He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 12

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 12

"OH your gonna get it!" he smiled, just you wait.

Once everyone stopped laughing at Ed we got up and went to the theater room. We were now watching Superbad.

"This has to be the stupidest and funniest movie I have ever seen!" I exclaimed making sure they could hear me over the roar of the surround sound. I saw Manor turn around and wink at me while holding up a loser sign. Well he sure is happy sitting next to Casey. There were about fifteen rows. Each row had four seats; they had to be the comfiest seats too.

Glen and I were both sitting on the last seats and Ed was sitting in front of us with a maid that I have seen a couple of times. In front of Ed was Manor and Casey and in front of them was Matt and Violet.

I was so glad Violet forced him to sit down because I know he would've tried to sit by me. I don’t know why but throughout the movie I kept feeling someone watching me, I would look around but not find anyone looking at me. So I brushed off the feeling and rested my head on Glen's shoulder, who put his arm around my shoulder to keep me warm.

We were watching the part where the fat guy punched the girl at the party. Ha, it was funny how the girl just fell down and got up automatically.

I was so into the movie until I felt something crawling up my arm. I wiped it off thinking it was just a little fly or something but as soon as I felt it crawling up my arm again I made sure to grab it.

It wasn't a fly or spider that I grabbed; in fact it wasn't even a bug. I looked over at what I had in my hand and noticed it was another hand. I screamed and took out a kunai that I kept in my pocket.

As soon as Glen heard my scream he jumped up and grabbed me protectively. Someone turned on the lights and we all looked to see what was next to my seat. I was actually scared to look behind my seat, but acted as if I knew what was back there. Manor stepped ahead of me and looked behind cautiously.

"ALEX! What the hell is your problem!" he screamed. Alex popped out from behind my seat and looked at Manor as if he was nothing or in other words a piece of shit.

I could tell Manor was getting pissed since his temple veins started popping out. Alex turned to me but I was shoved into Glen's chest, he had a firm grip on me making sure Alex wouldn't touch me.

I hugged him back trying to make him calm down but next thing I know I was flying across the room with Glen who was still holding on tight. Alex had pushed us, we hit the wall: well more likely he hit the wall and I hit him. I took Glens arms off of me and lifted myself up; I looked around the room noticing that he had pushed all the others against the wall too. Casey must have hit the wall hard since she looked unconscious on the floor while Manor tried to help her. I knew they were going to be fine so I faced Alex who was smirking that ugly smirk. I picked up the kunai and threw it at him. I could see that it would hit him directly, but he jumped out of the way almost floating. He smirked knowing that I was pissed that I missed.

He was running around the room and bouncing off the walls screaming "Hit me if you can!"

I could see a pattern forming he would jump from the wall to the table on the other side of the room and then jump to the chair and back to the wall again. I aimed for the middle and threw it right before he started jumping around again.

I heard a whoosh come from the kunai and then came the face of udder disbelief and shock. I had caught Alex when he was in the air the kunai attached him to the wall, like a nail. I grabbed a fork that I found laying on the floor and walked over to the other kunai that fell out of Glen's pocket, whom was now up and impressed on my good aim.

I heard the door creak and immediately pointed the kunai to the door and the fork to Alex. As soon as I saw someone step in I threw the kunai but frowned for missing it went straight and almost swiped the person's nose but landed on the doorframe.

"I give up!" I heard the person say the voice sounded familiar; I saw two hands go up in the air signaling defeat.

"Show yourself!" I spoke up. The person started getting away from the door and I was shocked to say that I almost killed Jacob.

"Ohmygod I'M SOO SORRY!" I started apologizing and ran to him to give him a hug.

"It's okay but I'm glad to see that Glen ACTUALLY trained you, wow you got that great of an aim in one day. Fascinating I can see why you are the chosen one." He smiled but almost instantly frowned noticing the big scene behind me.

"Umm… what happened here?" he asked looking from one person to another. We all started talking at once trying to tell him what happened I don't know how he understood us all. Well I guess it is true that vampires have good hearing because he didn't ask either of us to repeat what we just said.

He walked over to Alex, what? why would he want to bring him down he just caused a giant scene. He took the kunai out and Alex gently landed on the floor.

It all happened so fast just as fast as Jacob pulled the kunai out was how fast Alex was sent flying to the wall from a hit Jacob just did. I was astounded I didn't think Jacob had that much strength, I mean I knew he was strong but I didn't think he was capable of sending Alex to the wall.

Alex laid on the floor almost as if he was dead, I knew a hit like that could cause some damage even if you were a vampire. Slowly but steadily he picked himself off the floor with the help from the wall.

"You will pay for that, you will pay big time!" he whispered almost coherently.

He looked up and looked directly into Jacobs's eyes and then mine; he looked in Glen's eyes the longest and then left the room without anyone of us knowing. He was there one minute then the next he disappeared.

"What does he mean by that?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not sure we just have to wait and see what he means, but for now do you mind training with me for about an hour I just want to see how much you have improved and what level your on, I'm sure I can show you a technique or two." He said while still looking at the wall were he had thrown Alex. It was as if he was trying to figure out what he meant or if he already knew what he meant.

I shook my head from side to side. "No I don't mind, I actually like training and I would love to learn something new!" I stated almost excitedly.

Once everyone was done cleaning they all scattered like bugs in the light. Jacob, Glen and I went to go train some more. We changed into our kimonos and I fought against Glen while Jacob observed me. The fight lasted about 5 minutes until I was pinned down by Glen who held a cocky smirk on his face.

He leaned down towards my ear and whispered, "Heh! I beat you".

"Don't be so cocky remember one day I will be the strongest of you all… so ha!" I stuck out my tongue and he embraced me in a hug.

"Okay, you two split up, since you already know how to hit with good aim next I'll teach you how to block attacks and bring down your attacker with just a swipe.

It was a long training session although it was tiring it was fun and I loved my new techniques I could almost bring down Glen. We were going to bed now, I was climbing the stairs with Glen next to me and Jacob behind me.

"Oh and Star your going to have to sleep in Glen's room for the time being because we are redecorating yours. Don't worry about colors because Glen picked them out already and your clothes were transferred to his room already. It'll take about 3 days till you can go back to your room, okay."