He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 26

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 26

They collided with each other causing a huge blinding light. I couldn't keep my eyes opened and heard an angelic voice in my head….use a feather to save your friends! I grabbed a feather and ripped it off throwing it quickly to the direction I heard my friends screaming. Soon I didn't hear any screaming and instead was hit with a huge powerful impact that sent me flying towards the fountain. I felt something stab my back and looked down only to see the fairies wand on the fountain had gone completely threw me.

Blood leaked out of me and onto the fountain where it became almost acid like and vanquished some of the stone. The stone disinigrated and I was free. I growled softly and ran towards her with weapons covering my hands. I was 4 feet away so I threw all my weapons at her hitting her directly in several different spots.

She stumbled a little but wasn't actually hurt by it she was strong so I did the next thing I could think of I hurled my body towards her making us roll onto the floor and down the huge flight of stairs hoping just hoping I landed on top once we stopped. I felt the huge pain of the stairs corners on my body, but I still didn't give up and kept throwing punches and slamming her head against the stairs.

We got nearer to the last stairs but flew off the fifth stairs instead of going to the last one. Already I could tell that I was going to be the one on the bottom. We landed on the floor with a thud as my breath was knocked out of me she took this as an advantage and started punching me. I could feel blood trickling going down my chin.

I grabbed her hair and gave her a head butt. She got weaker and looked at me with hatred taking out a sword from the inside of her mouth. It was about three feet long and had a red jewel on the handle. She reached into her mouth and started pulling it out carefully but quickly at the same time. She had me pinned down on the floor with some small minions with horns that were pitch black. They grinned evilly and with every single one of them that touched me burned my skin but after they would explode and die letting another one hold me down.

I screamed out in pain as every little finger touched me; I felt a cold sensation on my neck and opened my eyes. There she was holding the sword to my throat and behind her was …Nestor. He was holding his sword up in the air ready to strike her.

"Don't you even dare!" she hissed. He looked shocked at the fact that she knew he was there and brought down the sword anyways. He stopped midway when she was suddenly behind him and he almost stabbed me instead. She pushed him to the ground right next to me and walked away from us until she was on the other side of the room she started running towards us at an inhuman speed.

She was only a few feet away now and then I saw something move on the ground. I looked in a few feet in front of me where the movement was and noticed it was Vickie.

Wait a minute I thought she died! She smirked at me and winked before laying back down looking lifeless. As soon as the queen passed over her she lifted her arm and grabbed her leg making her fall onto the ground hard. She got up and ran over to grab my sword sliding it over to me making sure to get the minions as well. I quickly got up before the queen could and jumped on her back grabbing the feather I had I pushed it on her skin with my fist and saw that it dissolved leaving a huge burn mark on her skin taking away her whole arm.

I knew I was supposed to use the last feather to kill her but how? I lifted up my sword and stabbed her several times and let my blood drip on her a little, leaving her paralyzed. I know it won't hold her down long so I ran over to Nestor who was just getting up.

"Look I don't have much time, but I know she's paralyzed and it will only last for about five minutes before she gets up and attacks again. Where are the others?" I asked quickly knowing my time was running out.

"They are over there fighting the last bit of demons. Hey look there's Aidan he's running over here fast." I looked over in the direction he was motioning to and ran over to him giving him the quickest kiss I could ever give.

"You have to put the feather on one of your weapons and stab her with it in order for her to die!" He exclaimed in a hurry considering the fact that she started moving a little.

"Okay I'll go do it right now okay and take this girl Vickie to go help you guys fight the rest of the demons and make sure nothing happens to her okay!" I literally screamed out before running over to the woman that was about to jump up. Nestor got to her before I did and gave her a good kick on the head making her drop again.

While running I grabbed my feather and stuck it on the tip of my blade making sure not to cut it in half and jumped up on her back and stabbed her directly in the back.

I pushed the blade in deeper as she screamed out in pain. I kept pushing the blade until I felt it go threw her whole body. She screamed horribly loud and high as she withered into nothing but a mess of dust.

I heard a loud screech from behind me and saw a winged creature coming at me. I guess it was the queen's pet or something it was coming at me too fast and I knew I wouldn’t be able to dodge it since my leg had fallen asleep. Nestor went in front of me and reached his hand out revealing knives on his fingers just like wolverine. He ran towards the creature and sliced it in half smirking he went back to pick me up.

"Come-on lets see if they need any help!" he asked letting me lean on him casually. We half jogged over to where we could smell the blood and looked around. Everyone was on the floor tired and trying to catch their breath the only one who was standing was Violet she was fighting the last demon.

She threw a kunai at it and it fell to the floor with a hard thud. Turning around she wiped the blood off her face and beamed at us.

I started walking to her before she could fall on the floor. Out of no where a demon was behind her and I screamed out to her "Violet WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!"

She turned around too late and the demon sliced her in half. I yelled out and ran over to her catching her before she fell to the ground forgetting all about the demon that was looming ahead of me. My tears slid down my face dropping on her arm.

"Star watch out!" screamed from what I could tell was Matt. I looked up only to meet eyes with the demon that was looking at me with pure disgust. He raised his hand and I closed my eyes waiting for the claws to dig into me but didn't feel anything.

Looking up I saw Matt in front of me holding the demons hands. The demon let out a large roar and flung his arms sending Matt flying towards the wall. Aidan took his spot and lifted his legs ready to kick the demon in the gut. His shoes had blades sticking out of them and he jammed it right into the gut.

The demon screamed out and squirted blood out before falling onto the floor lifelessly.

Aidan went over to me and looked at Violet with sorrow in his eyes. I lifted my wrist up and made Aidan graze his teeth against my skin to make a small cut. I made sure to only let two drops go in her mouth and hoped it wasn't too late for her to be saved.

She started trembling and I looked down at her half body her stomach and lower half were next to the demon and her head and upper half were in my arms hoping that it would work.

"Step back I think her lower half is growing" said Aidan with excitement in his eyes. I looked at where the demon cut her and noticed small legs coming out of her. Soon her body was back to normal with no scratches on it and she fluttered her eyes opened.

I had asked Aidan and everyone else to turn around while I tore off pants from a demon and gave her them. She quickly put them on and gave me a big hug.

"I can't believe you chose me as one of your two!" she screamed in my ear jumping around she grabbed Aidan from behind hugging him and still jumping around. She then ran over to Jacob and did what I least expected she kissed him!

She was still kissing him after about a minute and then broke it "Whew! I feel better!" she half screamed Jacob smiled and made her sit on his lap.

Everyone had gotten up and was now leaning against the wall all around us there was dust. All my other comrades had gone home already and Matt didn't seem to mind about the fact that he got thrown against the wall or that his girlfriend left him. He actually seemed happy.

He had brought me to a corner earlier to tell me he didn't like me no more that it was more of a brotherly love. I was happy that he was happy.

We all started going up the stairs when in front of us was Vickie again. " I am Vickie hear my cry!" she screamed and then bounced away into the night screaming that she wanted chocolate! I laughed at this and waved goodbye to her knowing it was probably not going to be the last time I saw her.

We went hand in hand basically sleep walking into our cars where we went off to our home ready to take showers and fall asleep.