I asked while cramming popcorn in my mouth.

“Not another teen movie! What do you expect we are going back to school in two days” he said.

I really am going to miss the short winter days. You see we are going back to school because our Christmas break is over. The days are starting to get longer and warmer. I hate school! Or maybe it’s just there is too much hormones going around…I’m not really sure. Or maybe it’s seeing all the little freshmen acting like children. Me and Matt are sophomores and we have four classes together. I have Nani and Marissa in all of my classes and we are still very close. As for Crystal she hates my guts ever since the day she found out Matt had a crush on me. I even told her that I didn’t like him that way and instead of a sorry I got accused of being a slut. She got called every bad thing in the dictionary that day and our friendship dropped. She got a new crew, since then Nani and Marissa chose to stay friends with me I mean I didn’t do anything and they thought Crystal was overreacting when she called me a slut.

I got up to get a soda from our mini fridge and turned around only to find all the food scattered on the floor and Matt eyeing me with thirst in his eyes. OH NO! This couldn’t be happening now. I know what he wanted BLOOD! My vision came true!
You see me and Matt are best friends and in fifth grade after I found out he had a huge crush on me I also found out he was a vampire, and I knew instantly that was the reason why all girls found him attractive, but the real question was why wasn’t I affected by his charm or anything? I didn’t care if he was a vampire I mean we were best friends for practically our whole lives. I found out so much about him it was as if we were almost one. I found out his name Matt was shortened from his real name Maititon. And that his parents died almost five hundred years ago. He came to my town in order to hide from some evil vampire clique that was hunting him down because his family befriended a werewolf which is why his family got killed now they are hunting him down. So far Matt hasn’t gotten any of my blood and I told him to not tell me where he gets the blood from. We never did find out why his charm didn’t work on me or why he couldn’t read my mind.

About a year ago I started getting weird visions that came true. The catch is I couldn’t control it. It would just happen whenever something big was going to happen. Just yesterday I got a vision where Matt started looking at me with blood thirsty eyes and its happening now. My visions never let me see the outcome though.

He started inching towards me as I started inching my way back. Every inch he took towards me I made sure to take a step back. That is until I hit the wall of the tree house. I was cornered…