He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 13

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 13

"Oh and Star your going to have to sleep in Glen's room for the time being because we are redecorating yours. Don't worry about colors because Glen picked them out already and your clothes were transferred to his room already. It'll take about 3 days till you can go back to your room, okay."

I nodded knowing I couldn't get out of it if I didn't want to anyways, but I was glad, actually more like EXCITED. I smiled letting Glen and Jacob know that I didn't mind.

Jacob went to his door and stepped in after reminding me we had more training in the morning. I sighed not for the training but because it seemed like Glen's room was so far away. He looked over at me and just stared.

We were only a few meters away from his room and he was still staring at me. I was looking straight ahead and tried not to smile. You see up front was a pole against the wall and it was on Glen's side. I smirked.

"What are you lau-aaaaahhhoooooowwwwwwww!" He ran straight into the pole and I started laughing uncontrollably.

"I should have recorded that! You should have seen your face when you were trying to ask me a question and then and then…hahhahaha…BAM you smacked your face…hahhahaha…into the pole….ahaah priceless!" I choked out and what was worse was that he still carried a dumbfounded look on his face as if still not knowing what had happened.

This caused me to fall down and clutch my stomach while rolling around on the floor laughing like a maniac.

It had been around five minutes of uncontrollable laughter until I was rudely interrupted by Glen who had an angry and embarrassed look on his face.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny! What the hell you saw that pole there and you still didn't tell me!" he half screamed and half whispered.

"Sorry I just thought it would be funny… and your right it's not funny….its hilarious!" I started laughing again. Damn just when it was dying down he had to remind me.

I finally stopped laughing and got up looking around. Hey, where is Glen?! I could hear shuffling in his room. So he went in his room is it?

"Glen where are you I need a big strong man to come save me from the ghost in this house!" I screamed. I heard the shuffling stop.

"Well too bad you laughed at me! Protect yourself!" came a reply. He stuck his head out from his door and pointed accusingly at me.

"I didn't mean to it just happened do you forgive me?" I made puppy dog eyes and pouted my lips. He looked at me once and then turned his head away.

"Aww come on are you ever going to speak to me again?" I stepped closer to him and ran my fingers down his arm. "After all we do have to share the same room for three days…"

"I don't mind sharing a room with you but that doesn’t mean I have to speak to you" he still had his head turned.

"But roommates always have to talk to each other it's almost like a law!" I spoke up.

"Well then I guess I'm breaking that imaginary law of yours that you're trying to trick me with, you evil chip tricking queen." I could see a hint of amusement in his eyes as he looked away.

"Would you forgive me if I did this?..." I grabbed his chin and gave him a peck on the lips. He looked at me and smiled.

"OH you're going to have to do better than that!" He said in a rather cocky tone. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his face down to mine and started kissing him. He put one of his arms around my neck and the other on my lower back bringing me in closer and pressing my thin body against his muscular one.

I felt his tongue lick my lips and let him get entrance. We were outside of his room making out for about 7 minutes.

"EWW YOU GUYS GET A ROOM, NOBODY WANTS TO SEE ALL OF THAT!" shrieked a freaked out Violet.

Glen took a step forward and I took a step back, still not breaking the kiss. He closed the door with a kick from his legs and locked it. We still haven’t broken up the kiss and we were now heading towards his bed. I could feel myself getting nervous after all it would be my first time with him.

He laid me down on his bed and got on top of me. He started rubbing my thighs and found his way to my hips; he rested his hand there and kissed me more passionately. I slowly put my hands under his shirt and felt his six pack.

He started kissing me on my chin and was working his way down. I felt his moist warm lips touch my neck and trembled. He must have felt it and started kissing it. He put his hands on my zipper.

"WAIT! Glen I'm not ready yet…please forgive me just wait a bit longer please!" I whispered taking deep breaths. He looked at me and smiled with love. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and rolled off of me and laid down next to me.

"For you babe I'll wait forever if I have to…..which I really hope doesn't take that long." I smiled knowing he was telling the truth.

"Thanks…you just don't know how much I love you…I think I'll go take a quick shower and then go to bed okay." I rolled off the bed but made sure that before I did to give him a kiss.

I stepped in the hot shower and started singing "I'm walking on sunshine oooooooo ooooooo…..I'm walking on sunshine oooo oooo oooo……." By Aly and AJ.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a small towel around my body. I looked over at the table and forgot to get my pajamas.

"Are you done taking a shower?" asked Glen from the other side of the door.

"Yea do you mind getting me my Hershey kiss pajamas?" I asked back, I heard footsteps and then a knock on the door.

"It's right here" I opened the door slightly and he stuck his arm in handing me the pajamas. I took them and shut the door.

I sang while putting on my pajamas and started blow drying my hair. After a while my hair was dry and I brushed and flossed my teeth making sure they were kept healthy. I turned off the lights and shut the door. I was surprised to see that Glen was already asleep.

I tiptoed towards the bed and turned off the night stand light. Getting into bed I lifted the covers, remembering I forgot to set the alarm. I got up and turned the light back on trying so hard not to wake up my man.

I finally set the alarm and got into bed. I laid far away from Glen so I wouldn't wake him, I didn’t even want to move. I faced him and watched him while he slept.

"Why are you looking at me so intently it makes me not want to sleep being watched like that…?" He mumbled. He slowly opened his eyes more and blinked. I didn't notice until now that he had huge bags under his eyes.

"Nothing your just so cute when your fake sleeping" I smiled. He watched me and I watched him. Watching him watching me made me sleepy and soon enough my eyelids were dropping.

I closed my eyes completely and was ready to fall asleep until I felt myself being pulled by a pair of strong arms. I cuddled my face into his chest and he rested his head on mine.

This had to be the perfect position I felt safe and protected. I snuggled in closer and I could hear his deep breathing. He was fast asleep, with him so close to me I couldn't sleep I could only think about what every other teenager would think about. Sex.

Yes I know I stopped it but still, it was on my mind. I concentrated my thoughts on his breathing and soon fell into a very deep sleep.


I awoke to darkness and in someone's arms. Oh yea I was in Glen's arms. I could get used to this.

"And so can I" I looked up and saw that Glen was already awake. He bent down and gave me a kiss.

"Now hurry up you have training…I think I'll go make you breakfast" He quickly got up and went straight to the bathroom, after about ten minutes he came out bathed and clean.

"Hurry up and go take a shower because I want you to have your breakfast when it's warm" with that said he took off to make me breakfast. What did I do to deserve such a guy?

I got up groaning and took off to the shower. This time I saved time by taking in my toothbrush and toothpaste into the shower with me. Of course the song I had to sing was "Beautiful Love" by the Afters. I was totally obsessed with the song, I loved it.

I stepped out of the shower and saw that I forgot to bring my clothes AGAIN. I stepped out of the bathroom only to see the room was empty. I skipped to Glen's closet and looked inside only to be pushed against the wall HARD.

I felt as if all my breath had been pushed out of me. I made an oomph sound and my eyes drooped ready for me to black out. Whoever it was, was smashing my face against the wall trying to knock all my breath out. Wait a minute I learned this in training…If you are being attacked from behind you have to kick him in the shin or somewhere in the leg where the person would fall easily. I lifted my foot and rammed it backwards knocking the person down. I quickly ran and grabbed a kunai that I kept in the night stand, but before I got there I was hit and swung against the wall. For about a second the room started spinning.

I looked across the room and saw my attacker, Alex. He was grinning like a madman.

"I told them not to mess with me or my PROPERTY" he said while looking at me. He was eyeing my leg that was sticking out of the towel I made sure to hide it.

"First of all I am NOT your property, second Glen and Jacob could beat you any day. Hell I think I could beat you if I wasn’t half naked!" I remarked.

He looked angry at my comment but came at me slow "You know what just for that! You will have to have sex with me RIGHT NOW!" I was horrified at this, it gave me chills just thinking about it. The only one I wanted to have that experience with was Glen. I looked around for anything I could throw at him. I was at the wall that was near the door.

I made a dash for the door and ran out. I could hear footsteps behind me walking quickly. I ran down the hall and was screaming.

"Jacob! Glen! Anybody! Somebody! HELP!" I ran down the stairs, I was almost to the floor when I tripped. OH no I'm going to die AND in a TOWEL! I closed my eyes hoping for the best ….that is until I felt arms grab me….