He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 10

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 10

"I love you too." He whispered as we started lean in to kiss again.
Next day

I awoke to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes with light syrup and a fattening butter on top. I got up yawning forgetting about the other two people who were in my room.

"Oww! You're stepping on my hair!" screamed Casey in pain. I looked down at her only to find my foot on half of her face as well. I started laughing hysterically.

She glared at me and threw a shoe that was near her at Violet who grunted in pain considering that it hit her boobs, but she soon fell back to sleep. I carefully made my way to the bathroom and tied my hair back so that I was able to brush my teeth.

As I was brushing my teeth I caught my reflection in the mirror, it reminded me of what happened the night before. I finally kissed Glen! Well actually he kissed me, but hey I kissed back so ha!

You see after he told me he loved me too we had a full on make-out section. And I don't mean those wimpy ones where your lips barely touch; I mean the tongue action and the hands grabbing hair and necks. It was the BEST kiss ever! Well the only kiss ever. He was the first guy I had a make-out session with.

We were at it for about forty five minutes in counting until Violet and Casey came storming in yelling and making a big scene that they were sleepy and that we should get a room. Isn't it ironic we were in MY room!

So Glen and I didn't really care they were in their and kept our session going that is until I felt hands get a grip on me and pull me off of him.

Yeah, we were pretty much forced to stop and Glen walked out the door to go to his room but turned abruptly.

"You start training tomorrow so get up early and meet me in the dining room." He stated flatly but I could tell he was happy his eyes were practically twinkling. That left me and the others to fall asleep. I had the best dream, it was about me and a certain someone who I had just kissed and it dealt with a bed with red roses on it. Let's just say my mind can be a pervert sometimes.

I rinsed my mouth out and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I walked to my closet and put on a small blue kimono. It had a small picture of lighting on the corner of one sleeve.

I looked around the room only to see that both girls had fallen back to sleep. Lazy bums. I walked out of my room and went straight to the dining room. Looking around one thing caught my eye. It was a painting of a dark figure in the form of a person. This figure had what looked like wings and a small weapon that looked like a small knife. This person had lightning coming out of them and heading straight to the sky. Painting always fascinated me I could spend my entire day looking at just one painting and try to figure out what the painter was trying to say.

Why was this person in the middle of everything? And why is their lightning coming out of them? Are those truly wings or are they just an illusion to make it seem like they are?

I was to busy in thought I didn't hear Manor behind me.

"Whatcha doing?" he asked in an almost scary cheery voice. I jumped about a foot off the ground and grabbed my chest dramatically.

"Don't scare me like that!" I whispered afraid I was going to wake everybody up if I didn't keep it down.

"Sorry I was just wondering what you were doing and if I can talk to you after your training is done. I have to tell you something very important." He asked eagerly. Obviously it was something big or he wouldn’t have told me it was something important.

"Yea sure just tell me when and we will talk ok? But right now I have to run to the dining room or Glen will be mad at me." I stated. I practically ran my way to the dining room. I think I should take track; yeah right I probably had the worst health in the universe.

I finally made it to the dining room and sat down on the nearest chair. I barely ran and I was huffing and puffing already trying to catch my breath.

"Wow we really need to work on your exercise." I looked up to see Glen grinning at me. I grinned back and got up giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked blushing a little and rocking from side to side.

He grabbed my hand gently but fiercely if that makes any sense. He led the way to another side of the house that I have never been to and turned a lot of corners. We finally made it to a room on the end of the hallway and entered. It was too dark to see anything and suddenly the lights were turned on and I got blinded.

As my eyesight adjusted to the light I saw it looked almost like a dance studio with out the mirrors and half of the floor was covered with a mat. The other half was hardwood floor and one wall was all glass it was almost like a sun room.

Glen walked to the left side of the room and motioned for me to follow him. He walked to a door that I wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn't went in it. He went inside and dragged me along with him.

I was speechless it was a room about the size of my own room and everywhere you looked it had some sort of weapon. There was weapons I had never seen before and some that looked too heavy to carry. There was one in particular that caught my eye it was a huge blade with spikes on the end.

Glen walked to one side and grabbed two bows and around twenty arrows. He also grabbed around twenty kunai too. With that we walked back to the other room.

He started setting up some fake people pictures on one side of the room and handed me my things.

"Okay first you will have to stretch so do it right now while I talk okay." He walked about 50 feet in front of the pictures and held up the bow and arrow. As if not trying he hit the target directly on the head and hit all five pictures in less than ten seconds.

"You will learn how to hit the targets in the spot you want to hit them and you will learn how to do it quickly, for now just try shooting one spot. May I suggest the head? If you hit the target on the head it guarantees death. You could also aim for the neck this will cause pain and death." He kept explaining to me the different techniques and the best and worst places to hit while I tried out my bow and arrow.

My first arrow flew out of one of the open windows and my second one flew straight up in the air and fell right back down. Glen sighed and walked over to me positioning me.

"Okay if you want to hit the target focus on that one spot and in order to get a better chance of a direct hit touch your hand holding the bow with the edge of your cheek. It will show you where the arrow will head and for an even better hit you can line your finger directly under the arrow and point to where you're going to hit." He said while giving me a demonstration.

I did what I was told and pulled the arrow back. I let it go swiftly and hoped it would hit the spot I was aiming for, the neck. It landed just a little bit beneath the neck but that was good enough for me. I got more encouraged and confident I didn't notice I grabbed more arrows and flung them.

It was about two hours until I could do the exact same thing Glen could. I could finally hit five targets in less than ten seconds. The only difference was that my target was the neck and his was the head.

"You learn quickly it took me almost a week to get that down." He looked impressed and quickly turned my attention to the empty side of the room. He pushed a button that was on the wall and out of the ground came three fake people. He pushed another button and they started to move left right some at a slow pace and others at a fast one.

He took out the kunai and without even looking he hit all the targets. He handed me some and told me to hit all three of them while I was looking.

"The strategy here is you have to keep your eye on where you think the target will move next and hit it. When you throw it use all your arm muscles and make sure it goes as far as you need to throw it." He stepped back and watched as I practiced.

Training started around eight in the morning and we were finally stopping. It was seven in the afternoon and I was tired. I had learned many things I learned how to hit targets how to throw a kunai, use a bow and arrow, and learn lots of techniques. I even learned a little on how to use my own power when I felt the need to.

We just got back from running two miles and you would have guessed I was practically dying. We headed back to the house and as soon as we stepped in we went our separate ways. I had to take a shower I felt dirty.

I got to my room and saw that Casey and Violet had cleaned up, but right now they were on my bed watching a DVD player.

"How was training?" asked a bored looking Violet.

I rolled my eyes "It was hard and tiring, I'm going to go take a shower." I headed towards the bathroom and locked the doors making sure to grab my clothes before I locked it. I slipped off my clothes and got in the warm shower. I started singing a song by panic at the disco called its time to dance

Well, she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor
just for the attention.
Cause that's just ridiculously on.
Well, she sure is gonna get it
Here's the setting
Fashion magazines line the walls now
The walls line the bullet holes

Have some composure
Where is your posture?
Oh, no, no
You're pulling the trigger
Pulling the trigger
All wrong

Give me envy, give me malice, give me a-a-attention
Give me envy, give me malice, baby, give me a break!
When I say "Shotgun", you say "Wedding"
"Shotgun", "Wedding", "Shotgun", "Wedding"

She didn't choose this role
But she'll play it and make it sincere
So you cry, you cry
(Give me a break)
But they believe it from the tears
And the teeth right down to the blood
At her feet
Boys will be boys
Hiding in estrogen and wearing Aubergine dreams
(Give me a break)

Have some composure
Where is your posture?
Oh, no, no
You're pulling the trigger
Pulling the trigger
All wrong

Come on this is screaming "Photo op." op...
Come on
Come on
This is screaming
This is screaming
This is screaming "Photo op."

Boys will be boys, baby
Boys will be boys
Boys will be boys, baby
Boys will be boys

Give me envy, give me malice, give me a-a-attention
Give me envy, give me malice, baby, give me a break!
When I say "Shotgun", you say "Wedding"
"Shotgun", "Wedding", "Shotgun", "Wedding"

Boys will be boys
Hiding in estrogen and boys will be boys
Boys will be boys
Hiding in estrogen and wearing Aubergine dreams

As soon as I was done singing I stepped out of the shower and put my
clothes on. I brushed my hair and put light make-up on my face. I headed downstairs since I didn't find either Casey or Violet in my room. I went to the dining room only to find them surrounded by food.

"Come one Star try this food that Casey cooked its delicious!" said Violet who was chomping furiously on a piece of macaroni. I sat down and started eating.

"Wow your right it IS delicious!" I exclaimed and dug in.

It was only about five minutes until the table was filled with everyone. Glen was sitting next to me and Manor was sitting next to him. Casey was sitting across from me and Ed was sitting next to her. Then Matt was sitting next to Ed and across from Manor. Of course Violet had to have the main chair.

I had just got done eating and was laughing uncontrollably at a joke Ed had just said. It had to be the stupidest joke I had ever heard which made it funny.

The joke was your mama is so stupid she was dumb.

Everyone at the table was looking at each other and had a dumb stuck face on.

"That was so stupid" said a tired Violet.

"Yes I have to agree with her on this one" exclaimed Manor. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and I got up to go to the living room.

As soon as I sat down I got comfortable and was joined by Glen who laid his head on my lap. I stroked his hair like a child and kissed his cheek. He moved a little so that I couldn't see that he was blushing but I knew he was. Just as my eyes started to droop Manor came in the room and cleared his throat loudly so we could hear.

"Umm Star can I talk to you privately?" he asked looking from me to glen then to his finger nails. I looked over at Glen who had sat up.

"Glen I'm going to go talk to Manor okay. Manor meet me outside in the garden." I told him and he was off.

"Why do you have to talk to him?" he asked in an almost angry tone. I looked at him more closely and could see that he was in fact JEALOUS!

"I don’t know he told me he had to tell me something important and don’t worry I won't do anything" I said. I pulled his face to mine and gave him a quick passionate kiss which he deepened and held on tight.

"Okay I have to go now" I told him looking deeply into his eyes. He still had a firm grip on me but loosened it. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and let me go.

As I walked outside I could feel a cool breeze it made me shiver. I walked to the garden and found him sitting on a bench and sat next to him.

I looked at him questionly "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. I noticed his hands grip his pants as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Well I think you know that I like you A LOT" he exclaimed and looked me in the eyes. I knew he liked me but not A LOT. I just hope he isn't going to try anything.