He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 15

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 15

I walked around after I was done exploring my outfit. I sighed "Now to find out how to switch back."

I have been walking around the house AND outside for the past four hours. I was still in the outfit! How does this stupid thing work!

"Wow your STILL in that?" asked a shocked Violet.

"YES! And it's irritating me very much, GAH! Tell me I won't be like this FOREVER..." I shrieked desperately. "Help me!" I hated walking around looking like this, even though I looked hot but I mean …I was in a house that is pretty much surrounded by guys. I had gotten more than enough comments from Ed already. Alex I believe was still passed out and Casey was probably trying to seduce Manor somewhere. Jacob and Glen were what I'm guessing, waiting for Alex to wake up to interrogate him or whatever they were going to do to him. Everybody was just doing there own thing.

I tugged on Violet's arm forcing her to come to the patio with me. It was dark out, the stars shown brightly against the charcoal sky.

We sat on the edge of the stairs and lay on our backs looking up at the painted sky.

"You know Matt has actually been talking to me more and we have been getting closer maybe just maybe he's figuring out that he has no chance with you since you are obviously in love with Glen." She looked over at me, but I kept my gaze up at the full moon that was shining brightly above us. Off in the distance it sounded like a werewolf howling, it was the perfect movie moment.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like a werewolf howling" I asked finally turning my head to look over in her direction. She wasn't there anymore; I lifted myself off the stairs and looked around me only to find that she wasn't there. Hmm maybe she went to grab something to eat?

I was outside along for about five minutes when I heard leaves crunching in the distance; I took my fighting stance and was ready to fight. I heard leaves rustling in a two different directions. Now three and four.

There were now nine different movements surrounding the house. There was too many for me to fight alone, I NEEDED help.

I turned around fast only to be face to face with the world's most hairy creature. It held a dogs bone structure but at the same time a humans. It was standing on its hind legs ready to attack; I could feel the others closing in on me. I opened my mouth ready to scream for help…

"Don't even think about it, unless you want me to snap apart that tiny little neck of yours." I whimpered and shut my mouth automatically. He made no gesture to hurt me and didn't let the others get too close to me.

Where the hell was Violet when you needed her….Wait a minute…OMG…today is the full moon it’s the day she transforms…and Manor said she didn't like people to see her werewolf half so she always hides when it comes for that time. Dammit.

"We are going to take you back to our grounds and if you make any sudden movement to escape or scream for help, you are going to wish you never did. Are we clear!" he whispered in a harsh platonic tone. I shrank back and barely whispered a yes.

"ALRIGHT LET'S GO!" yelled the leader and started leading the way inside the forest. One of them threw me over there shoulders and followed. Great now I'm being kidnapped by werewolves, can this day get any worse!


Jacob and I were still in the room waiting for Alex to wake up. Damn did Star beat him up THAT bad? Who cares she looked great in outfit and fighting.

"I have a feeling that he is going to wake up soon so be cautious" said a calm Jacob.

How the hell does he expect me to be calm and cautious this guy tried to take my girl! He took one away I WON'T let him take Star. She's too important to me. Good thing we chained Alex up to the bed or else when he woke up we would have been in a death battle and this time there would be no one to disrupt us that is besides Jacob.

I felt the bed shake and the chains rattle with such disdain. I looked over and saw that he was finally awake.

"What the fuck where you thinking trying to take her don't you see she's the one who is to protect us." Said Jacob with fire in his eyes. "How could you just do something like that she could've got hurt? Then what are we supposed to do?!"

Alex looked up at Jacob and smirked. "OH please you expect me to believe she is the one that will save us all! I actually doubt something like that could happen…I mean look how weak she is….I could save the world wayyy better than she ever can!"

"OH yea well if you think that then why did she just beat the shit out of you without even trying!" hollered Jacob. Wow I've never seen him this angry before.

I noticed Alex's face contort in anger and rage, he lifted his head up just a little bit and took a deep breath and spit towards Jacob; who barely dodged it.

Jacobs fist clenched and with a great big burst of fury brought his fist down HARD on Alex's stomach; causing him to flinch and scream out in pain.

Jacob then unclenched his fist and calmed down.

"FINE I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!" yelped Alex in pain.

Something was wrong VERY wrong. I suddenly smelled the sickening smell of wet dog. WEREWOLVES.

I looked over at Jacob who was looking at me. It seemed that he found out too. We ran to the window at a frightening speed and looked up to see the moon was indeed full.

We looked down only to see a werewolf standing by the patio. I opened up the window and jumped down landing on my feet, I started running at a hypersonic speed and tried tackling the werewolf but missed. Since it dodged me. Jacob was right behind me ready to fight.,

I got up quickly and started circling the werewolf. I looked it directly in the eyes. I could immediately tell it was a chick, her eyes were a magenta color. She then transformed herself into a wolf form.

From what I have been told when a werewolf changes into there wolf looking form; not the wolf and human form. It means they do not want to fight.

But here was this werewolf; why didn't she want to fight. Then it hit me I haven’t seen Star or Violet in a few hours!

Putting all the pieces together I figured out that Star had to be in danger especially if she stepped outside. Her friend Violet was a werewolf you could smell it and I don't know if she can control herself in that state. This means this wolf right in front of me had to be her!

"Yes it's me you idiot! I'm taking her away my pack already took her. Don't worry I will bring her back just don’t look for her unless you can sense her having trouble. Bye" with that said she pounced away flawlessly. I was shocked how she could just take her away just like that. I won't stand for it.

I took a few steps getting ready to run at hypersonic speed but was held back by a firm grip on my shoulder. I turned around abruptly and saw that everyone was outside watching me. Even the maids, I gave a questioning look to Jacob who still had a firm grip on me.

"Leave her" he said calmly and started walking inside the house.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN LEAVE HER…? SOMETHING COULD HAPPEN TO HER!" I screamed manically to him. Everyone started filing inside and soon I was the only one outside.

I thought about leaving and going off to find her but I knew better than to go without Jacobs consent. I turned around one last time and looked deep into the forest hearing a low howl.

I sighed and started heading inside the house… hoping just hoping she would come back safe and sound.

As I stepped in the house I heard a small whisper "I'll be okay… don't worry" I looked around, was I going crazy?