He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 22

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 22

We ended up talking about my training and everything I missed I was even filled in about Leah. I already didn't like her and I found out that she lied on Alex to Glen and that the person who Glen saw sleeping with Leah was in fact a shape shifter. Well the girls slept in my room and the guys slept in Jacobs. SLEEPOVER!


I was in a room. It was a dark room my eyes couldn't even adjust to the light. As if suddenly reading my mind all the lights turned on causing my eyes to loose focus and all I saw were dark walls.

As my eyes started to get back in focus I noticed that the walls were a bloody red color. I practically ran to them to touch the wet looking paint. I slid my forefinger across the wall only to reveal that it wasn't paint at all it was the exact opposite. It was blood!

I turned around to wipe the blood on something ANYTHING, but there was nothing else in the room besides a midnight dark corner on the opposite side from which I was standing. I was too afraid to go look at what it was so I wiped the blood on the shirt I was wearing.

Cautiously I took a few steps towards the dark corner. As I was getting nearer to the darkness I could hear heavy breathing. I stopped several feet away and started hearing the worst scraping sound you could think of. It was like an eerie scratching sound like when evil teachers sharpen their nails and scrape them across the chalkboard.

The pitch was unbelievably high and causing me to fall down trying to not hear. The scratching then stopped and I jumped up ready to fight till the death.

Out of the corner came out a leg and arm. Soon his whole body was out but I still couldn't see his face. He was covering up his face with his hair. Suddenly he turned towards me and started walking towards me grabbing a hold of my hair.

Dragging me by my hair he pushed me up against the blood covered walls. To my udder surprise my ankles and wrist were starting to get wrapped around by what looked like veins.

The veins were black and covered with blood. They looked mistreated and abused. I concluded that they were veins from smokers, alcoholics, druggies, and even wrist cutters. I tried to free myself from these veins, but that only made them hold on tighter. The more I struggled the tighter they got. I could feel my circulation being cut off so I stopped moving and inhaled deeply waiting to transform.

I closed my eyes and tried to feel the small gust of wind that lets me know that I transformed. I didn't feel nothing so I opened my eyes quickly and looked down at myself, nothing happened. Wait a minute that means I have NO POWERS!

I started to panic and scream, but was cut off by the veins getting tighter and a face in front of mine. I looked threw his hair to try to see his face, but couldn't see nothing but his bloodshot eyes.

He slapped me once across the face which caused darkness to fill up the room for about five seconds.

I felt weak and useless against this guy, who was he? He had a strong similarity to someone I know, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. WHO THE HELL DID HE LOOK LIKE?

He laughed evilly and started to kick me. He kicked me about five times letting me feel all his power. I fell against the wall and went limp. The only thing that was holding me up from falling on the floor were the veins.

I silently cried as he came at me with a dark looking evil. The whole dagger looked like it was made with one hundred percent gold and the handle had a weird looking symbol on it. From where I hanged it looked like a skull holding a dead rose in its mouth and horns coming out of the head. Underneath the picture it had little hieroglyphics that stood for demon. He jabbed the dagger in my lower stomach and twisted it causing me to scream a blood curling scream.

I woke up from someone shaking me.

"What the fuck you're screaming in your sleep and woke us up!" I opened my eyes only to see an angry Viola.

I chuckled to myself trying to forget about that horrible dream. I saw Casey chuck a pillow at me but it ended up hitting Viola right on the side of her face. Her face contorted in fake anger as she leaped off my bed and jumped on Casey who threw another pillow randomly and hit Violet in the face who grabbed about five pillows and started throwing them all over the place knocking down a vase.

As it fell to the floor I saw everyone try and catch it but missed. It fell to the floor with a loud thud. I looked around to see everyone's face filled with confusion.

I smiled knowing the vase was made of plastic. "You guys its not actually glass…its wannabe glass…IT’S THE OH SO EXPENSIVE PLASTIC!" I laughed as they all threw a glare at me.

"You could've told us I got a bruise and got smashed by miss I weigh five hundred pounds here!" said Violet who pointed accusingly at Casey who was smiling with triumph like a mad woman.

I laughed even harder when Viola smacked Casey in the back of the head complaining that she put her butt in her face when they were falling. They then started a who can smack the person next to them the most on the back of their heads.

After about five minutes of playing that game they stopped looked up at me and came at me like wild turkeys.

All of them lunged at me and had scowls on their faces. I was shocked from the sudden change of moods that I stayed in place which caused everyone to smush me against the bed. I gasped for air only to intake some of Viola's hair.

I managed to get them off of me in a matter of minutes and raced to my closet to find my dress to try it on one last time… and because we planned on playing princesses.

We all rushed to the closet and I was pushed out of the way so the others could grab their dresses.

I was pushed against the wall. "OHMYGOSH! Star you do not want to look at your dress!" whispered Violet. I heard the other girls gasp as I pushed past them I let out my own gasp.

My dress was in shreds some one came in my room and ripped up my dress! It was in pieces and there was no way to fix it. I touched the soft fabric and felt my eyes tearing up. I knew who did this and if she wants to play dirty I CAN PLAY DIRTY!

I tore the dress down from the hanger and grabbed it heading straight for Glen's room.

I opened up Glen's door without knocking interrupting a make-out session.

They looked up almost immediately, I could see Glen's shocked and questioning expression as Leah's eye wandered from my eyes to my hand that was holding the dress. She smirked and looked back up at me innocently.

I went over to her in seconds and had her by her hair. "Bitch! I know you did this to my dress. I don’t know when or how buy I know you did it your scent was all over my closet!" I screamed, I let my anger take over me as I felt my eyes changing colors.

I felt Leah struggle as she looked up at me with fear written all over her face. I raised my hand about to strike her when I felt four pairs of arms wrap around me pulling me back. However I didn't budge on letting her hair go and dragged her with me as everyone else tried to pull me away.

I felt a hand go on mine and I looked down to see it was Glen's hand on mine. My face was enraged with disgust as I felt his ruff hand try and calm me down, not knowing that I was getting even angrier.

He finally looked me in the eyes and must have noticed that if he didn’t get his hand off mine in about five seconds he would have been roasted meat because he took his hand off mine finally.

I saw another hand go one mine trying to calm me down too. I was enraged that he put his hand back on mine, but as I looked up I noticed it wasn’t Glen it was Violet. I let go of Leah's hair and tried to calm myself down.

They dragged me out of the room as Violet stayed inside. I saw her kick Glen in the gut and he fell over in pain. She then made her way to Leah and gave her a big punch on her right eye. I saw Leah double over in pain as she grabbed her eye and then Violet kicked her in the gut. I smiled to myself at the great friends I have.

Violet walked out of the room and closed the dooring turning around to face me with a satisfied smirk.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" half yelled Jacob. I felt someone make me lean on their chest. I didn't even bother to look up to see who it is since I instantly smelled his cologne. I inhaled his scent and calmed down. Aidan…

"She ripped up my freaking dress that I was going to wear to the masquerade!" I said with a pout.

"Wow, and that's why you went and did all that commotion?" asked Jacob with a grin.

"Yea that and because nobody likes her and I can tell she did something to all of you since none of you like her… so I was just getting revenge!" I implied while nudging my head on Aidan's chest. I heard them laugh and chuckle yelling out that’s it was true.

"Well what are you doing laying there on Aidan?! Let's go get you another dress!" screamed a hyper Casey who was trying to jump while Manor was hugging her.

I was pulled off of Aidan and dragged down the hallway with my pajamas on (they had donuts all over them) as Violet grabbed the car keys. I was thrown in the car and had slippers flung at me.

"Hey I have my pajamas on at least let me go change!" I screamed panicking.

"Don't complain we are all wearing our pajamas! That is if you haven’t noticed!" exclaimed Violet. I looked over at Violet to see she had on Elmo pajamas. Casey had on star pajamas and Viola had on snow pajamas. I grinned as I noticed we were going to the mall wearing pajamas…I mean what would the people selling me a dress think?

We drove into the parking lot and split up to different store trying to find one quickly.

I went in the first store I saw it was called OLA dresses. I ran in their probably looking crazy and didn’t find any dresses. Not even five minutes later my phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.


I ran toward the car after hanging up and almost got hit by some kid on his bike. As I got nearer I saw Violet zipping up the bag and putting it in the back seat. She had on a satisfied smirk as I heard the other two girls say it was the cutest dress and they wanted it.

"Aren't you going to let me see it? And what if it's too big? You don't know my size!" I shrieked. I got in the car seeing they weren’t going to budge.

After about ten minutes we were home again and we raced up the stairs so I could try on my dress.

I was shoved into the bathroom with the black bag holding my new dress. Taking it out of the bag I gasped…it was WAY to revealing!