He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 25

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 25

"You guys I know that as soon as we get there something is going to happen and people may die, I have a feeling they weren’t the only demons there I sensed a demon above us on the roof who was pretty strong and has probably called for back up. I know you felt it too" I glanced over at Nestor who nodded. I next to me at Aidan who smirked cockily at me (that was his I'm ready to fight face) and Lace (Nestor's girlfriend) who grinned at me I could already tell she was a dragon since her eyes turned lizard like. We walked out of the hospital and into the car readying ourselves for what was to come.

We were now down the street of where the masquerade was held. "Stop the car!" I forced out. I could already start smelling the blood of both demons and vampires and werewolves. I jumped out of the car with everyone close behind me. Blinking I transformed into my armor and took out my giant switchblade when I saw a ugly demon with horns coming at me I sliced threw him in seconds and ran silently towards the ball.

I smelled so much blood and started seeing bodies on the floor most were demons but some were other creatures like fairies, vampires, werewolves and witches. Most of our comrades that were on the floor were either dead or dying. Gasping at the horrific sight in front of me I sped my way towards the entrance where a demon body came flying at me. It held a demonic scowl on its face as it was in the air. I lifted my blade mere inches and sliced it in half.

I stood in the doorway cautiously with Aidan and Nestor beside me. "Nestor I want you to take care of your girlfriend!" I screamed.

He looked at me almost thankfully before standing in front of Lace. She looked up at him with her eyes shimmering. I turned around only to see a witch with horns coming out of her head lunging at me. I screamed since I had no time to react. Aidan jumped in front of me and punched the evil looking thing letting his hand go threw her whole body. She exploded into thin air as Aidan turned back towards me with a cocky grin. He slipped inside motioning for the rest of us to follow.

Inside the building was even worst than the outside. All you saw where demons and our comrades fighting. Everywhere you saw either blood or someone getting their head ripped off was in view. The bodies usually didn't turn to dust until five minutes after death.

"Alright SPLIT UP I want you to help as many people as possible! AND kill ALL THE DEMONS!" I shouted as I charged down the steps killing any demons that came at me. Several times there were more than ten demons coming at me but with one swipe of my blade they were on the floor exploding.

I was too busy swiping my blade at a witch. I didn't notice the five horned demon dashing at me with amazing speed. The demon tackled me to the floor as I looked around for my blade which landed on the far side of the room. He tried to bite down on my neck but with a little push from Viola he toppled over landing on his feet hissing at both of us.

"Alright Viola I can handle this, go help someone else!" I yelled over the roar of demons. She glanced at me and nodded flying over to from what I saw was Violet being pinned to a wall. I wiped the dribble of spit that came out and started walking away knowing it was making the demon angry.

I heard it grunting in anger and heard strong fast stomps coming at me … without looking behind me I threw two small spinning blades at him. I waited to hear a sound I was listening for. Seconds later I heard a loud thud and knew instantly I had hit my target.

Hearing a blood curdling scream I looked to my right glancing near the punch table in the corner. There were two girls about my age and two guys. It seemed they were couples since the guys were trying to defend the girls from about three dozen demons. I took out two kunai and threw them at two demons coming at me and ran to the group of demons that cornered the teens. I took out my other blade and threw it at them making sure to do it at an angle so it wouldn’t hit the teens. The blade hit almost half the demons and came right back to me where I caught it and threw it in Aidan's direction since he was about to get attacked from behind.

It sliced threw the demon quickly and came right back into my hand spinning. Aidan looked gratefully at me as I waltzed over to the crowd of demons now surrounding the teens again.

"HEY STUPIDS LOOK AT ME …LOOK AT ME!" I screamed on the top of my lungs bouncing around trying to get them to look at me. More than half of them turned and looked at me starting from the left I worked my way to the right getting most of them.

"HEY DON'T LOOK HER IN THE EYES! YOU'LL DIE IF YOU DO!" screamed the ugliest one. They all darted their eyes in different directions and came at me. I smirked to myself knowing that it wasn't the only eye technique I had. I skillfully blinked my eye and shot lasers from my eyes at six different targets without actually looking at them. As they dropped dead the others looked at me in horror and the teens took this as an opportunity to attack from behind.

I knew they could handle it now considering the girls got confidence and were actually fighting better than the guys. It's great what eye lasers can do!

I looked around and saw Aidan had beaten his group and was slightly jogging over to me while killing any that were near him. Soon everyone was by my side panting and covered in blood. We decided to split up again considering the fact that Violet, Casey, Viola, Jacob, Matt, Manor, Ed, Glen and that whorish bitch Leah were still fighting.

I went over to help Jacob since Violet and Casey were fighting side by side, they were doing pretty good. That’s what I call team work!

I ran over to Jacob who was about to drop down. He was covered in sweat and blood and looked about ready to fall down on the floor. I got in front of him just as a demon slashed his arm causing three large gashes on his arm. He screamed out in pain and fell to the ground gripping his arm. I took out my daggers and spun around with them each in one arm I hit all of the demons around us and helped Jacob off the floor.

Violet came running to me and looked about ready to cry. "Here give me him I'll take care of him!" she said looking at the wounds he got that were healing but just a little bit slower. Good thing he made us drink some potion that helps the demon poison from spreading in our bodies before we left the house!

She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and helped him stand up while they pretty much gazed into each others eyes. I ran over to Casey and Manor who were fighting about a dozen demons and handed them my daggers one for each. They gratefully took them and started killing more easily.

Viola was helping Matt out and Ed was on his last demon. Glen was fighting with Leah and seemed to be doing fine so I ran to where Aidan was laying on the floor trying to catch his breath. He looked up at me tired and I felt a strong force come from behind me. Turning around slowly I looked up the stairs and saw an outline of a girl. She stepped out of the darkness and screamed out to everyone "MY NAME IS VICKIE AND I HELPED SAVE OUR KIND!" she pumped her fist in the air and woo hooed a bit more.

I had seen her when I entered she really did kick butt. I chuckled but soon gasped and screamed out to her "LOOK OUT … BEHIND YOU!" she turned around but it was too late she was stabbed in the stomach and rolled down the dozen flight of stairs. The room grew silent and all you could hear was the fleshy body falling on the floor with a hard thud. I can't believe it I just witnessed a death of one of my comrades even though I didn't know her she did help us kill the demons.

My eyes that were already pink started changing I could feel it. Aidan stood up and was staring at me in awe.

"What?!" I asked

"YOUR EYES ARE CHANGING COLORS TO BLUE!" he practically screamed in my ears. I rubbed my ears and looked down at my clothing I was now wearing a white four pointed skirt with leggings and had on white ballet flats. My weapons were still in tack only they looked stronger and were white. My shirt was a white tank top with small jewels on them and I looked behind me only to see the biggest wings. The only new thing I saw on me was three white feathers that were attached to my hem on the skirt.

For some reason I knew I had to use them for something. I stretched out my wings and flew to the top of the staircase; I immediately knew that this evil woman standing before me was the queen of demons. She was in her human form right now I just hope she wouldn’t transform. She snarled at me and jumped up at me with a large sword she swung and I barely dodged it. She cut up a small cut on my shirt, I needed my blade. I looked on the floor and saw Aidan running to get it.

I was rammed and hit the wall hard, but got up just as fast throwing a dagger at her, the dagger missed and she dodged it. I guess she didn't know it was like a boomerang because she smirked and came at me but the dagger was faster. It went right threw her stomach and landed in my hand carefully. She stumbled a bit and I screamed down to Aidan "Throw me my blade!" He huffed and threw the blade up in the air with me catching it perfectly. Some of my comrades where still fighting but most of them were on the floor tired.

Blood dribbled out of the woman's mouth and she scowled at me licking it back. I took out my blades and kept swinging at her. Luckily I hit her only one time. Cutting off her leg she gasped but kept fighting, I had to admit she was strong. She wrapped her hands together and releases them only to show a bright red glowing ball. I did the same revealing a blue lightening ball we both took a step back and threw it at each other.

They collided with each other causing a huge blinding light. I couldn't keep my eyes opened and heard an angelic voice in my head….use a feather to save your friends! I grabbed a feather and ripped it off throwing it quickly to the direction I heard my friends screaming. Soon I didn't hear any screaming and instead was hit with a huge powerful impact that sent me flying towards the fountain. I felt something stab my back and looked down only to see the fairies wand on the fountain had gone completely threw me.
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Sorry for not postin any chapters yesterday ill make it up to you by posting four today !