He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 18

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 18

Aubrey hissed and walked away making sure she made eye contact with me showing her hate. I shrugged it off and smiled at her showing her I wasn't afraid.

It had been about a week since that incident and me Violet and Aidan are becoming closer and closer as the days pass by. Aubrey came a couple of times saying she was sorry to Aidan, but he just ignored her and made her angry by either inviting either me or violet to eat.

No one in the pack knew about the fight and we planned on keeping it that way. We didn't want everybody to start panicking so we kept quiet hoping just hoping Aubrey's dumbass wouldn't say anything.

I felt lonely not being able to talk or see Glen. I wonder what he was doing right now. He was probably thinking about me. My gaze fell upon a small chipmunk near the tree. I looked over at Aidan and Violet who were training. After the fight that happened they decided they were too weak to even fight only a couple of demons and in the end they were going to have to fight dozens. As long as I kill the queen first, which I highly doubt, all the other demons will die in an instant unless I wish for them to continue living or if they are on our side.

"Hey freak stop staring into space and come train with Aidan, I'm tired I've been at it for about three hours already … I need a break!" Violet gasped waving her hands in front of me.

I blinked and looked up only to see both their eyes glued to my waist. I looked down and saw a new weapon forming.

"Wow your getting another new weapon and your just sitting down this time." I glared up at Aidan who had on a smug look.

The last time I got a new weapon was two days ago I got two daggers on either side of my waist. I thought they were normal until I found out that if you throw them they are exactly like a boomerang and come back to you. I could throw them a mile away and they would come back to me although it could take a while if it's far enough.

I saw a sword case forming on my lower belly and a beautifully handcrafted handle came into view signalizing the finish of the weapon. I grabbed it and pulled it out effortlessly waving it casually in the air. It weighed as light as a feather.

Next thing I know Aidan is on the floor literally wiggling on the floor with his eyes opening and closing as if they were possessed.

"OHMYGOSH! AIDAN! Are you okay…what the fuck is happening?" I ran over to Aidan and kneeled down. OMG what do I do, I don’t have a major in nursing or helping someone who's dying on the floor. I was so shocked I didn't even notice that he stopped wiggling.

I heard laughter, I looked down and saw that Aidan AND violet were both on the floor rolling around like pigs in mud.

"What the HELL was that?!" I screamed in frustration and anger. I can't believe they tricked me! I shot up and stormed away to the other side of the training field. I wielded my sword once again and swung it at a nearby tree branch. Without noticing I cut whole branch off quickly.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around quickly ready to fight the person trying to interrupt my sulking.

I turned fast and put my sword up. I looked at the person standing in front of me and kept the sword in place ready to strike. There standing in front of me was Aidan, his evil whorish self, how could he play a trick on me like that.

Fear shot threw his eyes in seconds but they were soon replaced by what looked like a relaxing state. He brought his hands up to the air thinking I was going to drop my sword. I kept the sword in place and smirked.

"Take a step back! I know you don't want to hurt me. I'm sorry for playing that cruel trick on you. Sorry I overreacted although I did have a vision! I saw you taking a step back." I could see sincerity in his eyes and did what I was told.

Taking a step back I kept the sword up. He looked at me and I could see a hint of excited ness or was it just my imagination.

"I want you to take three steps to your right." He simply stated. I did what I was told; I wonder what the vision was. As long as I do what I'm told I'm sure I won't get hurt.

"Now take three steps left." He had his eyes closed concentrating. I followed suit and took three steps to my left.

"Now I want you to hop one time and then stomp your right foot HARD!" I followed instructions and waited for him to continue.

"Stomp your left foot and slide to the left and then right quickly!" I quickly did what he asked hoping nothing was going to fall on me from the trees above.

"NOW DO THE CHA CHA NOW!" He busted out laughing as Violet popped up from behind the nearby rock laughing and singing the cha cha slide.

"I CANT BELIEVE I FELL FOR SOMETHING SOO STUPID! THE CHA CHA SLIDE I SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT COMING. Oh but I will get you back." I sat down on the floor and crossed my arms across my chest. I heard a scraping coming from in front of me. I opened one of my eyes and saw Aidan crawling over to me trying no to laugh.

"Aww come one we were just trying to have fun after all we have only been training for the past week. We need to do something fun every once in a while" he said in a childish manner.

I looked a him and turned my head looking the other way making a grunting sound. I closed my eyes, "Well I don't care that was mean!" I huffed.

I felt a strong muscular pair of arms go around me and a pair of small but yet strong arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes and saw that both Aidan and Violet were hugging me.

"Oh please forgive us! Next time we will play the trick on him" said Violet pointing at Aidan who gave us a daring look. I huffed again and closed my eyes.

In seconds I felt a pair of lips on my right cheek and a pair of lips on my left cheek. I opened my eyes; I mean who could resist the looks they were giving me. Violet with her puppy dog pout and Aidan with his big brown eyes glittering with sorrow.

"FINE as long as it's not me I'm okay! And since the next target is Aidan!" I smacked him on the arm and he winced but let it go trying to act tough. I smiled innocently and wrapped my arms around both of their necks making sure to squeeze them cutting their breath.

They gagged and coughed clawing at me. "Aww you guys …I love you so MUCH!" I let go, each grabbed their own necks and looked at me like I was some sort of Muppet freak.

About an hour later we finally calmed down and had eaten. We sat in a circle in the center of the training field.

Aidan looked me directly in the eye without blinking. "Seriously though I did have a vision I just did the other stuff for emphasis and I wanted to see Star's face too. Woo that was classic" he slapped his knee and giggling. YES HE GIGGLED!

"Okay well if you had a vision what was it then" I asked curiously.

He titled his head to the side and motioned for me to stand up. I cautiously stood up and got up.

"Draw your sword and try to cut that big boulder behind you" I looked at him like he was crazy but turned around anyways. How did he expect me to cut something huge like a boulder with a dull sword?

I didn't argue and swung my sword at the boulder. To my and Violets disbelief it cut threw the boulder like a knife and a banana. I didn't even try and it cut right threw the rock smoothly. I gasped; I will surely love this sword. I put it back in its carrier and sat back down seeing that Aidan was back on the floor leaning on his backpack.

He looked towards me and spoke," I had a vision of you cutting threw dozens of demons effortlessly with that sword." I looked at him

"Wait how do you know these things do your visions actually come true." I cocked my head to the side and looked at him intently.

He nodded his head up and down almost instinctively. "They have come true so far I mean how do you think I came up with you using your eyes to kill those suckish demons? Smart one." He retorted. I huffed and picked myself off the floor taking Violet with me (who was sleeping on the floor).

Violet gave me a death glare…more like an I'm going to stab you 567 times until you bleed, die, and then revive and die again. I gave her a cheesy and innocent smile.

We walked over towards one side of the training field and started training, and let me tell you she was getting very skilled and better. Both of them actually can last up to six hours fighting nonstop.

After about thirty minutes Aidan got up and joined us, it was now all three of us fighting against each other and no one had each others backs we were on out own. We got in fighting stance ready for the long day that awaited us. That we know was going to be ended with pain, sweat, and the sweet sweet beauty of achieving something new.