He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 19

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 19

After about thirty minutes Aidan got up and joined us, it was now all three of us fighting against each other and no one had each others backs we were on out own. We got in fighting stance ready for the long day that awaited us. That we know was going to be ended with pain, sweat, and the sweet sweet beauty of achieving something new.


It has been over three months since I have seen Star and I don't want to see her. I would have been happy to see her two months ago but then I noticed that I was actually happier without her. Things escaladed and I saw people I haven't seen in a long time. This person made me realize I didn't love Star and that I just wanted to use her to fill that empty spot in my heart.

I hope with all my heart she doesn't come back these days I get really sweaty just thinking about it she could be back any day now.

I heard the door open and immediately came to recognize those big brown eyes and smooth brown hair that I have been seeing for the past month and a half. We looked at each other and hugged.

We sat on my sofa in my room and started watching movies. Not even two minutes into the movie and we were already making out. I could tell we were going to go all the way this time.


It was finally time for me to go home. I had trained hard and long and succeeded in getting all my weapons. I even found out how to transform from my clothes to my armor. Even though it took two weeks and you don't want to know the story. It's very uncomfortable and sad.

Ok fine I'll give you a hint. Well let's just say that I transformed back to my normal self and Aidan got a REALLY good look at me naked. Yes I said naked. Remember how I was in a towel before I transformed… yea you get the rest.

Anyways today all three of us are going to go back to Jacob's house. The rest of the pack is joining another pack with four strong leaders and they will all come help us when its time to fight. They have also grown a lot. After about a three weeks of training one by one they started coming down to train with us and got A LOT stronger.

The teenagers of the pack were even beating some of their parents. I skipped not wanting to wait any longer to get home.

So far all the weapons I got were the two daggers, the sword, the switchblade, and a golden bow that had unlimited arrows, on my legs were two straps full of small and yet deadly blades and a really deadly weapon it was a small fan that controlled what I wanted to do with the wind.

I almost left a hole in the ground on the training ground the size of a huge lake.

I had my eye power. There was also a technique were I used my hands to kill my prey without touching them. All I have to do is lift my hands to where they are and then squeeze my hands together making a fist which causes them to explode or something like that…yea I tested it on bug… more like ten bugs.

And I'm still sorry for those bugs but they died in honor, some of the children even had small funerals for them!

We were walking towards the house and Violet kept stealing glances at me and Aidan, since I was resting my head on him because I was getting sleepy. He had his arm around me for support.

I gave her a look of disbelief, she is my best friend but I am keeping a secret from her. I think I'm starting to like Aidan, the day he saw me naked he couldn't take his eyes off me and I actually liked it, but after a while it started getting awkward and he peeled his eyes away blushing. He gave me his shirt and told me to hide behind him while we walked into the village so he could get me some clothes.

After when I got to our hut I changed and put on the clothes he brought me which actually fit me pretty good and were nice. He stayed with me and kept apologizing… what made my heart speed up was that we almost kissed…at least I want to hope we almost did.

We ended up sitting on my bed talking about ourselves; I was telling him of how clumsy I am and telling him my most embarrassing story (which I will not repeat).

He interrupted me just to tell me I was beautiful and then we both started leaning in. Our lips almost touched but Violet came storming in and yelling about how some guy just tried to feel her ass. We shot up and acted like nothing happened and after that nothing else happened, and yet we both knew that it happened.

We would constantly flirt with each other but he knew how I felt about Glen, so he knew it was nothing real. More like playing.

"Hey Star do you remember this place?" she asked looking at the beautiful night scene in front of me.

I lifted my head slowly off of Aidan's shoulder and gleamed. I looked into the garden I once loved. The moonlight hit the fountain just like in the good old days; it made the water glitter with fairies. I gasped at the beautiful sight.

I looked up at the moon and too my amazement saw Aidan staring at me threw the corner of my eyes. I blushed and kept my gaze at the shining ball of mystery.

"STAR WATCH OUT!" I turned quickly and all I saw were four black objects coming at me fast until all the breath was being knocked out of me.

"What the hell you IDIOT! When I meant tackle her… I didn't actually mean TACKLE HER! I meant give her a hug while tackling her! STUPID BIG HEADED IDIOTIC FOOL!" I heard a familiar shriek come from my right.

I gasped for air and finally opened my eyes only to see a blurry image the odd thing was I saw everything blurry besides Aidan's face, who was so close to me I could literally feel his hot breath on my cheek.

"Hey she's awake!" screamed another familiar voice. Slowly but carefully my eyes started to adjust to the images in front of me. Aidan was still hovering above me with a worrisome expression. Violet was on my other side looking worried with a mix of annoyance. Casey, Matt, Manor, and Ed were around me in a circle looking at me with an excited and not worried expression.

Jeez I bet I know who tackled me…Ed. I glared at Ed who gave me an innocent smile and backed away slowly hiding behind Casey who tried to kick him on the shin.

Violet helped pick me up and I was soon smiling like an idiot when everyone surrounded me embracing me in the biggest heartwarming bear hug you can imagine. No really I literally had spit on my face from Manor who gave me a kiss on the cheek but it was one of those playful kinds where it's just like a big smack on the face.

You know what I'm talking about don’t deny it… I know you've tried it or are going to.

I smiled like an idiot as everyone started saying how they missed me so much and how Manor tripped down the stairs because Ed had left a banana peel on the edge of one stairs to test if you could actually slip on it.

He beamed with pride as he told me that you could. Manor on the other hand glared at him and brought Casey to him giving her a small kiss on the lips.

"Well I'm sure you want to see your stupid cheating ass boyfriend Glen." Said Matt in a jealous tone. I looked at him confused and looked at everyone else who wouldn't make eye contact with me. Oh no! This can't be good.

I rushed into the house with a pair of feet pounding behind me. I ignored it and ran straight to Glen's room. My heart pounded as I reached for the door knob. My hand was now touching the cold as ice knob as I twisted it quickly opening the door without a single noise.

I peered inside with the door fully open and in view to whoever had been following me. There inside was Glen having sex with some whore! I blinked feeling nothing… wait nothing?!

Here at this moment I found out that I wasn't in love with him. It was just a small time crush. I actually felt nothing towards him but friendship; however I never liked cheaters… especially the ones who cheat on me. I watched as he pumped into her a couple of times before smiling and closing the door without a sound.

I turned around letting myself breath again I leaned against the door and smiled a cheesy smile. I DON’T LOVE HIM!...I LOVE…

"Why are you smiling?! If I'm correct that was Glen in there having sex with some girl…" asked a worried Aidan who was looking at me like I was crazy. I took a step toward him and grabbed the collar of his shirt bringing him to me. I took a deep breath and kissed him passionately. I let him go after what seemed like a good two minutes and walked away.

I REALLY wasn't going to forget that kiss…it was like a movie kiss when the girl or guy grabs the other and boom kisses them.

I took a step into my room and then took a step back. Wait a minute did they replace my room!
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like?? or not??
ehe ill try to post two chps a day if i dont ..sorry >.<