He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 20

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 20

I REALLY wasn't going to forget that kiss…it was like a movie kiss when the girl or guy grabs the other and boom kisses them.

I took a step into my room and then took a step back. Wait a minute did they replace my room!

I took a step back and looked left and right. I didn't see anyone so I stepped back in, looking around I noticed a plasma screen inside the wall…a cordless phone….a cell phone (sidekick)… an IPOD… a king size bed that looked like the comfiest thing you could ever lie on and that’s comfy.

The walls were painted blue with small clouds here and there and had a small fairy scene in the corner of the room directly across the bed. The ceiling had glow in the dark stars while the paint was black which also matched the thick dark colored carpet. It had everything I wanted in a room.

Exactly like I pictured it all my life, ok well not all my life more like five seconds ago when I just found out about it, but you get the point. The whole room was just gorgeous. I stepped out to the balcony and let the fresh cool breeze take me on a ride threw the sweet smelling garden.

I peeked over the edge of the balcony and saw Aidan in the room right next to me he was looking outside too but wasn’t out on the balcony like me. I could see threw the window that he didn't have his shirt on.

I drooled a little watching as the moon hit his bare skin making it shine in the moonlight. His skin looked as soft as a silk scarf. I had the urge to run my fingers down his chest, but snapped out of my day dream I was still looking into his window and glanced up at his face only to see that he was looking directly into my eyes.

I blushed and smiled, waved and got out of there as fast as I could. How embarrassing is that… a guy catching you watching him watching you while you are daydreaming about sexual fantasies?

I blushed harder thinking about it but instead went to the door pushing it open only to bump against JACOB! I jumped up into his arms and hugged him in a death grip. I let him choke a little before I let him go.

He glared at me and rubbed his neck "Nice to see you too! But you don’t see me trying to kill you in some sort of headlock thing."

I laughed and hugged him once more… finally remembering about my room. "Hey what happened to my room? Is that even my room anymore?!" I pointed to the room I just came rushing out of. He smiled evilly and shook his head up and down.

"Wait a minute why are you smiling like that? Something isn't right…" I looked around nervously and took a few steps back only to bump into a hard chest. I felt hands rest on my hips and looked up to see who it was. I almost jumped to see that it was ALEX holding me.

"WHAT THE HELL…STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU… YOU… FRUITCAKE!" I screamed in panic and ripped myself from his grasp. He looked startled and hurt.

"Star I'm not the same as I used to be and I'm sorry for treating you like that… my new girlfriend Viola taught me never to treat a girl bad and Jacob helped me understand things and I've changed for the better, but there is something that has been bothering me… and its to know if you will forgive me and be my friend…" he said in a honest tone. I looked over to Jacob who nodded his head up and down again like a bobble head.

I cautiously took my hand out from behind my back for him to shake. He looked at it and grabbed my hand bringing me in closer to him so he could get a hug. He swung me in the air and I laughed … I hugged him back as he set me down gently.

I heard a small grunt and looked to my right. Their standing against the wall was a beautiful girl she had short blond hair in a cute emo style and had big honey colored eyes. Her face was flawless and she had a distinct smell. It wasn't vampire or werewolf it was more of a sweet smell of flowers...roses…

Alex went over to her giving her a small peck on the lips. She smiled up at him and he smiled down at her. They obviously forgot all about me and poor Jacob. I cleared my throat.

They both looked over at me and the short girl smiled.

"Okay Star this is Viola my girlfriend and Viola this is my friend Star!" She stuck her hand out for me to shake but I looked at it and shook my head from side to side, she looked taken back but kept her hand high in the air.

"Hunnie, in my world we don't shake hands we give high tens!" I raised both of my hands in the air and she laughed as we clapped our hands together. We both even had happy dances.

We looked at each other and started cracking up I could obviously hand out with this girl. I laughed even harder when she started rolling on the floor clutching her gut.

I looked over at Jacob and Alex who were looking at us like we were aliens and laughed harder causing me to fall onto the floor right near her. We rolled around on the floor like pigs for about five more minutes until I heard a pair of feet shuffling.

I stopped and looked up only to see Aidan staring at me like if I was the looniest person alive. I quickly got up and started stuttering.

"Uh…uh...Yea…I ...Was…was…yea I'm going to go!" I quickly said and ran straight into my room. I leaned against the door and could almost see the confusion in their faces. I heard them walk away and peeked out the door. I looked both ways and shut my door quietly.

I turned around and came face to face with Aidan his hair was wet and he had on a silverstien shirt with a pair of dark skinny jeans.

His face was only inches away from mine forcing me to look directly into his eyes or look up his nose (which I was SO not doing)

I looked up into his honey colored eyes as he looked directly back into my chocolate colored ones. I could literally count all the veins in his eyes.

He had me pinned up against the wall without actually laying a hand on me. He continued to stare at me as I blushed.

"Why are you avoiding me?" he asked in a hushed tone never once blinking his eyes. I on the other hand couldn't stop blinking; it felt like a dream.

"I wasn't avoiding you I just really like my room!" I said all too quickly. I don't even know how I managed to say that, I was so nervous. I could feel my heartbeat quicken.

"Don't lie to me… I don't like when people lie to me…especially important people…" he said in the same hushed tone. He brushed his lips against mine barely. I shook and felt myself slowly thinking about him and me… and a bed…maybe a table… I snapped out of my daydream and found him still looking into my eyes… I really REALLY hope he didn't just see my daydream.

"Oh so now I'm important to you…" I said and smiled. I saw him blush as he just took in the fact that he just stated.

"Oh well why were you looking threw my window when I was half naked!" he accused.

I smiled and brought my lips close to his ear, "And why are you changing the subject!" I accused back.

"Because you looked at my naked body and did I mean LOOK…YOU WERE PRACTICALLY DROOLING!" He screamed pointing at me trying to prove a point.

"I WAS NOT!" I denied it although it was true.

"Then was do you call a dribble of spit that comes out of the corner of your mouth!" he said smirking at his comeback.

I didn't say anything. I walked over to my nightstand to pick up my new cell phone that was ringing off the hook. I picked it up and saw that Casey had sent me a message saying to get to bed because tomorrow I am going to have to go shopping with her Violet and Viola for dresses to a formal party.

I groaned and put the cell phone down only for it to vibrate once again. It read… And bring a date! I groaned even louder which led Aidan to come by my side and read the message over my shoulder.

"Bring a date for what?" he asked curiosity dripping out of all his words.

"To a formal ball…ughh now I have to find a date…and I don't know who to ask!" I said in desperation trying to give him a hint. I looked over at him and smiled.

"That is unless you want to be my date!" I smiled and took a step toward him causing him to take one back. We continued this until it was his turn to me pinned against the wall. I looked up at him and closed the space in between his body and mine. I breathed on his neck and kissed it lightly. I felt him shake bringing out a surprise in me. Did he shake or was I just dumb? I lightly kissed the same spot again and felt him shake again. I could tell he was trying to hold it in.

I smiled and kissed the same spot five more times causing him to shudder. I brought my arms around his neck and brought my lips up to his ear "What do you say? Will you be my date?" I whispered so only he could hear.

In one move I was the one pinned against the wall now with his body on mine. He picked up my chin and looked at me in the eyes "Of course… I was hoping you would ask so I wouldn’t have to..." he said.

He lightly kissed my nose and in seconds went out to the balcony to get to his room. I smiled and touched the spot he had kissed.

It was a good thing I haven't seen Glen. I went to my closet and changed into my pajamas getting into my bed. I was right this bed was like heaven…sleeping on a cloud…….and with that I drifted onto the best sleep that I haven't had in ages.