He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 16

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 16

As I stepped in the house I heard a small whisper "I'll be okay… don't worry" I looked around, was I going crazy?


I woke up to the bright light of the sun streaming threw the window casting an almost peaceful shimmer in the room. I looked down at myself only to see that I still had on my armor and that I was lying on some sort of queen sized bed. I looked around the room and locked my eyes with the only other person who was there.

"Where am I and who are you?" I questioned ready for explanations. He looked at me with those gorgeous honey colored eyes and sighed.

"Maybe it would be best if my friend tells you" he started getting up but was pushed back down by me. I held a kunai at his neck and motioned for him to speak.

He started laughing and glanced up at me. I blinked and soon I was lying on the bed and he was on top of me only inches off of my body. "You think you can hurt me…guess again" he whispered breathlessly.

I heard the doorknob move and he was off of me in one second flat back sitting in the chair. I looked toward the door only to draw in my breath.

"VIOLET?" I screamed in utter confusion. She smiled at me and then turned her head to the idiotic guy sitting in the chair giving him an angry scowl.


He got up swiftly and ran to her engulfing her in a giant bear hug. She laughed and hugged him back. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!

They stopped hugging and turned towards me, the guy stepped in front and stuck out his hand gesturing for me to shake it. I shook his hand with caution and gave him a questioning look.

"Sorry about that earlier I was just messing with you, but my name is Aidan. He gave me a kind smile and stepped back.

"It's okay… I just want to know why I am here…VIOLET!" I asked.

"Okay well I took you away so that I can teach you how we wolves fight and you are going to happily learn! Aidan and I will be your personal trainers and the rest of the pack will just make sure nothing happens to you these next couple of months." She looked at me waiting for a response.

"COUPLE OF MONTHS…. How many months are we talking here?" I shrieked.

She looked taken back before responding, "About three months"

"What! So I won't be able to see Glen?!' I wailed. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and Aidan wrapped around his arm around my waist.

"Well think of it this way… when we go back there you can show off all the things you learned and he will most definitely be impressed big time!" she cheered on happily. I glanced out the window and watched as two squirrels chased each other.

"You know what your right! Let's go train!" I grabbed both of their arms and pulled them out the door ready to train like I've never trained before. They both laughed as we started walking towards the woods. I looked around and saw that there were small huts with windows and people outside playing or having fun. As soon as I would walk by them they would get quiet and bow down.

"Umm why are they bowing?" I asked looking around uncomfortably.

"Well because Violet is the queen of this pack and you are their savior. And they are bowing down to me because I am so hot! And the second strongest after Violet but they mostly bow down to my hotness!" replied Aidan cheerfully he even flipped imaginary hair. I laughed and stopped dead in my tracks.

There in front of me had to be the best natural battlefield I have ever seen. It was a big circle surrounded by trees and had a couple of big rocks around it.

Violet pulled me towards the center and Aidan sat on one of the big rocks watching.

"Okay Jacob told me you already know how to block attacks so you will have to learn how to fight by listening. You see werewolves have the best hearing and we fight by hearing our opponents and guessing their next attack. Unlike vampires who watch your movement in order to guess your next attack. Vampires have a good hearing too but they mostly fight with their vision." I nodded getting all that information into my head.

"Okay then lets start I want you to close your eyes and I am going to move around quickly I want you to tell me which direction you hear me from okay." She exclaimed in a serious tone.

"Ok Aidan put the blindfold on her and tell us when to begin." He sighed as a felt a silky fabric wrap around my eyes.

"Okay ready set GO!" I heard Aidan half scream from my left. I heard rocks moving. I could hear probably every other place she was at.

"You have to concentrate more… only think of what you hear!" I heard Aidan scream from behind me.

I breathed out and took a long deep breath and started concentrating more. I heard whizzing all around me and started concentrating even harder on where it was actually at. I guess my concentration paid off because I could tell where she was now.

"Right, left, right, front, right, back, jumping, left, right , left, back, front And in front of me with your arm right next to my face." I took off my blindfold and was actually surprised that I was right there in front of me with the biggest grin I have seen was Violet. Her fist was right next to my face and she dropped it only to start running around in a circle like a freaking idiot.

I turned to look over at Aidan who looked impressed. He got off the rock and walked towards me.

"Okay now it's my turn, Violet go sit down and tell me when to start put your blindfold back on Star. This time you're going to try to hit me and block my attacks" he said in a bored tone.

I wrapped the blindfold back on and tied the back ready to fight. I concentrated and took my stance. I heard Violet yell GO!

It was different this time he was quieter. I kept concentrating and heard him on my right. I heard the rocks crunching and he lifted his foot ready to kick me. I leaned back and he missed. I heard him grunt and lift his hands and started punching me. I blocked every single one besides one.

He hit my side and started walking around me again he was on my left and was walking to my front so I kicked in between those two places and hit him. I heard him fall to the floor and grunt in pain. But he quickly got up.

Everything went quiet… I could tell he wasn't moving so I could go find him. I stayed in my place and heard running coming from behind me coming at me quickly.

I heard someone else in front of me finally making a move. At this rate I would be crushed. I heard both of them about two seconds away I jumped up in the air and twisted spreading my legs out beside me. I hit both targets and heard them fall on the floor.

"OMG STAR YOU JUST HIT AIDAN AND HIS GIRLFRIEND!" I gasped and took off the blindfold. There lying on the floor was Aidan holding his chest and his girlfriend directly across from him holding her nose.