He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 14

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 14

"Jacob! Glen! Anybody! Somebody! HELP!" I ran down the stairs, I was almost to the floor when I tripped. OH no I'm going to die AND in a TOWEL! I closed my eyes hoping for the best ….that is until I felt arms grab me….

I was being forced onto someone's chest, not knowing what to do. The world starting spinning rapidly and the some air was being knocked out of me as I tried to move around. Whoever it was had me in a tight grip and was closing my mouth.

OMG I know what to do at a time like this! Jacob taught me that if someone is attacking me from behind then I should…

I slammed my elbow HARD into the fleshy body, but it didn't work he barely made a noise. How did Jacob expect me to use that technique if it had no effect on vampire demon evil people?


My anger started to calm down. NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING NOW! I started to think about all the bad things and things I hated. I thought about ALEX! I hated him with so much disgust it isn’t even describable. I could feel a surge of power rushing threw my veins at lightning speed.


This little bitch isn't going to escape me today. I WILL have her. Star started struggling as I had a firm grasp on her. HA! She didn’t even know who had her. She is really stupid good thing she doesn't know how to fight yet. No girl has ever turned me down for Glen.

Not even his precious little Lena turned me down. Star will be mine!

She stopped struggling after a few minutes I pressed her against me trying to make her feel my cock on her lower back. Wait a minute something was wrong…. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I felt a whoosh of air and screamed out in pain. Someone had my pinned from the back. I frantically looked in front of me only to see that she wasn’t there anymore….huh? Did Jacob come and save her? He has got faster, but I know he can't beat me.

I tried to move but wasn't able to so much as the slightest movement and I was screaming in pain. I had to think up a plan on how to beat this guy. I got it! If I stop moving and make it seem as if I'm giving up they will have to let me go.

I stopped moving as my breath started coming out normally. I could feel the grip loosen. It was my time to shine; I kicked backward making the person stumble but barely. I ran towards a nearby pole and swung around out it. I jumped up and was ready to kick the person in their face but when I saw it was Star I tried to divert my kick but couldn’t I was unable to divert my attack.

I could only watch from my point of view and saw her face contort in anger. The colors of her eyes were changing from brown to pink. She blinked... Brown… pink… brown… pink. She opened her eyes and they were a light pink color with a small tint of blue.

At the blink of an eye she was suddenly behind me and had me in head lock. She jabbed her elbow into my gut and twisted herself so she could kick me on my lower back and everything went black…


He still had me pinned and was pressing his body against mine. I stopped moving and let the feeling take over. He pressed his cock against my back making sure I could feel it. I was utterly disgusted at the fact that he was doing it on purpose and that it was touching me. I heard a faint angelic voice calling to me.

It was all like a dream I was in a white room and in the corner was a person covered in white with enormous majestic wings. You could literally count every feather and each was flawless and well groomed. This person was radiant and beautiful; I was dumbstruck by her captivating beauty and flawlessness. She had gorgeous blue eyes that radiated the welcoming of the day.

She gestured for me to come by sticking her arm out in a friendly manner. I walked over to her and laid my hand in hers, for some reason I felt like I new her once our hands met. She gazed into my eyes with a look of cherish and happiness.

I woke up from the dream and snapped, I could feel the power in me and instantly new all the moves I should do. I broke out of his grasp and ran behind him in 3 seconds flat. I put my hands on his neck and around his arms, making sure that if he moved he would only feel pain. I looked at his legs knowing he could still kick me; I just had to hope that he wouldn't.

He stopped moving and I could only hear part of his thought since he was trying to block them. I loosened my grip trying to concentrate on his thoughts. Bad idea, he escaped from me and twirled around a pole; he was now coming at me ready to strike at a vulnerable moment. IT WAS ALEX!

I felt my anger rise and blinked several times. Finally I felt all the power in the world, I felt it all! I raced towards him and grabbed him in the worst headlock he could imagine. I forced all my energy into my elbow and leg. I jabbed my elbow into his gut and twisted myself quickly so I could kick him on his back. As my leg crashed with his back I made sure not to kill him but just knock him unconscious.

He fell on the floor like a rag doll that got thrown away. I looked down at myself and saw that I was covered in armor and had those huge majestic wings that the lady had in my dream. Well duh I could’ve just flown away or something, jeez way to think star.

"Wow you look ready to fight!" exclaimed Jacob and Glen in an instant. I turned around and saw that they were both standing in the doorway looking at me. Jacob was looking at me with a satisfied smile and Glen with infatuation and happiness that I finally could transform.

"SOOO…what do we do with him?" I asked pointing to the once a strong person on the floor. They looked over to him and shrugged.

"I think we should take his powers away" I said almost immediately. "That is if there is a way besides killing him"

They exchanged glances and frowned.

"There is no way we can do that we need him for the war, he is strong and could help us out a lot considering that we have to fight thousands of creatures." Said a frowning Jacob.
"Although there is a way to take powers away by drinking a potion, but still we need him to fight and help us out." Spoke Glen who was now hugging me trying to make me see how gorgeous I look…or from what he said pretentious. He dragged me to a mirror and I was stunned…I WAS gorgeous (not being conceited).

I looked exactly like the woman in my dreams.

"Hey you know what before I transformed I saw a beautiful woman who was wearing white and had huge wings, I'm guessing she was an angel. But she grabbed my hands and then I transformed." Wow my eyes had turned pink with a small tinge of blue. If only they could stay that color. I started hugging Glen back and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay how do I transform back?" I asked knowing they didn’t know the answer.

"I don't know you have to figure it out yourself, don’t worry I think you'll figure it out soon.

They started dragging Alex by his feet to his room.

"Aren't you guys strong enough to pick him up?" I asked wondering.

"Yea but he deserves to be dragged just don't tell him when he wakes up" said Glen who winked at me and Jacob who smiled and ended up on the floor laughing. Wow I didn't see him as the laughable type.

Well I'm off to my day trying to figure out how to transform back to myself. I mean really I have on a miniskirt that’s white and has feather on them and my shirt is right above my belly and is an x shaped in the front. And of course I had on my armor and one weapon that I just noticed. It was a steel weapon that didn't look like much.

I picked it up and swung it out in front of me. A giant blade came out of both sides almost hitting me. I swung it again and in they went. Wow a giant switchblade, it felt really light, I swung it around a couple more times and found out you can also just take out one blade instead of both. It had 3 hidden kunai inside too!

I walked around after I was done exploring my outfit. I sighed "Now to find out how to switch back."