He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 24

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 24

"Umm…no she hasn't Eww she's probably taking a dump or something… what is green girl doing?" I said. He spun me around slowly and I got a glimpse of the guy green girl was dancing with and I didn't like it at all…

I noticed the honey colored eyes that I came to love. There he was Aidan dancing with a demon and he didn't even notice. Maybe if he wasn't glaring at me and concentrating on himself then he would've noticed.

"Oh my gosh that's MY boyfriend … well not officially but still!" I let out an exasperated sigh and smiled at Aidan who gave me an evil glare back. His eyes were filled with pure jealousy and hatred.


By the time Star and I entered the ball we were ripped apart and now I was at the punch table looking like a dumbass. I was watching as Star talked with Jacob who smiled and pulled out a guy from behind him. I saw them stair deep into each others eyes and start talking as if they knew each other for a long time.

I became angered from the thought of someone else besides me making her laugh that way. I silently fumed as he pulled her over to the dance floor to dance to some fast music. After the songs they danced I hoped just hoped that a slow song wouldn't come on.

I furiously grabbed a cup and poured punch into it chugging it down one cup at a time. Grabbing some snack things I shoved them in my mouth chomping loudly on them. The nearest couple stared at me in disgust and walked away leaving me along alongside the punch table.

I was in the middle of smacking the food around in my mouth when a slow song came on. I gagged almost choking on my food and let it drop to the floor, casting more glares in my direction.

Star wrapped her arms around him and he … he put his arms on HER waist. He has no right! I grew angrier and became even more jealous giving evil glares at the couple before my eyes.

There she was looking happy and spinning. There he was happy that he was dancing with her. It disgusted me with full out power.

Well if she wants to play like that … two can play at this game! I put my punch down and grabbed the nearest girl who had on a hideous looking green dress with WAY too many sequins. She was nothing compared to Star, but all Star had to see was me dancing with ANY girl and I knew she would get jealous.

The girl in the green dress chuckled as I lead her to the dance floor in perfect view of Star. I saw the guy spin Star… right on time … we stared at each other eyes for a few seconds but that’s all I needed to know. That she saw us.

She spun around casting her eyes in my direction… I brought the girl closer to me and kept dancing. I saw a hint of jealousy in her eyes as she was spun again. She said something to the guy she was dancing with as he turned around to look at me. She smiled… from what I see looked like a cocky one. I glared back at her and did something I didn't think I would do.

I was doing it without wanting to…someone was controlling me. I looked down at the girl I was dancing with and noticed her eyes were now a green nymph color. Shocked, I couldn't move she was controlling me and was leading me to the restroom hallways.

As we approached the restroom the door swung open revealing another nymph who was singing a song in a harsh whisper which I think was what was leading me towards her.

I bent down as soon as approached her and raised my head looking directly into her fish eyes. She started bending down as the other one started singing. Their voices filled with grace and beauty. I closed my eyes letting the sound vibrate into my ears, I felt my body go limp and fall to the hard ground.

I could now smell the nymph demons they smelled of rotting fish and strong seaweed that has been eaten and thrown up. The smell it self was utterly disgusting as I silently gagged.

I knew my mind was awake now but I still couldn't move my body better yet the only thing I could do was open my eyes. The blue nymph slipped her hands under my neck and brought her mouth to my neck revealing sharp point teeth, almost piranha like.

I could feel her breath against my neck and bite in. I wanted to scream out in pain but I couldn't even do that. I screamed in my head and felt her smirk against my skin. She bit in even deeper and started to suck my blood out dry.

I started loosing my vision blacking out here and there. There was only a pint of blood left in me or so and I was starting to loose consciousness. I may be a werewolf but I need blood and fast.

I felt her being ripped from my neck and saw her flying towards the wall hitting it hard and landing making her neck crack. I looked at her disgustingly as she lay lifeless against the wall. I felt myself being turned over and was staring directly into the now pink eyes of Star and then I lost consciousness.


I silently cursed myself as I knew I was too late. Here in my arms laid a lifeless Aidan. I clutched him with dear life and prayed that he was still alive.

"Here let me check his pulse..." said Nestor bending down and checking his radial pulse. He looked at me with sorrow "He is still here just barely we need to get him blood and quick!

I smiled with hope as I felt slimy claws dig into my shoulders. I gasped not showing how much pain it was causing me she dug her nails deeper into me and my body fell limp for a few seconds. She was ripped away by Nestor who had her pinned on the wall and was taking out his weapon with the other hand.

He took a blade out and slashed her neck. Her neck rolled off her body and on to the floor landing next to a flower pot.

"Thanks" I said barely smiling as I though about how vulnerable Aidan was at the moment. I felt my wounds start to heal and heard people behind me using their cell phones calling for an ambulance. I touched his wrist and his pulse was even fainter and slower.

I didn't know what to do so I brought my wrist to my mouth and bit into it enough to draw a little bit of blood. The red liquid almost looked silky running down my wrist. Carefully I arranged my wrist on top of his mouth letting only two drops go in before removing my hand and kissing it, letting my hand quickly heal. I learned from Aidan that if I were able to give my blood to two people that I choose I would be able to make them almost invincible they however can only get two drops because if there is more blood added they could die.

Aidan was my first choice so far, but if anyone else tried to drink my blood without my consent they would explode leaving nothing but dust. I felt his pulse and noticed it had gotten stronger and faster.

I looked at his face and ran my hand down his cheek. He fluttered his eyes opened and looked directly into my eye.

He was going to say something but the sound of an ambulance and emergency specialist overthrew him. The four guys picked him up off of the floor and put him on a stretcher with me following behind them.

"Clean them up!" I yelled over to Jacob and Violet. They nodded and went to go do something with the nymph bodies. Walking past everyone they started bowing down and whispering things like wow she really is strong.

I tried to get into the ambulance with them, but they denied my request since I would just take up space.

"Sorry you don't fit" said the guy putting an IV into Aidan's body. I felt someone tugging on my arm and turned around.

"Come on I'll take you in my car" spoke up a now worried Nestor. He had a girl clinging to his arm smiling at me with a great smile. I assumed this was his girlfriend. We ran to his car and got in speeding away into the night.

About five minutes later we were inside the hospital made especially for mystical creatures.

"Umm… I'm looking for a guy named Aidan." I told the lady at the reception desk.

"Do you have his last name honey? I need his last name." she croaked. Now that she mentions it I never asked him for his last name.

"I don't know his last name" I replied stupidly.

"Excuse me Mrs. Receptionist lady but do you know who this is? This is the one who was chosen to save our kind! Star…" he said grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me a little.

The receptionist's eyes grew wide and she started typing on the computer. "There is only one Aidan registered and he is in room B243" she exclaimed handing me a paper and pen.

I looked at the paper and pen confused, "Umm what is this for?" I asked wiggling the paper around.

She looked at me almost disappointed, "Oh I'm sorry I thought you did autographs!" She exclaimed reaching over to take the pen and paper. I was utterly surprised someone wanted my autograph.

"NO! Sorry I didn't know you wanted my autograph, I will surely give you one!" I exclaimed in an all too happy tone. Quickly I signed the paper and handed it to her.

We went into the elevator to go to the second floor. I watched as the little light stopped on the second floor and the doors opened. I walked quickly looking at the doors B233…B240…B243. I glanced at the door before walking in quietly.

There he was lying on a bed with an IV of blood injected into him. He glanced at me and then looked at the wall.

I walked over to him and looked down at him happy that he was alive. He wouldn't look up at me at all. I bend down to give him a kiss on the lips but he bent his head to the side making me kiss his cheek. Hurt I stepped back causing him to look at me directly into the eye. He was also hurt I can feel it … I can see it in his eyes.

I took a step forward bending my head towards his he tried to look the other way but I grabbed his face keeping it straight. I brushed my lips against his before crashing them down onto his. He didn't respond until after about five seconds. He put his arms around my head bringing me closer to his.

"Hey is he…..woah…" interrupted Nestor who looked at the wall with red cheeks."Seeing that he is better I'll be waiting outside" he exclaimed still not making any contact and stepping outside.

"Why is HE here?!" asked a now furious Aidan. I smiled…he was jealous!

"Are YOU jealous?" I asked smirking; he looked at me stupidly and frowned. "I don’t know what do YOU think! You were dancing and talking with him the whole time! Didn't even care to talk to poor fucking Aidan drinking his FUCKING punch!"

"I can explain… you see he is my body guard. His duty in life it to protect me. Jacob introduced us and its true because we can talk to each other threw our thoughts that no one else can hear. So it is much easier to make out plans to beat the enemy. He will be fighting side by side with me he is more of like a side kick." I explained. Aidan scowled at me and mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"What did you say?" I asked looking curious.

"I said …nothing…it doesn't even matter." He said looking at me.

"No really I want to hear what you said!" I practically yelled, I was confused by the way he was acting; he was actually being sincere and not fooling around like how he normally does.

Looking at me directly in the eye he spoke, "I said why do you need him as a body guard… I should be your only body guard! I don't want someone else risking there life for you if it is me who wants to protect you..." he barely whispered the last part.

I was shocked… he WAS jealous! "Wait do you think I like him?" I asked knowing the answer. He stayed silent giving me the answer. "I DON'T LIKE HIM OKAY and if I could choose who would be my body guard it would be you! Even though I wouldn't want you to risk your life for me…"

He lifted himself and sat up against the headboard of the bed scooting over. He patted the empty space next to me and I went over and laid there next to him with my head on his chest. Listening to his breathing I calmed down and snuggled closer to him. He wrapped his muscular arms around me making me feel safe.

"Did you choose me as one of the persons to give your blood to?" he whispered in my ear causing me to shiver.

"Yes…" I responded. He lifted my chin off his chest and forced me to look into his eyes and giving me a quick kiss on my lips.

"Oh and about that guy… he can be your body guard, but on one condition you have to be my girlfriend and buy me a cookie!" I smiled and lifted my hand. I guess he thought I was going to kiss him since he closed his eyes… I smiled and smacked him on his forehead.

"HEEEYYY! What was THAT for?" he whined rubbing his forehead. I snuggled closer to him.

"Hey! Sttooooop-" he yelled, but was too late I heard a large thud and looked down at the floor. I had pretty much thrown him on the floor. He glared up at me as I started cracking up. I grabbed my stomach which started aching for laughing so hard.

I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me off the bed causing me to stop laughing. I waited to hit the hard ground, but instead fell lightly on something soft and fleshy. I opened my eyes and let out a breath that I didn't notice I was holding in.

I was now on top of Aidan who looked fairly happy. He rolled over so that he was on top of me. He put his hands on both sides of my face and bent down kissing me on the lips first and slowly making his way down to my neck. He kissed my jaw line and made it to my neck where he laid small kisses everywhere.

I giggled at the feeling and clutched him tighter; his body against mine was the best feeling. I felt him smile against my skin; it let out the wolf in him. He rushed back to my lips and kissed with so much passion. I kissed back with just as much passion maybe even more. So there we were on a hospital floor about to Chaka Chaka (that’s what sex means in my head lol) when the door swings open with a nurse looking at us embarrassed as we scramble to get up.

I tried to fix my hair and straightened out my clothes hiding behind Aidan who was just as red as me only he was smirking.

"Uh … you can go home seeing as your perfectly fine" she mumbled. "But first you have to drink this glass of blood before you go" She set down the glass on the nearest table and practically ran out.

I smiled at him and watched him drink down the blood. He gulped down the last drop and licked him lips grabbing his Tux jacket and putting it on.

"By the way you look beautiful in that dress" I glanced down at myself forgetting I was even wearing the dress and smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and walked out with me.

I looked in the waiting room and saw Nestor and his girlfriend in a full out making session. They were lucky no one else was in the room with them. I cleared my throat loud enough for them to hear and they ripped apart doing the exact same thing we just did when the nurse walked in on us.

"Yea we can go now just drop us off back at the ball place because I need to find out some things… okay" I smiled forcibly knowing something was going to happen as soon as we got there. I grabbed the bottom half of my dress and ripped it letting me move around better.

Walking out I went over to the receptionist and asked if she had a two pairs of flat shoes. One for me and one for Nestor's girlfriend. She happily gave us a pair of lost and found ballet flats. We put them on and left the heels with her in exchange for the ballet flats.

"You guys I know that as soon as we get there something is going to happen and people may die, I have a feeling they weren’t the only demons there I sensed a demon above us on the roof who was pretty strong and has probably called for back up. I know you felt it too" I glanced over at Nestor who nodded. I next to me at Aidan who smirked cockily at me (that was his I'm ready to fight face) and Lace (Nestor's girlfriend) who grinned at me I could already tell she was a dragon since her eyes turned lizard like. We walked out of the hospital and into the car readying ourselves for what was to come.