He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 2

He's dripping blood from real fangs?

Chp 2

He started inching towards me as I started inching my way back. Every inch he took towards me I made sure to take a step back. That is until I hit the wall of the tree house. I was cornered…

He kept coming towards me while I frantically looked around for anything to help me escape. I scanned what was near me but it was useless there was nothing, not even an unscrewed nail that I could use.

I started to inch myself slowly towards the opening when he pinned me against the wall. He ferociously grabbed my chin and forced me to look him directly into his eyes, he was trying to get me hypnotized, but it wasn't working. When he gets like this it usually is because he hasn't had blood in a long time, we call it vamping out. When this happens he forgets everything he knows and doesn't know what he is doing and his vampire blood takes over.
His eyes started turning a crimson red and his pupil started to enlarge with pure anger as he noticed that he wasn't hypnotizing me. He threw me against the wall and knocked all the air I had left inside of me out and I blacked out.

Why does he always do this he knows how important it is to drink blood so he won't hurt the ones he loves. That's when it hit me; two days ago he gave me a needle with blue liquid in it. He had told me to give it to him whenever he vamps out. I knew it was coming so I stuck it in my sweater pocket this morning.

I opened my eyes to awake to nothing but blackness. Oh no! Was the hit against the wall that hard that I'm now blind?

Color started to seep into my eyes and everything went fading back into focus. I guess I blacked out for about 15 seconds because Matt still wasn't near me. I got off from the floor but was only pushed back down. As fast as I could I started to dig in my pockets and grabbed the needle.

I started to swing the needle to his arm but he was too fast and knocked it out of my hands. It smashed against the TV and broke.

"Ha! You make me laugh little girl you think you could outsmart me Maititon… you've got another thing coming, but first I think I'll get a taste of that delicious blood of yours!" Matt pinned me on the floor as he got near my neck and inhaled. I could feel his cold breath and count how many times he winked.

Is this really how it was going to end? Was I going to be a vampire snack? No! I couldn't die this way especially by Matt! I started getting angrier and angrier. I looked down at my body and saw that it started glowing with a blue aura.

Is it just me or am I hallucinating? No I definitely see an aura… what does this mean? By then I had lost all my anger and was flabbergasted to see that the aura started dissipating. What is going on here?

My thoughts were disrupted by Matt who was digging his nails into my wrist. I screamed in pain. He started laughing almost robotic but full with hatred. He opened his mouth and his fangs came crawling out, causing me to close my eyes. He hissed and took a dive towards my neck.

I waited for fangs to tear my neck tissue apart, but nothing came. I opened my eyes only to find not me pinned to the floor but Matt.

Matt was being pinned down by a guy my age whom I never seen before. How was Matt having all that vampire power being pinned down by a small human?

"RUN!" the guy screamed at me.

"NO! I WILL NOT LEAVE MY FRIEND HERE WITH SOME PSYCOTIC GUY THAT POPS OUT OF NO WHERE AND WHOM I'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE!" I yelled. I was furious, I mean who is this guy to come in here and think I can't take care of myself! I was totally control in the situation I was just waiting for the right moment to escape. Okay well maybe not in total control but you feminist know what I mean!

Matt started struggling and slammed his fist at the boy who flung across the room and hit the TV. Matt started running towards me when he got tackled by a second guy and some girl popped out of the tree house window with another of the needles with blue liquid. The first guy got up from the TV and both guys pinned Matt down while the girl stabbed him with the needle.

I ran over and pushed them off.

"What the HELL is wrong with you and who are you people?!" I pointed to them and looked over at Matt who started breathing hard and started to open his eyes. The first thing I noticed is that his eyes weren't red anymore but back to there normal turquoise blue color.

"Matt? Are you okay?" I stepped back cautiously.

"W-w-what happened? His voice cracked as he started to lift himself and lean against the wall.

"You vamped out and then these three psychos popped out of nowhere like a daisy and stabbed you…!" I stated frantically while pointing accusingly at the other three people in the room.

The girl stepped forward and put her hands on her hips. She was really pretty I hate to say, she had long flowing blond hair with blue eyes. Typical!

"We are NOT psychos okay! If we didn't get here you would have been sucked dried STUPID BITCH! You are SO stupid!" she screamed in my face.

I pushed her back and had to start screaming too.

"Actually I was in total control of the situation! You just came and ruined my plan you little whore!" I lied.

"Yea! Whatever you were SO in control! And what was your plan to die?!" she flicked me off.

"First of all BITCH I was in control so SHUTUP… second of all I don't need ANY of your little sarcastic BITCHYNESS and third of all go screw a cow!" I was about to jump on her but the first guy held me back and the second guy grabbed her and sat her down on a bean bag chair. Good thing it was Matt's chair and not mine because she would have been punched out the window she came in threw.

"LET ME GO!" he let me go and turned to me. He was awfully cute, who am I kidding he was HOT! "Who are you?"

He pointed to himself "I'm Manor the girl u just fought with is Violet and the guy next to her is Ed. Ed and I vampires and Violet is a werewolf."

"I've never heard of a vampire and a werewolf being friends except for with Matt here." I said "Oh and by the way my name is Star! Wait what are you doing here though?" I looked at Manor.

"Well we have been looking for Matt for about 200 years. We are his friends we came looking for him to help him fight off the thirsty skulls" he said while looking intently at Matt.

"So you're trying to tell me that the Thirsty skull is the vampire clique that wants to kill Matt for befriending a werewolf?" I turned to Matt who still looked a little dazed.

"That was exactly what he was trying to tell you." Ed pointed out. "And the werewolf he befriended was our one and only Violet. He befriended her and then he went out with her for a while." He looked at Violet and then back to me.

"Yea so stay AWAY from him GOT IT!" she yelled at me. I already didn't like her. Stupid overly conceited bitch who does she think she is telling me what to do.

"Don't tell me what to do …you aren't anybody to tell me what to do GOT IT!" I waved my finger around her face. She tried to grab it but Ed held her back.
I heard shuffling coming from behind me and turned around quickly. Matt had gotten up from the floor and came over to me.

"I got to talk to you…Okay I went out with her a long time ago okay it means nothing to me now…" he grabbed my hands but I pushed them away.

"I told you one to many times I only like you as a friend okay it doesn't matter to me if you go back out with her" I looked at him, he looked so sad and helpless.

"HE WOULD'VE GONE OUT WITH ME EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T SAY THAT OKAY!" violet screamed once again. Obviously she didn't hear the part where he said he liked me. She got up and ran over to Matt who still had the same expression on his face. Violet threw herself on him and started kissing him. Am I kidding she was pretty much eating his face off.
What the HELL! Does she have no respect there is three other people in the room that don't want to see all of this eating of each others faces.

I looked over at the other two who were staring intently at me… my anger was building up inside of me.

"WHAT!" I screamed. "What the HELL are YOU looking at?"
They were shocked from the sudden outburst and jumped up.

"Look at your body!" the both screamed in unison. I looked over at violet and Matt only to see that the snogfest had ended and they were looking at me as well. I looked down and this time my body was covered with a blue aura with sparks of lightning bouncing off.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!" I yelled and looked at the others who were still staring and not helping me at all.