He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 23

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 23

I was shoved into the bathroom with the black bag holding my new dress. Taking it out of the bag I gasped…it was WAY to revealing!

"I can't put this on its way too revealing… I'm going to look like a hooker!" I shrieked in panic.

I heard Violet laugh, "NO YOU WON'T NOW TRY IT ON BEFORE I MAKE YOU GO IN A NIGHTGOWN!" she screamed against the door. I quickly put on the dress not wanting to go in a night gown because I knew all too good that she was dead serious.

The dress slipped on comfortably and fit perfectly. I walked over to the full length mirror on the back of the door and looked at myself holding my breath. I LOOKED BEAUTIFUL! The dress was very elegant looking and showed off enough skin.

The dress cascaded down my legs and had a slit threw the midthigh enveloping it in a gorgeous red silky color. It had a slight hint of cinched sides on top of the slit showing off more legs. It reached the floor and was very flowy, very similar to the dress I had before.

The top half of the dress was exquisite it was strapless and had a solid red color where the breast are supposed to be. The belly had a lacey effect to it that showed off skin. The whole dress was just the best thing I have ever seen.

I spun around in place and admired how the dress flowed around me. I turned the doorknob to show the other girls but instead was hit on the forehead by the door being widely swung open.

I saw stars around me and took a few steps back to see Casey peeking from behind the door. She looked scared for a moment until she looked me up and down and saw how the dress looked.

"OHMYGOSH YOU LOOK GORGEOUS! ARE YOU SURE YOU DON'T WANT THAT DRESS BECAUSE I'LL GLADLY ACCEPT IT. THAT IS IF YOU DON’T WANT IT!" she screamed practically in my ear making me death for a couple of seconds. I grinned sheepishly and bounced around the room showing off my dress.

I was jumping on the bed when I looked around and noticed no one was in the room with me anymore. I jumped off the bed and opened the bathroom door only to see they were already getting ready. All of them had already taken a shower and were now working on each others makeup. I screamed and took of my dress placing it back on the hanger.

I went in the shower while they were surrounding Viola and turned on the hot water.

I had been in the shower for about seven minutes until I decided it was time to get out. I let the water slowly slide down my skin rinsing it before stepping out of the shower smelling like "love spell" from Victoria's secret.

I wrapped a towel around me and went into the closet changing into my dress. I towel dried my hair and slipped on my stilettos. I rushed to the bathroom and started applying black eyeliner around my eyes giving me a mysterious look. I put on a little bit of mascara and a bit of red eye shadow.

I grabbed my hoop earrings and put them on while Viola slipped on my red choker.

I was pushed onto the toilet seat letting Violet and Casey do my hair. It was about fifteen minutes later and my hair was finally done. I looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Wow with this hairstyle I could turn cocky!" I said smiling. I blew myself kisses in the mirror which earned me a slap on the side of my head. I groaned rubbing the redness that Violet just caused.

My hair was thrown up in a tight bun that let out the tips of my hair making them spike up a little. I had a few loose strands of hair that were curled hovering on my cheeks and Viola was currently cutting me bangs and straightening them.

I looked really different. About thirty more minutes later and we were all ready. Violet was looking sexy in her white strapless flowing dress with a gold strip around her waist. It reached the floor and looked kind of like a roman dress. It was nevertheless beautiful and her hairstyle was down with a few waterfall curls. The mask she wore was white and had a large feather coming out of it with a butterfly holding it in place.

Viola was wearing a light pink dress that wrapped around her neck. It had two different kinds of fabrics; underneath was a sort of silky fabric and on top was a thin almost see threw fabric. The dress flowed out the most every time she walked. The mask she wore fit her perfectly, it was made of wires that looked almost like twigs and had a few small pink flowers on the right eye. Her hair was straightened and curled out on the tips.

Casey had on a green strapless dress on too. It was tight on the top and started loosening up towards the bottom with lots of layers and cinches in different areas. Her dress looked perfect with her auburn colored hair that was up in a bun with bangs and small pieces of hair overlapping the main bun. Her mask was gold and had unique designs on it making it look elegant.

I of course had on my red silky dress ands red stilettos. My mask was red and had the same designs the dress had on the laced part. It had several feather coming out of the left eye and a few sequins on it. We checked each other one last time before heading downstairs where the guys were waiting for us.

Casey almost tripped down the stairs almost causing a domino effect good thing for me I grabbed on the rail which stopped us all from falling since I was the one in front.

We headed into the living room to see the guys weren’t there so we started walking towards the kitchen where we knew they had to be.

Viola was the first one to jump on her date while he was stuffing his face with Doritos. We all went to our dates and kept on being complimented on how gorgeous and sexy we looked. On the other hand the guys weren’t looking too bad either. Manor, Matt and Jacob were wearing black suits while Aidan and Ed were wearing white suits, looking spiffy!

Ed was in the corner practically having sex with his date who from what I could see had fake blond hair.

"Okay let's go!" I exclaimed grabbing Aidan and running out the door. I could feel his eyes on me the entire ride to the party.

As soon as we got there I stepped out of the car and flashing lights were coming from everywhere. I blindly walked across and never let Aidan's hand go since he was leading me toward the inside of the building that looked almost like a palace. People where screaming out different questions at me. Some where " Are you really going to save us?" "Is that your fiancé?" "Do you plan on killing the queen of demons?"" Where did you buy your dress?"

I was overwhelmed with questions but didn't answer any since I was being pulled into the doorway. Aidan and I stopped in front of the huge door and looked at each other smiling giving each other a quick kiss before pushing open the doors.

As the doors opened I got excited by seeing the different dresses and mask everyone was wearing. We stepped threw the doorway and everyone stopped to look at us. The lights dimmed and a spotlight was put on Aidan and I. We started walking down a large set of wide stairs as an announcer started announcing our arrival. I got nervous with all the stares of people I have never met on me. I was even surprised that they said I was they're queen.

When we got to the last stairs I was dragged to different people meeting every single person in the room. Jacob introduced me to many important people and my feet hurt horribly. What's the point of having a masquerade when I'm trying to see the faces of my comrades?

"Umm… Jacob may I go get a drink?" I asked seeing that Aidan was near the punch bowl looking bored. At least I think that was him…he did have on a white suit and white mask…well so did half of the guys at this party!

He looked at me questionly and noticed me staring at Aidan and smirked.

"Okay but first I have to introduce you to your bodyguard, he is meant to protect you at all times and has a special connection with you. You two are practically one person and can feel what the other one is feeling. Almost like a sidekick. He is devoted to keep you safe and his name is Nestor" as he said that a tall mysterious looking guys stepped out from behind him. He was stunning but nothing compared to my Aidan.

He had bright blue eyes and had an emo style haircut that covered his right eye. He was slightly muscular and had pale skin symbolizing that he was a vampire.

We shook hands and started talking, I found out he had a girlfriend and she was at his party somewhere but he couldn't find her. We hit it off really fast but only as close friends. Midway in our conversation a group of people walked passed us and I got the chills. Shuddering I knew something wasn't right.

I looked up at Nestor who was looking at the crowd that just passed.

"Did you feel that?" I asked trying to stop shuddering and look around. I felt someone else walk behind me and I shuddered even more. Now I knew something wasn't right because I also felt Nestor shudder too. I looked up at him and saw he was looking at me directly in the eye.

"Something isn't right.." I said looking around. I closed my eyes and reopened them. My vision was now almost x ray like only it could detect demons. I looked around the room with Nestor right on my tail. I saw a red light near the dance floor and another with the crowd that walked by us earlier. I blinked again and saw the two people that had the red light coming out of them. The one near the dance floor was a girl wearing a bright blue dress with tons of feathers. The other one was wearing a green dress that had lots of sequins on the top half.

I could easily pick them out of all the people here.

"There are two demons here one is the one by the dance floor wearing the bright blue dress the other is with that crowd of people and she's wearing the tacky green dress" I exclaimed motioning over at the two with my eyes. I heard him grunt and saw him nod.

"Okay you watch the blue one I'll watch the green one" he said dragging me to the dance floor. We danced two songs that were pretty fast and then the slow song came on. He put his arms on my waist and I put my arms around his neck never taking our eyes off the demons.

"Okay well blue girl over there just headed towards the restroom… what about green girl?" I asked. He chuckled at the names and spoke up.

"Well green girl is walking to the punch bowl and is about to get a drink…oh wait… never mind… some guy just asked her to dance… and now she's dancing with him… he doesn't seem to want to dance with her since he's looking over in this direction…had blue girl came out of the restroom?" he asked.

"Umm…no she hasn't Eww she's probably taking a dump or something… what is green girl doing?" I said. He spun me around slowly and I got a glimpse of the guy green girl was dancing with and I didn't like it at all…